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[Composite Suggestion] Food, the Ugly Duckling 2.0, +Industry

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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 3:10:24 PM
If you move population then you will be in danger of starving the systems.

Well, maybe it's a good thing it works this way? Makes it harder to grab resources on the worst planets... (which from what I've seen are also usually the most powerful ones) and it's not that hard either, you only need to have 1 food / pop and build that cheap improvement that gives you another 1 food /pop.

What you're suggesting is far from being the simplest way, since it involves real freighter ships moving between systems. And it would break the game balance for the reasons already mentioned. Maybe if food actually transferred was proportional to the quotient of the population of the receiving system per the population of the giving system it could work...
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 5:43:22 PM
BlueTemplar wrote:
What you're suggesting is far from being the simplest way, since it involves real freighter ships moving between systems. And it would break the game balance for the reasons already mentioned. Maybe if food actually transferred was proportional to the quotient of the population of the receiving system per the population of the giving system it could work...


The idea would probably be hard to implement, but once it was, a player would simply have to create a transport ship, load it with freight modules, and then send it to a system that you want to designate as its home (pick up) system. Here, you would click a new button on the very empty Ship tab, and then it would have you choose another system with in 1 turn to ship the food to. From this point on, the computer performs the travel and drop off (turn 1) and travel and pick up (turn 2) automatically until the player actively clicks on the transport ship and cancels the transaction. It would not break balance because there would be a 50% loss. Most probably, a transport ship would be able to handle 2 freighter modules tops, and that is without engine modules which would be useful to reach farther systems. So if command is top, you could take a full fleet of 22 freighters and it would take (at best) 88 food and deliver 44 food. How is that breaking the balance?
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 9:31:25 PM
Hi All.

Pretty new on this game (a dozen games only) i faced the food issue very early in the game discover.

As it's been said here, food is not like the three other resources : once the system is "complete" it becomes useless (unless the end game tech discovery). For me, useless aspects shall not be in a decent 4x game smiley: wink

But you can't simply do things, gameplay speaking, which are fun to play but without any justification, roleplay speaking.

Automatically transfer exceeding food from a system to another seems pretty boring AND too much communist-like :-)

And, speaking universe coherence, even if planets are from the same culture/empire/dominion, commercial issues should be kept in mind.

You basically can't take food from exceed system expecting people would be happy. For the same reason, transporting people from a system to another is not very RP (it's already the case from planet to planet in the same system but it's the whole "system level" mechanic of the game). Or i guess this could be possible but with considerable damage on system approval. Finding a system which will equally make fun/RP/gameplay co-habitate will be hard to find.

The thing i really wanted to talk about was the original idea of DasKibby : how can you fight with empty stomachs smiley: confused ? Modern games considerably lack of practical issues : why does my hero of XXX RPG game not need to eat like old times ? Food could be a combat variable of fleet efficiency. This would introduce a whole new complex fleet material : cargo ships, necessity to secure supply lines, possibility to attack ennemy supply fleets etc etc.

But the real question is, as Alpha comes to an end, if it's still time to suggest heavily solutions which may requestion all the game balance ? Hope developpers will watch thoose threads !
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:12:14 AM
It always bothered me that 1 colonist produces all the 4 resources.

Why not go back to good old MoO 1 colonist produces 1 resource so i can really specialize my systems and freighters bring the food of the food systems to the rest of the empire.. hmm but that would be a huge design change.. if that is not wanted I would vote for the 4th point: distribute the excess food among the still growing colonies or: let me distribute the colonists themselves (like I could in MoO).
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 11:10:44 PM
4 already is in the game. You can convert food to production, and production to science; ergo, food to science at 25% rate.

6 (there are two 5's) is similiar to 1, and on your previous topic, I already said it is an OK idea smiley: smile

3, I believe I suggested this aswell.

And 5, I believe I was talking about one of my systems getting 4500 food- which is just ridiculous to me.

Most of these will be done with mods, I believe. I hope developers allow flexibility when it comes to mods.
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 11:22:57 PM
Thank you for noticing that smiley: stickouttongue

As to 4, I think that that improvement comes too late in the game and I think an automatic but inefficient system would be better with this system.

6 is similar to 1 as it is designed to be. If you can move the population to set up a colony quickly, you should be able to do the same with industry.

