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[Suggestion] Evolving planet/visible population

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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 5:08:35 AM
Hi ,

I quickly read the post here , but i don't see anything about planet that "evolve" through time... By evolving , i mean that a planet with full population will be partially covered with cities , like this , when you just colonise a planet , you'll see nothing , but when a Terran planet have 6 of population , you'll see huge city smiley: smile

And when you attack a planet , before taking it down , the city's will be progressively destroy , with big black smoke cloud due to fire smiley: smile

What do you think about this idea ?
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 6:04:36 AM
It's a nice idea, though the models would have to be really high quality to not look a bit silly. This may be why we haven't seen it before, I don't know if they are currently working on anything like this, but it would be interesting to see. Then maybe also having some unique buildings in there based on your planetary exploitation or something.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 4:03:27 PM
Yeah , i don't know if they're working on it , but i took the idea from Civilisation V : it's so good when you see a big city full of house *-*
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 4:04:30 PM
Your title made me think of something else completely. An anomaly called 'sentient planet'. It could be quite interesting!
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 4:54:59 PM
laptel wrote:
Hi ,

I quickly read the post here , but i don't see anything about planet that "evolve" through time... By evolving , i mean that a planet with full population will be partially covered with cities , like this , when you just colonise a planet , you'll see nothing , but when a Terran planet have 6 of population , you'll see huge city smiley: smile

And when you attack a planet , before taking it down , the city's will be progressively destroy , with big black smoke cloud due to fire smiley: smile

What do you think about this idea ?

Doubt you could really make theat look good and make sense. maybe, have the planets go dark (ie: show a representation of them rotating. Then show the lights from the cities).

Also you could show a polluted planet's atmosphere getting dirty etc.

but really all this is window dressing, neat to look at, but not important to the game. atleast imo.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 4:56:29 PM
I agree the game is already pretty enough and while extras are wonderful I'm much more concerned with multiplayer and balancing atm.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 6:05:46 PM
like the idea of "evolving" planets. hope there will be some "evolving" , especially when there is reacting events like disasters, attack etc.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 6:26:29 PM
I've thought about it for a bit, and I think having lights criss cross the planet when it has a high population could look pretty cool.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:11:29 PM
I agree with this! Think of the ways that the graphic for a planet could evolve with higher populations - shining cities (glowing lights on the dark side) and orbital infrastructure. SoaSE did this with their orbital cities and the flight traffic between them. That's a pretty abstracted system and I'm not saying to copy Ironclad, but for certain a build up of Urban sprawl would show the evolution from outpost to colony to mega-planet.
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