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[Composite suggestion] Suggestions/Design Isses

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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 2:24:18 PM
These are just suggestions on what I feel could improve the game. Obviously, some of these may be outside the possible scope of time for various reasons.

  • Move to a more phase based game model. Currently too many things can happen at the same time, which poses issues.

    -I would suggest putting movement at the beginning, or end of a turn, and have movement points be restored before the movement phase.

    -Combat should probably happen after movement is resolved.

    -Combat happens one battle at a time.
  • The ability to retreat. Too many times I have lost non-combatant ships for entering a system that had enemies after I had them leave port.
  • Sit-Rep summary, so I can revisit events at any point during the game.
  • Right click backs out of menus, which feels weird to me.
  • Esc does not open the menu to save/load/options/quit, and there is no tool tip saying what the key may be.
  • "Manual" combat feels random and pointless, and does not engage me. I would suggest having three layers of combat: auto, cinematic, tactical(Turn based, preferably); with the ability to toggle the option for tactical combat on for multiplayer.
  • Implement a custom cursor for the game, for that visual polish. In addition to this, add a busy cursor for when the end turn is being resolved.
  • Relic systems with guardians. Monsters, AI defense fleets, whatever. Systems that are an awesome advantage to have, and having to work to get them.
  • Heroes for hire leave after a period of time.
  • Optional random ship name generation based on size/class, and the ability to rename ship types to possibly avoid "Name" "Name 2" "Name 3" if the player prefers.

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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 2:34:38 PM
Some already suggested and linked here. With related discussion thread here where we can discuss it further

With regard to "Manual Combat" I will be looking to update this on the suggestion summary sheet
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