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[Suggestion] Ship capture

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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 11:32:03 AM
As an old school 4X veteran, I miss a lot the ship capture possibilities we had in MoO2.

After some play with the alpha build, I think it should not be so hard to integrate this concept in the (already great) combat system. Here are some ideas on how it could be done simply :

- Maybe as some tactical choice in melee phase (> quite abstracted, but also quite elegant I think)

- Maybe as assault pod component to add on ship design

- Maybe as tractor beam component to add on ship design (> the cinematic should be quite great I think smiley: stickouttongue)

- Maybe as hero skill(s)

What do you think guys?
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 11:49:14 AM
I like the idea, just not sure how it would work with things like upkeep costs and fleet placement... It could defo work on the end of, say, a tactical card though. Id love to see it in game though, good idea. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 12:50:02 PM
Kruos wrote:
As an old school 4X veteran, I miss a lot the ship capture possibilities we had in MoO2.

After some play with the alpha build, I think it should not be so hard to integrate this concept in the (already great) combat system. Here are some ideas on how it could be done simply :

- Maybe as some tactical choice in melee phase (> quite abstracted, but also quite elegant I think)

- Maybe as assault pod component to add on ship design

- Maybe as tractor beam component to add on ship design (> the cinematic should be quite great I think smiley: stickouttongue)

- Maybe as hero skill(s)

What do you think guys?

There is so much i miss from MoO2

Where are the battle stations, orbital/ground defensive platforms?

Where are the miriad of little ship tweaking researchable and utility pods? Needs moar time warp facilator.

Additional ship types, building types, the long long struggles for galactic dominance, the 200 ship fleets that take up a half hour worth of battle, the fighters, bombers, boarding crews....

There is so much that could be bought over to Endless Space. Its in a desperate need of depth.

What i really miss however is the ship designer.

In ES you basically get to do nothing. You get an outfitting screen and it basically does nothing. The type of weapons you research go up, and ultimately there are like 10 things you can put on a ship. Nothing more. Nothing to tweak it with, no... just no.

I know it wont be a Nexus even if it gets some care, but damn i wish...

Without the different support/utility equipment, ship design is basically pointless in ES.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 1:04:18 PM
Its alpha with lots of room for the tweaking.

With the capture how will you deal with the ship though?

A straight Haha its my ship now?

Or will you be able to reverse engineer the ship components?

Or maybe both

As it stands it would benefit a lot from system modules which modify all sorts of stats.

Or maybe even different types of ships like envoys or traders etc.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 1:17:20 PM
Sadly i have to agree with you on everything Aerensiniac.

The whole combat and ship-design system of ES lacks at its current state the dephts which would make this game really awesome.

Ship desing is right now just upgrading laser I to laser II. and in the best case you have to change from laser I to rocket II because enemy X has ships with heavy shields. Then spend a few dust points on the ships that propably survived the first "laser-counter-ship" attack and here you go, you defeat the enemy sure as hell. because right now the combat system is such a strict rock paper scissor thing that in the end everything comes down to just three options you have. Kinetic - Laser - Rocket.

I really hope that the strict 3 weapons - 3 shields system is right now just a placeholder for something more interesting.

Space combat needs fighters, carriers, point defense, ship subsystem attacks, formations, EMP, disabling enemy subsystems and ship engines, boarding and most of all, in my opinion, it needs that velocity counts!

Right now it is utterly stupid that your Long-Range-Rocket fleet is flying straight to the enemy, thou having no laser or kinetic weapons at all, giving away the only advantage of their missles.

We need a system where you can command your ships to stay away from an emey, or try to stay in a certain range level to use their weapons at best efficiency. In such a system it would then be necessary to introduce fighters, emp and such things to counter high velocity rocket artillery ships for example ...

Okay, i think i talked myself a bit into it ... but thats just my 2 cents here.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 12:55:29 AM
Kruos wrote:
As an old school 4X veteran, I miss a lot the ship capture possibilities we had in MoO2.

After some play with the alpha build, I think it should not be so hard to integrate this concept in the (already great) combat system. Here are some ideas on how it could be done simply :

- Maybe as some tactical choice in melee phase (> quite abstracted, but also quite elegant I think)

- Maybe as assault pod component to add on ship design

- Maybe as tractor beam component to add on ship design (> the cinematic should be quite great I think smiley: stickouttongue)

- Maybe as hero skill(s)

What do you think guys?

I'd like to add to my good friend Kruos ' idea, that capturing a hero participating in the fight would be another plus.

That way you could choose to kill him or ask for a ransom to the faction he belongs too.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:43:16 AM
jazzmiq wrote:
I'd like to add to my good friend Kruos ' idea, that capturing a hero participating in the fight would be another plus.

That way you could choose to kill him or ask for a ransom to the faction he belongs too.

Yes! The possibility to capture hero would be a great feature to add!

ST has already said a boarding/capture concept would be a nice addition and it is something they are thinking for the future (post realease addition) : /#/endless-space/forum/29-archives/thread/14002-suggestions-and-wishes-that-we-are-tracking

Good news! smiley: smile
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