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[Composite suggestion] Ideas, Suggestions, and comments on how to improve the game.

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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 11:26:44 AM
Not sure if any of this has been said before but I have played a few games and I feel like there are a few things I would like to see. Loving the game so far. Hoping my experiences and comments are helpful....so far this is the best 4X I have played since the Venerable MoO2

Problem 1:
I have lost a few planets to enemies, especially pirates because at certain zoom levels you can't really tell that someones ships are sitting there and taking over your planet. and since the only defense atm is to send a fleet to counter them I found myself quite frustrated by this. I see a few possible solutions to this problem.

A. A ground combat system

B. The ability to build starbases or battlestations that can defend systems. (My personal favorite because starbasses are awesome)

C. An alert or Icon to indicate that a system is under attack.

D. Change the pirate color...the control bar above a star system looks too similar to damaged system that is safe and recovering when pirates are attacking it

Problem 2:
The Galaxy map is large enough that I often like to zoom out to get a good sense of things, however when you do this the background stars often obscure the actual playable star systems. Once again I have a few solutions.

A. An option to reduce background star density or tor remove them altogether.

B. Make playable stars larger or more apparent when zoomed out.

Problem 3: When you try to order a ship to go to a star at the bottom of the screen the fleet menu can get in the way and prevent the order.

Possible solutions.

A. Change the UI to have a command and control area at the bottom that doesn't place itself onto the star map much as MoO2 did.

B. Allow the player to use arrow key scrolling while a ship is selected. (If it already does this then I may be having a glitch)

C. Allow the Selected fleet menu on the Galaxy Map screen to be collapsible.

Problem 4: The Ship battle camera....this thing needs to be smarter or something.

Problem 5: Game will very rarely maximize correctly after a downsize.

Problem 6: This ones a bit of personal opinion but I feel like Colony Leaders and Ship officers should have separate pools, I find the choice of ship vs colony leaders unnatteraly painful and worrysome. At the same time I feel like the size of your officers pool should be somewhat dependent on galaxy size.

Problem 7: The far edges of the research trees are hard to zoom to I see two possible solutions for this.

A. Create a border of blank space around the edges of the research trees.

B. Allow the arrow keys to move the camera in the research trees.

Problem 8: Stars stop displaying star type after they have been explored meaning you basically have to learn the icons.

Now for a few fun ideas that I think might make the game more interesting.

Idea 1: Espionage: I think some form of espionage system would be great in this game.

Idea 2: More Premade Ships: I think the game would benefit a lot if the base ship models advanced to version 2, 3, 4 ect when you acquired certain technologies that way new or less experienced players have something to go on without using the ship editor as much. Additionally I think the game needs at least a base model for the researched hulls such as the Battleship, Cruiser, Ect.

Idea 3. Team Colored Ships: I think it would be very cool if your ships had some amount of team coloring in the battle scenes, this would be especially helpful if you are fighting the same race you are playing. It could be anything from painted decals, to engine exhaust color, to a more full body coloring.

Idea 4: Star Type effects: I think it would be neat if some star systems had anomolys effects like some planets do. this could range from abundant comets to strong solar flares.

All and all a great game so far guys I'm looking forward to playing more and coming up with more ideas. smiley: smile
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