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More suggestions, ui and other things

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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 11:09:09 AM
Finally, a last thread about a few things I noticed that aren't worth mentioned in an own thread.

1. I oftenly have the problem that when I click on a star system to view it, the star system doesn't open, but instead, the galaxy map gets 'glued' to the mouse so you move the whole galaxy - pretty annoying. This effect is increased by the problem, that the AIs moves at the beginning of a turn reduce performance (which is why I don't like that overdriven parallel turns in ES), thus the game doesn't get my double-click as such. Please remove that glue effect or at least introduce something in the options menu to disable it. In general, the ui control tends to be very 'clicky' (for example, selecting the right fleet is sometimes hard) - improvements would be cool.

2. Pirates are sometimes hardly visible. To be honest: my vision is not perfect due to health issues. Still, I think that the pirates appear pretty dark, does blend over with the rest of the galaxy. Sometimes, I notice pirates only after the already block my systems - don't think it would mean a lot of wotk to brighten them a bit or add some decend glow effect.

3. The map tends to be highly unbalanced. Together with my brother, we had some tests with the amoeba to get an impression of the galxy. There seem to be two settings for the count of planets per star system: 2 to 4 and 4 to 6. The former leads to galaxys were large star systems are rare (which is good), but where some races really don't have any chnaces as the get a couple of systems with two planets along with up to 2 systems having one planet, having maybe on system with four planets if they're lucky. At the meantime, others tend to have systems with four planets, maybe even have something larger. The other setting again leads to too large star systems with usually a lot of systems with 5 and 6 planets - don't see the point of that. I am seeking a setting where there are a lot of 3 planet systems with few systems with four planets and even fewer 5-ers and 6-ers (one per race or so). Of course, there should be differences between the races, but the 2 to 4 setting really causes unfair situations. I can say that we restart games often because of unbalanced maps. Also, currently a lot of systems seem to be well at first, but then turn out to be poor due to their planets types - this also seems to be unequaly distributed over the galaxy (already had a game very I could'n colonize any planet with additional tech, while my brother had 4 or so, or vice versa).

4. The screen for adjusting the game should have a checkbox to switch enable unique races. That means that with the switch enabled, there should be only one empire per race and no three Horatio and two Amoeba. Also, as stated elsewhere, the game should remember the races choosen for the previous game.

5. Finally, I'd like to point out again that battle notification issue that I mentioned when suggesting things about fleets (remove timers).

I hope that at least some of my suggestions will be implemented (especially regarding the map, the ui and the fleet) as currently the game tends to be frustrating, although having a great potential.
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 11:38:52 AM
Forgot to mention the most important thing: please implement tru LAN. Steam is [insertbadwordshere], so please don't force it, at least not for playing. Not to mention that LAN should be standard for strategy games.
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 1:00:51 PM
brother_of_zolsk82 wrote:
Forgot to mention the most important thing: please implement tru LAN. Steam is [insertbadwordshere], so please don't force it, at least not for playing. Not to mention that LAN should be standard for strategy games.

The game is a steamworks title. Steam is part of it.

1 & 2 & 4. I agree with these. These have been mentitioned before in other threads though I believe.

3. there is a group of modders working on a more balanced map generator: /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/15815-balanced-galaxy-generator

Most of us actually like the unbalanced map, but I can understand why its annoying in multiplayer.

5. Removing battle timers is in the dead horse suggestions. /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11286-dead-horse-suggestions-stop-the-abuse

If you really want your suggestions to be implemented you have to post one thread per suggestion as per the rules: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/13097-proposal-submission-rules
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 1:56:33 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. Well, I don't see the point of starting a thread per suggestion. If I would have done that, I would have started 15 or so threads. Initially, I even wanted to create only one thread for all the 3 suggestion threads I started. Yet I see that discussing the suggestions would have been chaotic, so I splitted it down into categories. On the other side, making a separate thread per suggestion will also lead to chaos - lots of people won't find it after a few weeks, so threads with the same topic will be started agian and again (just as I did considering that a lot of things seem to be adressed already). Maybe the forum should provide some categories already to maintain some order (I can imagine that this won't be too easy, though). Well, if these are the the forums rules, may it be. My points seem to be mostly addressed already, so no need for more posts currently. I'll try to keep the rules in mind for next time.

The game is a steamworks title. Steam is part of it.

