I would like to suggest implementing several new technologies, that don't fit any tech tree, and certain requirements should be met before you can research them. I can offer some ideas of possible requirements, and some possible results... this technologies are intended to be like achievements, not connected to tech tree or power of player's empire.

So, possible requirements, and possible effect of technologies:

- Having total population over 100 - technology which adds +1 to population cap on every planet.

- Obtaining special item from planet colonization (item is lost after technology is researched, but it can be traded, transfering the right to research this technology to buyer, seller can't research this technology if he sold this item), effect - unique ship or weapon design. Item can be represented by special ship, so it can be transfered or captured by enemies.

- Destroying civilization - technology how to fight better agains same race (bonus to attack and defence against them)

- Losing 10 diffent systems - guerella wars technology, next lost systems will be damaging enemy ships, until fully conquered by enemies (if there will be no enemy ships in system, it can even return to your empire)

Out of ideas what technology may follow such events:

- Meeting every race in galaxy (at least alive)

- Researching all standard technologies

- Visiting particular system

Ideas of such technologies are welcome!

While I was thinking about this, I thought that finding items in different systems is a great idea by itself, but I'm not sure if it can be implemented... Such items may not only grant access to new technologies, they can provide common technologies, add Dust, or population to closest systems... like villages in Civilization.