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Suggestion - Many Helpful oversights.

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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:43:47 AM
First off, i just got the game, 2-3 days ago, spend every spare hour playing the game, love it and can't wait for the improvements!

Now to my suggestions, Thees are just things i would like to see, along with some helpful advice that i had trouble with when i first started.

1. Improve the tool tips, namely the system improvements, when upgrading one it says -2 dust, this makes me think it will just take out 2 dust from my treasury, but in turn it puts a -2 dust to income on that system, it would be great if it says something along the lines of this -2 System Income.

2. Now this falls along the lines of structures and such but i would love to see one that makes it where enemy ships travel much slower in lanes connected to the planet where the structure is build but allows friendly and owned fleets to travel faster by stabilizing the warp way and such or destabilizing it for enemy. (also maybe a way to stop enemy from directly warping to your systems and have to use the natural warp lines instead, to allow more defensiveness of your controlled systems, aka choke points.)

3. A way to refit ships, for say a Scout and turn it into a Defender, sense the ship hull is the same, i see no reason why you couldn't.

4. Fleets in Orbit around owned or Allied systems will repair (0.5% max HP per turn when stationed) This will make it where they still heal and but using the intelligent tools and other support modules is will be faster.

5. This is my suggestion on how to implement on custom ship destines, This way would make it easy and fast, simple put each hull into sections, 3 parts, Front, Middle and Rear, simple when designing the ship you can select each one from a drop down menu.

This could also play a role of strategy as each section of thew ship could give bonus stats, for say X middle section is bulkier then others, giving more hit points and armor then others but making it slower as well.

6. Planetary Missiles, a simple system improvement that when a system is being invaded, 1 it can fire missiles at enemy ships at mid range stage to help the defending fleet or 2 it can slowly damage enemy ships that are in orbit each turn to help defend the system.

7. Add moon survey and colonization of other planets in system to the drop down menu of the empire view, I see no reason why it wouldn't be there.

8. More Hero classes, have a main hero class, aka Administer or Soldier, keeping the subclass limited to thees, so if your hero is a Soldier it will only have randomly picked classes of Commander, Pilot, Fleet Logistics (A new class) and so forth and the same for the Administer.

9. Exception list, this would be a list in game that you could put together that would have the AI remove unwanted anomaly on the planets, the anomaly on the list would be removed once the air has completed all other priority tasks.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 11:03:05 AM
3) There is a retrofitting option included right now, a bit hidden in the fleet screen. You have to modify the design of the ship you want to upgrade, have said ship in a fleet orbiting one of your systems and then you are able to use the "retrofit" button in the fleet screen for that fleet/ship. It just costs a lot of dust, but it is included.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 1:25:17 PM
Yes there is but, You can not change a Scout into a Defender, you can in turn only upgrade ships of the same ship design into newer designs.

Meaning, a Defender can only be upgraded to a Defender 2 or 3 and a Scout can only be upgraded to a Scout 2 or 3 and not be converted into a Defender.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 1:45:02 PM
I have looked over the list, 3 times now, i do not see any other then customization of ships, and i wasn't suggesting it, i was just giving my opinion how how it could be done.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 1:49:15 PM
jetkar wrote:
Some or your suggestion have already been suggested and added summary suggestion thread /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/13003-summary-of-suggestions-so-far-discussion

@jetkar, sometimes your answer is blocking futher discussion, i like the job you doing to collect the ideas !!!

, but maybe you should write which things are already listed and which should be still discussed, and it would be better if we would know where to go to discuss further on things which have been mentioned but have no threat on your list...

or maybe the devs can help here with an idea to sort and push further discussions ?
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 1:50:45 PM
Seldion wrote:
Yes there is but, You can not change a Scout into a Defender, you can in turn only upgrade ships of the same ship design into newer designs.

Meaning, a Defender can only be upgraded to a Defender 2 or 3 and a Scout can only be upgraded to a Scout 2 or 3 and not be converted into a Defender.

You are talking about the hull being the same. Simply change the Scout blueprint to the same layout as your Defender blueprint under modify and then retrofit.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 2:15:12 PM
ArrowLance wrote:
You are talking about the hull being the same. Simply change the Scout blueprint to the same layout as your Defender blueprint under modify and then retrofit.

What is the point of that?

What i am trying to get at is for say, i have 6 scouts, but i need stronger ships to defend(while still keeping the other ship design the same.), i could in turn refit them ships for a cost to change them into combat ready ships to actively defend my systems, instead of waiting 2 or more turns to build one ship.


I have one fitting of a Destroyer class ship and another fitting of a destroyer class ship, the first design i was testing and found it doesn't work, and i have 6 of them, instead of updating the first design with a name that doesn't fit it, i can just refit them with the other design.
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