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[Composite suggestion - poll] Haby001's pillars of Ideas

All-in-one Mod
First Person View and deeper battle controls
Cinematic and Camera Control
Realistic Deaths
Space Entities
Chat Interface
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 2:56:19 AM
I've been cooking this for a while it's worth the while!

You could create a mod (or implement it in the vanilla) that give the user the ability to use skins.

As I have read that many want a specific theme type in the game, and why not give the ability to change as they go? Having a file with all of the textures and models to implement them on the game instead of a full mod for each one? having a special button on the settings or a new one with "Mods" in it and let the user upload or load a set of skin/models that he prefers. Giving the user the ability to change skins, models, and some other stuff to look more like starwars, star trek and any others one likes.

For Example:

A user wants Star Wars and he uploads the skin and models to the game at the main title, then when loading the game you have the types of races but you only have 4, The empire with clones, the Republic, the Empire with stormtroopers, and the rebellion, each with its own set of heroes and race abilities.

First person view in battles and deeper control.

I would be awesome (in my opinion) to have the option to literally control a fleet in battle, directing energy reserves to shields, weaponry, engines and other places to help win the battle. Also have the chance that the hull breaks and some of the crew filters out of the ship, this would cause a lowered efficiency in the respective area the breach/lack of crew is. Or maybe just have the option to control one of the turrets in the game, that way the battle doesn't rely on algorithms and luck.

For Example:

You are battling with a cruiser against other 3 ships and you can't let luck decide the battle, so you grab a torpedo launcher and fire on at the smallest, but deadliest ship to reduce the damage taken from the enemy, then you concentrate on the main laser cannons of the large ship to breach the hull and reduce its weaponry. This would increase your chances of winning by A LOT.

More Cinematic and camera control

When I went on my first battle I couldn't see much of it as my scout was annhilated by 4 pirates, but what if you could control the camera and pan it as you wish in the game? what if you wanted to look at the impact a torpedo has on your ships, glare at the awesome art in the background or even look at the details of an enemy ship as it cautivates your gaze with its strong edges or soft energy cores? Most of the time I REALLY wished I could pan the camera at my bidding. Or even have a small camera that pops up when an enemy hits one of your ships very hard and you just see the crew scammbling in the decks or have a small mini-map of the ships that show the areas that are critical and have no hull or are breached.

For Example:

I am in a 5v5 battle I I just want to look at the explosions of an enemy ship receiving heavy fire, and with this I could. Then I would receive a strong torpedo on the back and my kinetic weapons there go critical and I could see the crew just trying to stabilize the weapons energy and suddenly a large explosion turns the camera off.

A more realistic death

The battles are an important part of the game, and in every battle I see a ship being destroyed I dont get the "feeling" of an explosion, I don't see debris or an explosion with the large engines flying away, or even the explosion sound doesn't sound convincing. Maybe some fine tuning and make sure the engine light fades away before the model does, makes it seem as it teleported!

Some terraforming outside of the game

Having an editors tab in the main page that allows users to create planets, solar systems, or even galaxies with color editors, terraforming tools, size modifiers, choosing resource richness and many others. This would lead to some awesome missions, challenges, or amazingly beautiful galaxies made by users, these could also lead to the creation of space anomalies.

For Example

You could create a galaxy that has 2 sides with an abundance of resources on each side and only one planet connects both sides and both of the races battle in this planet and each side of the galaxy has a huge fortified mega-planet to prevent the enemy from entering the inner planets. My point is, editing tools= user-made custom maps (cough*birth of DOTA*cough)

Space Entities

A great variety is at hand with this game but I was amazed that there were no special space entities present in the galaxies. I thought there would be black holes, comets or meteor showers; these entities would spice up the game by providing more research or dust input, others could greatly lower a planets defense, etc. I know there are unique entities in the planets, but these only affect the planets and not the solar system or systems around them

For Example:

You have a large army and a giant black hole is in the path between you and the enemy, you could attack them but risk being sucked by the black hole or wait for the black hole to move or the enemy to come to you. Or find a large deposit of space dust where you could hide a large armada near some enemy cities. and never be found unless they enter the dust cloud.


Maybe some predefault maps that help the players get used to the races and gameplay, or even to grasp advance techniques and not get eaten alive in multiplayer.

One more...

Adding a chat interface

Maybe too soon or not, but a chat interface and clan GUI would be nice, being able to create armadas, clans or groups with friends and random people and have gamer tags for each clan. Maybe later on, have a huge pre-made map with hard solar systems and have two clans battle each other to find who's the toughest of them all!

I will be adding more of these as they come, great game! but it could be much more epic than what it currently is!

Edit: Moved to the appropriate Forum
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 3:02:12 AM
I really want the battles to be more unique. I'm cool with the mechanics, though sometimes I miss my real time feel. More than anything my biggest complaint is that the battles are fought at the exact same vectors every time. It gets boring after the first couple.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 3:09:11 AM
Yeah. They look like the Battlestar Galactica Battles...and thats cool. But i want to "feel" the explosions. Debries and Plates fall of. Explosions everywhere, Debries floating around destroyed Vessels, escape capsules getting started (maybe not all Races because some want to die in honour...but others maybe want to live) and so on. Maybe the Vessel doesnt get totally destroyed but explodes in two pieces so that the ships breaks in the middle and floats around for the rest of the battle. A bit more differences.
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