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[Suggestion] Gaia planets?

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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 8:36:19 AM
I second the idea of a trait based system. That might be slightly harder to program but would be very extensible in the modding side. Theoretically they could also be exposed as a moddable item.
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 7:25:43 AM
nefloyd wrote:
That's not something that needs to be inherent to race/affinity, but would be good to add as custom race traits.

Things like:

Aquatic : +1 population size on Terran/Ocean planets, -1 population size on Lava/Barren/Desert

Winged : "Low Gravity" benefits doubled, "High Gravity" negatives doubled

Amphibious : +5 Happiness on Terran/Jungle

Heat Resistant : +1 food, +15 Happiness on Lava

Silicate : Max of 1 popuilation on Ocean; +2 population on Methane; +1 population on Arctic/Tundra

among other possibilities

You´re great smiley: biggrin That idea sounds very interesting. I think there are many more possibilities on that system.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 2:48:02 PM
swedewolf wrote:
Maybee more apropriate name would be NIRVANA planet smiley: wink

WOOHAAHH flash back to the late 80's.. woah man.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 12:20:13 PM
One morning the Craven Elder Benjamin Cricket woke up remembering a most wonderfull dream. He dreamt or maybee visited mentaly a place where all fauna and other stuff needed was replenished over night. Removing all need to move away when the place was depleted. He assembled all leaders from military, research and clerical for an impromptu meeting.

After finnishing his tale of his wonderfull dream all leaders was very excited.

He asked them what they thought if this and all was shouting ucontrollable so Benjamin told the Highest ranking Military leader to start.

"I think this a most usefull tale to tell young recruits so they fight harder knowing this will be there rewards when they die gloriously on the battle field."

Next was the High priest that anounced "This must be what we been looking for all this year. We must find this Holy planet. If u seen it in a dream u must be our holy leader for this search. I anounce you the protector of this endevour."

The science leader shaking his head saying "No no, you all wrong. This must be a scientific goal. We must put in all our effort to research this "Terraforming" for the glory of all Craven."

Just an idea I got. Tell me what you think of it. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 9:33:55 AM
Sounds interesting.. I might have to look more into this and maybe reply with some ideas of my own. Anyways great ideas you guys have, I hope some are added to the actual game.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 9:07:41 AM
Another Race trait could be Tunneler, as there are hollow planets in the game why not make a trait that make a race planet hollow. More room and better defence.

Also lesser the effect of planets topside badness. Its no bad weather underground eh smiley: cool
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 8:48:18 AM
Zenicetus wrote:
I like the idea, but it runs into a problem if there is a true artificial/machine race as one of the remaining races (and I hope there is). The lore would have to explain why machines can't settle anywhere they want to, and why they don't have a massive colonization advantage.

Maybe they rust easily....

A true artificial/machine race would create other problems, why would they need food?

How would it work with population on planets they conquer, or if you conquer one of their planets?

Would they go all Terminator on life forms?
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 9:42:28 PM
Ok I know its from MOO2 but as we researching many other advanced tech maybee this can be implemented or maybee also planet making of asteroids too.

But thinking a little more about it , GAIA would be different for every race. Maybee more apropriate name would be NIRVANA planet smiley: wink
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 5:36:44 AM
4x_Fan wrote:

Although it's not currently supported, it'd be much more interesting if the different races got different bonuses from planet types, and even better if it was situational. e.g. Cravers shouldn't develop locust points on asteroids; the reasoning being that there's often many, many planet's worth of rock in a system's asteroid belt ~ planets are, after all, mostly the result of multitudes of asteroids bumping into each other. Or Sophons could get +research off Oceans, but lose the +resources from jungles.

I agree +1, What I particularly would like to see (although more complex) would be the ability to define the tier I-IV worlds for a custom race. I was imagining creating a new race that enjoyed living in arctic worlds the most, and hated desert worlds. Wheras with the current system, a race would hate both equally. It may add more complexity, but if races got different bonuses from different planet types it could create very interesting ideas of the perceived 'value' of systems.

Hopefully if this isn't released with beta/final it will come in a mod or expansion pack. Customization is always appreciated.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 3:58:31 AM
I like the idea, but it runs into a problem if there is a true artificial/machine race as one of the remaining races (and I hope there is). The lore would have to explain why machines can't settle anywhere they want to, and why they don't have a massive colonization advantage.

Maybe they rust easily....
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 3:16:10 AM
nefloyd wrote:
That's not something that needs to be inherent to race/affinity, but would be good to add as custom race traits.

Things like:

Aquatic : +1 population size on Terran/Ocean planets, -1 population size on Lava/Barren/Desert

Winged : "Low Gravity" benefits doubled, "High Gravity" negatives doubled

Amphibious : +5 Happiness on Terran/Jungle

Heat Resistant : +1 food, +15 Happiness on Lava

Silicate : Max of 1 popuilation on Ocean; +2 population on Methane; +1 population on Arctic/Tundra

among other possibilities

I like this idea! +1
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 11:17:42 PM
Brilliant Idea.

I think there needs to be more of these kind of ideas, currently the game is good but it needs more personal touches to the faction.. There is too wide a scope in many ways for what you can do, the only real difference between the factions are how the ships look and the perks they have. They all lack culture is i suppose what i am getting at. If you think about ancient history many factions stuck to certain kinds of warfare, they had certain beliefs which affected the way their nation was run. You dont see much of that in game. I would love to see more politics brought into the game. Instead of these heros there should be move towards govenors for every system and a government which is voted in every 20 turns say which have good advantages and bad advantages, sometimes if you dont keep your people happy they will clamour for reform and lump you with a government with rubbish perks and so on. They should be more of a immersive touch and personal touch to the game which isnt present right now. I definitely think they should look into making heros as govenors and multiple govenors. One for each system.

