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[Suggestion] Don't show irrelevant buildings in the build menu

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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 3:27:13 PM

The construction menu gets extremely busy late-game for new planets. I don't think all the buildings have to be shown at all times.


- Don't show moon-related buildings (eg. Careful Sweeping) in systems without any moons.

- Don't show buildings related to specific planet type(s) in systems that don't have that planet type (eg. Xenoturism Agencies).

- Don't show trade-route related buildings to Cravers

Or at least add some sort of filter. Or saveable build lists (like construction templates in Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance).

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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 3:41:59 PM
Agreed totally. There needs to be some way to cut down on the noise in the building menu. Filter by building type, sort by cost, hide moon buildings...

It probably isn't easy to implement, but it helps some of us make a decision easier. You can, for instance, show only the starship upgrade buildings and see if your system's ready to build the best starships that ever fought for your glorious cause! Some way to selectively hide certain buildings, show all, or show only certain types could help us to know what still needs doing, what might help the system be more productive, and what are simply the "must-have" structures that should be built or bought as soon as possible.

Also, an option to hide for irrelevant planet type would be nice. It should be a checkbox, however, because if you're about to terraform a planet (to, say, lava), it might be good to build the IV and V food boosting structure first.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 3:50:35 PM
I feel like sometimes it is doing this but much of the time it doesn't. Also I've never found the time or reason to terraform a planet.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 4:17:11 PM
lyravega wrote:
This has been suggested a few times already...
Best tell us. I best tell you.
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