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Suggestions and minor faults

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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 5:42:15 PM


Having a raiding option on a hostile system would add more strategic play to the game. Raiding would reduce the system FIDS according to it's millitary strength vs the system's. At the same time it would steal a percentage of it's dust output. A Raiding module class can also be added.


An anonymous ship. One can build this ship and then attack any other player without diplomatic consequence. The ship should be destroyer class sized and a raiding module tonnage reduction (if the raiding module is even added).

Such a ship would allow the player to soften and harass his target before a full-scaled war.


This was mentioned in another tread but here is another suggestion. A technology that would allow the construction of the food exchange. It basically converts access food to dust probably a 2:1 ratio. I feel that such a technology should be midway through the diplomatic tree (the one on the left).


A support module that would be very heavy. The will give a percentage reduction of a weapon class. e.g Kinetic Gun-port, Missile Battery. Having such a module is one measure against the "one ship type armada" complaint.


Missiles are for long range, beams for mid and kinetics for melee. I don't know why the tutorial says it even though pretty much all I've seen was the stats "accuracy 1" on each weapon type. Maybe there is a damage modifier, I'm not to sure (If there is none, maybe it should be added).

What I suggest is more weapons types to fit combat strategies. For example, pulse lasers, a short range weapon type that deals beam damage or high-calibre guns, mid range weapon type that deals kinetic damage.


Currently the factor limiting one hero being everywhere in the galaxy is a cooldown for another transfer immediately after another transfer. Although this is a reasonable concept, it is a bit unrealistic and strategically simple.

I suggest having a shorter cooldown and a hero craft.
  • This craft would have a special avatar on the galaxy map
  • should neither be able to attack or invade
  • It should also be able to merge with a normal fleet in which it DOES NOT become the commander of, unless assigned. (to avoid triggering the cooldown)
  • If caught alone on the galaxy map, he may be injured without resistance by an enemy fleet
  • The hero craft would not appear in combat.
  • Relatively high speed. Speed can be increased by technology. (There is no need to make new techs for this)

I like this concept as it more or less allows heroes to get injured from carelessness. However, it might be simpler to just create an invulnerable and uncontrollable avatar to represent the hero traveling from location to destination.


I understand that diplomacy AI probably isn't the biggest concern of the developers right now but here are some ideas.

Tokens of Friendship

Sometimes it is easier to buy into the good side of your peers. Popular games like Civilisation and Total War had this concept and there is no reason why this game shouldn't. Simply giving things to AIs would increase relationships. And occasionally, AI of which the player has a good relationship with would give some resources, being allies would probably increase the chances.


Need I say more? Worsen the relationship to get what you want. Success would be your military might vs theirs.


Create a conspiracy contract with an ally. One notch below war, a conspiracy would cause the players partner to break all trade routes, reject all diplomatic offers and try to cause as much inconvenience to the target as he possibly can without waging war.

Defence Pact

The partners will join together at war if either one has been declared war against. Partners are not required to join arms when either one declares war on another AI.

These options are pretty much unoriginal and would probably be added without me suggestion save the "conspiracy" options. If the Privateer ship class is added, AIs will devote some production to building them to harass the victim.


Production of science and dust will run indefinitely. It will convenient if the game automatically shifts it to the back of the building queue when new items are added


1. When the 6th hero is hired, his tab is out of the screen and cannot be selected.

2. When the player's fleet passes a system with a hostile fleet is on, the latter might attack. But the player cannot do the same to AI unless he has already selected the fleet promptly hits the attack button when the AI fleet passes.

3. 5 digit dust transactions in the diplomacy interface will overlap with the arrows.

These are the minor things I noticed that can easily be fixed. Of course there is the "too many heaps" crash, the mass stacking of ships by the AI, silly building of infrastructure by the AI and so on and so forth. But I saw these already mentioned so I didn't add them to the list.

I hope this helps and that the UE team considers some of my suggestions.

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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 5:58:18 PM
Some or all you suggestions have already been suggested and a summary list of improvement is listed here. If you feel certain ideas not rasied or have fresh ideas then please refer to this discussion thread
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 6:17:23 PM
I just wanna chime in and suggest the option to continue playing after you win the game.

I just spent a lot of time preparing my assault only to win right away by taking the AI homeworld. kind of an anti-climax =[
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 4:25:55 AM
Good thread, definitely understand the hero complaints. They shouldn't be able to travel from one side of the galaxy to the other in a single turn. Depending on how many hexes away they are, should affect how long it takes to transfer. They could still transfer relatively fast if the fleet or system they were going to is nearby, however across the galaxy in a scout ship or something it seems silly to have access to them like that. Then there could be a 1 or 2 turn cooldown after arriving somewhere so not too much, just right.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 7:17:26 PM
I think that having to track a specific ship for your travelling hero is too much. But, they definitely should not be able to teleport. I have suggested a one turn cooldown for any transfer which is not same-system.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 7:51:56 PM
I like it how it is now. It isn't too abusable because you can't continuously reassign them.
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