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Some suggetion for making things more convinient for players

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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 5:52:23 AM
Hi all,

I have a few suggestion after a few games, if it have been mentioned before please forgive me for being new to the forumsmiley: stickouttongue

1. Some kind of mark to keep track of fleets movement will be nice. Like marking those scouts at the first 50-ish turn in case you are too busy managing the colonies, or the grand fleet on rampage to see how it's doing. Everytime you click on the end turn button, instead of proceed to next turn, it will shift your focus into the marked fleet and let you manipulate it for whatever you want to. This feature will make things much easy for people like me who is quite forgetful.

2. Some kind of invasion alert. Quite often enemy just sneak in and start blockading system at the back while I'm busy managing the frontline. I had a few occasion where my enemy or pirate had been invading one of my remote system without me knowing, and once I have realized it's half of my ownership of the system's gone. Just a notification to tell the player that enemy ships have been flying into your influence area and blockading your system is good enough (click to focus on the place even better)

3. Making an option for your fleet able to intercept enemy's fleets who has passed by the system it's parked in. this will make defense much easier to handle. Or maybe even a checklist on which faction's to intercept and which don't to avoid conflict from factions you want to befriend with.

Those are what I could think of for the moment. I hope it's not too demanding and doable smiley: ohh
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