Don't see the point of your statement. Even if LAN would be supported, the game would still need steam to install (to register) - it's remain steamwork anyways. Even more, if people want to play online against other players, I see no conflicts if they play online while others only play through LAN. Well, we could even question that steam thing itself as one may argue that it is in conflict with european law (by law, the consumer has the right to resell used software if he wants, yet steam prevents that as you'd need to sell your entire account to be able to sell the software, yet this is prohibited by steam), but this is obviously not the right place to do so. However, I don't see how providing LAN and steam stand in conflict with each other, Civ5 for example supports LAN and is a steambased game.
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 2:28:40 PM
brother_of_zolsk82 wrote:
Don't see the point of your statement. Even if LAN would be supported, the game would still need steam to install (to register) - it's remain steamwork anyways. Even more, if people want to play online against other players, I see no conflicts if they play online while others only play through LAN. Well, we could even question that steam thing itself as one may argue that it is in conflict with european law (by law, the consumer has the right to resell used software if he wants, yet steam prevents that as you'd need to sell your entire account to be able to sell the software, yet this is prohibited by steam), but this is obviously not the right place to do so. However, I don't see how providing LAN and steam stand in conflict with each other, Civ5 for example supports LAN and is a steambased game.

You made it sound as though you wanted to run the game without steam.

"Steam is [insertbadwordshere], so please don't force it, at least not for playing."
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 2:47:07 PM
15 threads? No, you'd have needed to create maybe 1 or 2 threads for the NEW suggestions, since others have been mentioned and discussed already.

You don't see the point? The point is that one thread gathers all the discussions for one suggestion, so it's not chaotic like in here it'd be if we'd discuss all 5 of those suggestions. It'll also make it easy for the developers to follow. And you could add a poll for the thread as well and name the thread accordingly.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but this is bothersome for us to read too, so just imagine what's it like for the developers :I A good suggestion should have good concrete solutions to fix the problem and open up some discussion based on them. A poll in the thread allows developers to quickly see how much the community supports the suggestion.

It's nice to see your enthusiasm though smiley: wink Keep it up! Just try to check for old threads about same topics before posting smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 3:45:48 PM
"Steam is [insertbadwordshere], so please don't force it, at least not for playing."

Well, maybe I could have made it clearer, yet 'plaing' would have been the word I wanted to put emphasis on.

15 threads? No, you'd have needed to create maybe 1 or 2 threads for the NEW suggestions, since others have been mentioned and discussed already.

Which is what I stated above: if there are tens of threads, each for a single suggestions and spread over several pages, people will need to look through all of them, even if only for reading the title. See the problem? People won't, so you pollute your forum as people suggest the same again and again. Also, some suggestions may be related to each others, which is hard to point out if they are spread over different threads. Well, anyways, as I said, I currently don't have anything more to contribute, so no more threads for now from me. And as I said, I'll try to keep that rule in mind next time.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but this is bothersome for us to read too, so just imagine what's it like for the developers :I A good suggestion should have good concrete solutions to fix the problem and open up some discussion based on them. A poll in the thread allows developers to quickly see how much the community supports the suggestion.

It doesn't sound harsh, rather it sounds - hmmm, I guess this will be a strong word, but I don't know any other to explain myself - arrogant. You put the word 'suggestion' into quotes, showing that you don't consider them serious ('It's not a suggestions, just bla bla.') or don't think they are worth suggesting at all (independent from the matter above). Well, don't care about them if you don't think they are worth it. I can see that my suggestions won't lead to an imedeate edit to solve the issue, yet I tried to give ideas on what to change like I did when talking about the mouse issue for instance. I can also see that the developer might be disappointed by seeing people that complain and don't give a solution and that there is quite some work necessary - I'm also a programmer, so I can understand at least. Still, I'm not payed for anything regarding Endless Space, so don't expect me to pay that much time in thinking about it to be able to provide you a complete new design, not to mention source code.

It's nice to see your enthusiasm though Keep it up! Just try to check for old threads about same topics before posting

I accept you didn't want to be unfriendly, but still. I was modding civ4 for a couple of years and quite active on civfanatics, even ran an own small forum about it. Still, I can't remember that there or in my own forum anyone - neither me nor anyone else - would have welcomed new members that coldly. Coldly as appears the whole forum here, sorry for saying that. I have to say that I won't make any new suggestions for a while, at least till I see the changes that are planned according to chromodynamics are done. Please, don't wonder if new users will react this ways if you treat their participation like you just did - it just doesn't make fun.
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 4:54:15 PM
Ah, I see I should not have posted anything in my current state of mind if I sound so cold smiley: frown Sorry.