3 is different from its last equivalent in that now I am saying that the cost for population increase should go up, but based on your total population because population is now a galaxy wide resource.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:21:25 AM
Zougkla wrote:
Whereas the others produce stuff for your empire, the supply of food simply determines how long it will take for a colony to come fully on line.

Are you saying that the amount of food available to a system has some impact on population growth rate?

My impression was that it is a resource to support a population. IE it takes 2 food to keep one population point from starving. A system with a total of 25 empty population slots will require a grand total of 50 food.

On good worlds, all of that food requirement is created by the population, sometimes even an excess. It's an unusual star system that requires additional support of constructions to augment the food supply.

I haven't tested for it, but I'm theorizing that systems are independent; that there is no shipping of food from a system with a surplus to a system with a shortage.

Or am I just off on a tangent?
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:29:20 AM
Maybe turn excess food into a commodity? Trade it with another empire, or use it to support growing colonies; something like that. It'd be more interesting, I think.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:46:52 AM
It would be nice, if food could be a shared resource amongst all your planets. Say any planets within X hops of another or along a trade route can share food.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 3:08:02 AM
Perhaps excess food from a full system could be distributed among the developing systems, but at 50% efficiency or something like, industry's conversions. I'll edit that into point (4). It is simpler than converting it into dust and science. I still want population to be able to be moved between systems and for the cost for population increase to increase on the imperial level.

Thanks for the suggestion, FridgePanic and Servercat!

PS: My computer shut down while I was playing due to a Windows update that I didn't notice. All I can say is Thank Amplitude for Autosave!
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 3:08:26 AM
I can't remember MOO2 much, but on MOO3, food was shared between all the planets. Lets say, you have a system generating 150 food alone, while the total food production on the empire is 200. And your empire has 200 population- 200 food is consumed/required so to speak. If your food-system is blockaded, all other planets will start starving, when they run out of their supplies. Some system like this would make some targets priority, especially on multiplayer I guess. But, you don't save food in this game; so it should be added too for something like this to work at all I guess.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 3:37:36 AM
I am not even sure population should consume food. I mean, can't they grow it for themselves hydroponically?

That would solve the potential problem of colonizing systems that produce no food and immediately loosing a population.

What does the game currently do in that situation, where a new colony consumes more food than it produces? I haven't tested it...
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 3:53:43 AM
If a colony consumes more than it produces the population starts to drop.

I do not like the industry idea. Industry is not a commodity. Food can be. Perhaps that is what should happen: create fast, light ships with Food Modules, and then set them to automatically go between 2 systems. I like the idea that it should be at 50% efficiency. Each module on the ship takes 2 food from the starting point and delivers one food to the destination. The range of the transaction is a full turn from the starting position. These ships would be able to be attacked by enemies and pirates, but this would only stop the transaction, no food would be lost. In this case, the food on the different systems would return to normal as the original planet would be able to count the 2 food it normally shipped out. I posted some of that in the last thread, and refined it a bit here.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 3:55:48 AM
If food is shared (or otherwise has a use for excess), I would say not only does it see a reduction for being shipped off planet but also reduced further for number of jumps. Perhaps also improvements -don't- factor in; any surplus that gets shipped off planet comes only from natural excess. Alternatively, the other way around -only food from improvements (excluding improvements that provide a percent bonus) gets shipped off planet. Given the sheer amount of excess food even one system can generate (I've had 54-84 excess on a system I wasn't even developing for much food), just a 50% reduction might still be a significant bonus to rapidly jump start or sustain a system.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 7:18:01 AM
Food is fine as it is, just that food upkeep for population needs to scale more correctly in systems. Ideally exponentially.

I don't like the idea of stock piling food, they may as well then just remove food altogether and use Dust for it instead.
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 11:05:17 PM
I wanted to update the idea due to the large amount of feedback, so I am rebooting the thread. The original thread at can be found at https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11618-food-to-colony-ships-conversion

The problem is that, at present, food is fundamentally different from the other resources. Whereas the others produce stuff for your empire, the supply of food simply determines how long it will take for a colony to come fully on line.

Developed colonies can produce so much food that they can pump out colonizers, so it doesn’t really limit the rate at which we can colonize new systems. The strategy at present is to colonize as many systems as you can, once your core worlds approach capacity, to grow as quickly as possible. I fear that this oversimplifies the strategy with regard to growth.

After a colony is full, food is useless until the Dust Visualization tech at the very, very end of the game (which I don’t think is a good idea). I propose a few simple changes that would make food (and industry) a galactic resource like dust and science.

