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[Suggestion] different moons?

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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 4:10:27 PM
My ideas would be:

1) More moons (multiplied for gas giants)

2) Temples overall less common

3) Temples more powerful (so that investing into an expedition isn't considered too pricey)

4) More types of moons (our moon-like, similar to Io, Europa or any other example of known moon types; or moons with a planet-like composition - desert, arid,... and very, very rarely a lush Terran/Ocean/Jungle moon)

In the future, expedition could be required to either:

- finding a temple on any moon

- or finding a temple on initially (very) unhospitable moon

- or (my favorite option) to find any temple or hidden anomaly on any kind of solid space object (planet, moon, asteroid) - moons would essentially be treated like small planets (terraformation; bigger ones

having a chance to already have an atmosphere => the already mentioned terran/ocean/jungle moons
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 9:48:30 AM
I wonder if we could also settle on a moon, if a planet it orbits is uninhabitable (player doesn't have the required tech yet). It's easier to settle on one of Jupiter's moons, than on the Jupiter itself.

I'm not sure how to implement that gameplay-wise, but a few ideas come to mind:

- Moons have their "class" like the planets have (eg. a jungle moon, a barren moon, a volcanic moon); once you unlock the right technology, you can settle the moon of a given class, which unlocks one population slot (or more, if the moons also have sizes). If the planet was settled, "space" on the moon is simply added to the general pool of the planet. If it wasn't settled - voila, you can place there 1 pop either way.

- FIDS the moons give per population can be the same as the planet they orbit (we can assume the planet is the primary interest of the colonists either way); alternatively, the moon's FIDS potential can be the same as the moon's "class" - but then it should be displayed somewhere on the planet screen.

- Another option is to make gas giants different than other planets - completely uninhabitable, but with a chance to spawn several planets on their orbit. In effect, they would be like "folders" for extra inhabitable planets in the system, or at least the would look like such in the system view smiley: wink
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 9:02:26 AM
Agreed, When it will be possible, to have more moons is a good idea. With maybe a scale depending of the size of the planet and it's type.

Tiny 0-1

Small 0-2 (Mars has 2 moons, Phobos and Deimos (fear and terrorsmiley: stickouttongue))

Medium 0-2

Large 0-2 or 3

Huge 0-3

With for example a multiplier *5 for gas planet. And not a moon but a bigger body which can look like a tiny tiny planet in asteroides.
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 8:56:01 AM
I agree as well. It seems as minor aesthetic step to introduce different skins for the moons. But before the devs are going to pound on me: with "minor aesthetic step" I do not intend to imply that it's easily done, nor that this is something that should've been introduced already.
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 8:45:28 AM
I agree that this would add to the variety of systems. I also agree that it would make the universe more realistic.

But I'm not sure about how to incorporate this with the gameplay. Having more than one moon should be fairly easy to do. However, bringing different sizes into play would be a lot more challenging. And maybe also confusing for the player (if it were to be more than a visual effect).
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