The quotes are there just due to the amount of energy you put into posting those suggestions. Meaning not following forum rules and posting old suggestions and posting a wall of text that could easily be edited to more readable form :/ But yeah, I'll remove them, they aren't warranted and give the wrong expression, sorry again.

And yes, I do see the problem and suffer from it myself too. Really annoying to first search several summary threads and archive to find out whether a suggestion is new or not smiley: frown But if that's how things are done around here... And I really don't think this approach is better either :I
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 5:12:03 PM
Well, subforums for heroes, ui, fleet... might help, so that lists to be read through would be reduced. Old / implemented suggestions would need cleanup (I guess that's what the archive is for). Hmmm... maybe I'll go and search a place where I can suggest this.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 2:50:04 PM
Guys, thank you for warning this new forums member. smiley: smile But yeah, we do not encourage threads will several ideas, as most of them have already been suggested before. The Search Feature will appear to be very useful in this case, as most of the ideas you are willing to discuss have already been posted.

1. I think this bug appeared randomly, but in previous versions. It has not happened to me for a while.

2. True, they are grey/black-ish, on a dark background, so it is kind of difficult to see them.

3. This has already been discussed (here): the point of maps is that they are randomly generated, so there is no "unfair" value in this as it is completely random.

4. Been discussed/criticised as well. One again, it's like the feature says "random", so yeah. :/ It's on our "Improve List" anyway, not sure when/if this will be added, but it should not allow two identical factions.

5. Already been asked - unfortunately not going to happen.

6. Like chromodynamics said, Endless Space is a Steamworks title, so it cannot run without Steam. Multiplayer then requires Steam, while Steam requires an internet connection, to play the MP, at least.
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12 years ago
Sep 18, 2012, 3:05:48 PM
Cool to see that I even could reach the developers. I won't go into any discussion here as same questions might come up again that were already answered in other threads. Yet I'd like to clearify a few things.

1. I think this bug appeared randomly, but in previous versions. It has not happened to me for a while.

It still happens. For example, it occured from time to time when I played multiplayer games with my brother. It happened relatively often to me, but only once to my brother. Could be hardware related. On the other side, my brother used to use the menu where all the systems are listed, while I prefer to zoom in to the systems through the galaxy map. I was thinking that this issue was not a bug, but something intended. Yet I never figured out how it should work. Furthermore, I had the impression that it usually happened when the performance was low during the beginning of each turn when the ui reacted slowly in general.

5. Already been asked - unfortunately not going to happen.

I guess I'll search for threads already covering this point. Yet I can't imagine any reason why not to remove the timer or at least add a switch to the settings menu when starting a new game. Besides of technical issues maybe that I can't think of... Well, anyways.

6. Like chromodynamics said, Endless Space is a Steamworks title, so it cannot run without Steam. Multiplayer then requires Steam, while Steam requires an internet connection, to play the MP, at least.

Still don't get your point, but maybe we should be more precise. 'Steam' can mean the steam client or the steam network (or whatever you call it). This ways, yes the game can not run without steam as you need the steam client, but no you don't need steam as the steam client can be launched in offline mode or even be blocked by firewall and the game will still run (in singleplayer) - without any connection to the steam networks. Multiplayer needs internet only because you designed it to do so and of course to allow public games. Yet LAN is still technically possible without connecting to steam networks. Civ 5 does it or at least did it (wasn't a good game, so I stopped playing soon).

By enabling LAN mode, I could imagine the performance could be improved. It doesn't makes sense at least if you send your data across the internet to the guys pc that sits just next to you as it causes unnecessary network traffic. Not to mention that the internet connections performance will suffer for other users in the network. Sorry to say that, but this appears to be bad design. Also, the connection to the steam servers are sometimes pretty lousy like last saturday when we lost connection several times. You could improve on these things by enabling LAN. It definately is possible to do this, Civ5 worked well in LAN even when the steam client was in offline mode and was blocked by the firewall.

I'm not talking about public games, but private ones.
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12 years ago
Oct 20, 2012, 7:43:08 PM
Moved to the archives as a composite suggestion.
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