Since you can build a faction these are the kinds of things they should have.

  • Government - Democratic, Republic or Dictatorship (Royal Lines)
  • Warfare Type - Guerilla, Battleships, Defenders and so on. I think that the battle system should be updated to allow more strategic decisions, not necessarily fully manual, however it is too automatic right now, you should be able to move your ships, try flanking the enemy and focusing on a certain ship type. If that can be implemented certain perks can be given to factions such as guerilla, meaning your ships are super fast and light weight and the enemy doesnt get a chance to use the long range phase when using geurilla style ships and so on.
  • Personal Planet Types - as stated above
  • Governors for all Planets and Generals for all fleets. They still have to be recruited and they are expensive but there is no limit. Currently i just chuck half of my fleets into battle because there seems to be no real attachment to them as a result of them not all having generals, i think this should be changed. They dont necessarily have to be as strong as the heros and heros can even be kept in as special units but i definitely think they wil add a bit more of an immersive touch.
  • Trading needs to be far more easier and clearer of what is going on and where, and trade routes should be shown and be able to be blockaded
  • Taking of just one planet in a system should be possible i think the current invasion idea is just a cop out, it is so basic it is untrue, its like playing a game from the 90's. There should be more detail, further more there should be the availability of special invasion class ships, giving once again a warfare perk as stated above such as Invaders.
  • Defense - I have played ogame a great many times and i have pulled this idea really from there but there should be defense's on the planets which actually physically destroy ships, they are not necessarily there from the beginning you have to build them in very much the same way as you build ships and they can destroy enemy ships. Meaning certain planets become more important to you then others in the system.

I understand that many of these kind of ideas can never be implemented at this point but who knows maybe they can or maybe some day they will bring out a mod utilising some of these ideas, but currently i dont see myself playing the game tooo much, its not immersive enough and therefore not fun enough, i know i will loose interest. Basically i want a space Total war game haha. all their features but applied to space haha.

As far as the immersive side of the game goes i think they are currently quite a way off, its whether they can incorporate some new features into it later on as to whether i think this will be a great game, right now it is just average to be honest.
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 10:46:30 PM
4x_Fan wrote:
An idea that the dev team almost went with, but didn't, is having each race have a "favourite" planet type. (Horatio & Cravers start on an arid world, Hssh on a jungle).

Although it's not currently supported, it'd be much more interesting if the different races got different bonuses from planet types, and even better if it was situational. e.g. Cravers shouldn't develop locust points on asteroids; the reasoning being that there's often many, many planet's worth of rock in a system's asteroid belt ~ planets are, after all, mostly the result of multitudes of asteroids bumping into each other. Or Sophons could get +research off Oceans, but lose the +resources from jungles.

Etc etc ~ if/when we get to crack open the resource files for modding, this is something I'd probably make.

I think that is a tremendous idea and would love to see it incorporated!
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 10:26:53 PM
That's not something that needs to be inherent to race/affinity, but would be good to add as custom race traits.

Things like:

Aquatic : +1 population size on Terran/Ocean planets, -1 population size on Lava/Barren/Desert

Winged : "Low Gravity" benefits doubled, "High Gravity" negatives doubled

Amphibious : +5 Happiness on Terran/Jungle

Heat Resistant : +1 food, +15 Happiness on Lava

Silicate : Max of 1 popuilation on Ocean; +2 population on Methane; +1 population on Arctic/Tundra

among other possibilities
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 10:15:52 PM
I might be nice if the different races had a prefered planetary environments. The Human faction would do best on Terran, of course, whereas another race could get a bonus on desert or ocean or barren worlds, or whatever.
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 10:15:05 PM
4x_Fan wrote:
An idea that the dev team almost went with, but didn't, is having each race have a "favourite" planet type. (Horatio & Cravers start on an arid world, Hssh on a jungle).

Although it's not currently supported, it'd be much more interesting if the different races got different bonuses from planet types, and even better if it was situational. e.g. Cravers shouldn't develop locust points on asteroids; the reasoning being that there's often many, many planet's worth of rock in a system's asteroid belt ~ planets are, after all, mostly the result of multitudes of asteroids bumping into each other. Or Sophons could get +research off Oceans, but lose the +resources from jungles.

Etc etc ~ if/when we get to crack open the resource files for modding, this is something I'd probably make.

sounds good to me could give a greater emphasis at terran or jungle or ocean planets instead of just being a ideal but inefficient planet type for a specific source of exploitation. This would give a greater reward for terraforming to top tier planets. heck a +10 bonus to happieness or a + 2 to 1 to a specific resource on a ideal planet would be alright.
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 10:04:43 PM
An idea that the dev team almost went with, but didn't, is having each race have a "favourite" planet type. (Horatio & Cravers start on an arid world, Hssh on a jungle).

Although it's not currently supported, it'd be much more interesting if the different races got different bonuses from planet types, and even better if it was situational. e.g. Cravers shouldn't develop locust points on asteroids; the reasoning being that there's often many, many planet's worth of rock in a system's asteroid belt ~ planets are, after all, mostly the result of multitudes of asteroids bumping into each other. Or Sophons could get +research off Oceans, but lose the +resources from jungles.

Etc etc ~ if/when we get to crack open the resource files for modding, this is something I'd probably make.


I agree: there's not enough "Lore flavoured" special systems. Given the lore of the dust, the virtual and the actual [alorethatisinalotofSFstuff], it'd be great if there were at least one unique system / faction, and it have enough special resources / great layout to be worth fighting over.
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