And here they are:

(1) Make it so that colonizers add population to colonized worlds simply by hitting the colonize button when in colonized systems rather than colonizing new planets.

(2) Make colonizers cheaper by making the Seed Module free in terms of industry. However, they would take up the entire Transport class’s tonnage at the beginning of the game. Colony ships would not be free, because the hull still costs industry and the Seed Module costs a population point, but they are cheap enough to allow the moving of population from one system to another.

(3) Make the food cost of new population points increase based on total imperial population. This would prevent growth from being too slow in the early game and too fast in the late game. Population will be generated quickly on core worlds and slowly on outposts, but you just move it to where it is needed. If food for growth varied with the population of a system then that encourages you to spread out your population, but the idea will be to allow the population to be generated on agricultural worlds and then move to the frontier.

(4) Make it so that, when a colony is full, food is distributed among the growing colonies at 50% (possibly higher) efficiency. This is similar to the conversions you can use with industry and is, I think, a better way of dealing with this than the late game building that converts it to industry.

(5) Change most improvements from increasing the output of your population to providing resources directly or to providing a proportional boost to all system output. This makes population one way to get resources, but not the overwhelming one. The exception to this could be Sustainable Agriculture which could be used to cancel out the population’s food consumption and allow populations on systems that produce no food, although this may be unnecessary if you have food being shared among systems.

(6) Add another civilian module that costs industry but, when used to colonize a system you own, refunds the industry cost of the module. This Supply Module would allow the movement of industry from system to system and would make it truly a galactic resource. Like with colonizers the transfer is not free, you lose the industry that went into the hull.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:38:18 AM
Agree with the suggestion of allowing colony ships to increase pop of already colonised planets, this mechanism has been used in quite a few other 4X games, and it would help make late-game over-fed full systems a little more useful.

Another option would be having completely populated systems with an excess of food convert a percentage of that excess into dust, on the grounds that they are basically selling their excess consumption on the galactic markets.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:09:52 AM
Still not fond of the whole "build transports, then manually send them somewhere to deliver stuff"-idea.

How big are the games you play? Small galaxy, 2 Empires? For with everything larger, it would become very, very unfeasible to ship your population across the galaxy.

I think there are more interesting things to do than to play relocation agent :P

Simply make excess food tradeable and add some nice little transport-animations going to and fro

We could also have the high-level industry improvements reduce food (like many suggested in the other thread), so that we would no longer be able to spam every lava forge world into self sustainability, but have to supply the specialised colonies with food
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:48:35 AM
I really like the Idea of highly specialized food-systems providing other systems, mostly because of the impact blockades or invasion would have on a empire built like that. This could be a System improvement that lets you define "support routes" to another system, with a dust-cost depending on how many hops. I also approve of "improvement kits", system improvements that are constructed on a industry-system, moved by ships and then deployed for around 10% total industry cost at the target system. That would bring a really nice new level of management, civil fleets that need to be protected from pirates for example.

Of course it should be entirely the players choice if he wants self-sustaining allrounder-systems instead.

Another thing that would give nice ne depth would be to give fleets a food requirement, park them over one of your systems for reloading and they tank on the food and industry (spare parts), leave them in enemy space for 15 turns or so, depending on cargo capacity and they get debuffs for faulty equipment and low morale for eating nothing but sex crispies from the food replicators. So while invading the enemy you either have spare fleet to replace the one you are sending on shore leave or some good food-systems to fill resupply cargo-ships...

meh, I'm rambling, better stop here =)
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 10:32:44 AM
Skurkanas wrote:
Still not fond of the whole "build transports, then manually send them somewhere to deliver stuff"-idea.

How big are the games you play? Small galaxy, 2 Empires? For with everything larger, it would become very, very unfeasible to ship your population across the galaxy.

I think there are more interesting things to do than to play relocation agent :P

Simply make excess food tradeable and add some nice little transport-animations going to and fro

We could also have the high-level industry improvements reduce food (like many suggested in the other thread), so that we would no longer be able to spam every lava forge world into self sustainability, but have to supply the specialised colonies with food

You never played Master of Orion did you?

You didn't have to do it manually there.. you just had a pool of freighters the AI would distribute the food automatically among your system as long as you had enough of them and if you wanted to move a colonist you needed to have an extra freighter for that but it would only be drag and drop and a number that would tell you the arrival time
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