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suggestion : more blockade efficiency when at war

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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:48:46 AM
Having searched for blockade and a few others keywords i havent found my answer so i'm throwing it here.

Colony ships moving throu blockades when at war with AI :

A - When AI is travelling with colony ships during their turn throu system you are blockading with your fleets (or system of yours where you have ships), there is no popup for spacefights, and they escaped most of the time if they still have movement points.

B - On the contrary when you are travelling with ships (colonizing ship) throu a system and still have movement points but land on a system with an ennemy ship, you are engaged.

While B is normal situation, A isnt normal situation.

War fleets and instant engagement pop-up :

Should two nation be at war, when AI is moving throu your territory but do not necessarily end their turn on your system, there should be automated pop-up during AI turn when they encounter any military ship of yours and where you are given the option to engage or not.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 2:04:42 AM
This is related to a bug in the current system (passing through occupied systems), and a fix is currently in the works.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:03:57 PM
PyroVortex wrote:
This is related to a bug in the current system (passing through occupied systems), and a fix is currently in the works.

Correct, this is a known bug. Since the OP's question has been answered, thread closed.
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