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Endless Spaces crashes on startup after Mac OS X ran out of power.

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7 years ago
Dec 28, 2017, 7:34:18 PM


After a system crash yesterday that seemed to corrupt some files in the game cache Endless Space stopped working for me.

For some reason my MacBook did not load, even though it was connected to power.

So after some time the batterie was empty, which I did only notice when the screen went black, since I was playing Endless Space at the time.

Now the game crashes directly during startup and as far as I can tell not even a crash log from Unity is created.

From the log created by Mac OS X, I gather that the application tries to read some stuff from the harddisk and causes a segmentation fault doing that.

I tried verifying the game file with steam, which found some corruption and downloaded some files.

That failed to help and I uninstalled the game and downloaded it again from steam, but no luck.

I used the disk utility first aid option to check my system disk and that did not find any errors and so far all other applications work as expected.

I also tried the options "-novideo", "-popupwindow" and "-vanilla". I tried unchecking the dlc in steam. No change.

The crash is always the same.

Endless Space_2017-12-28-195531_Timos-MacBook.crash

I finally noticed that sometimes a popup window appears for a very short moment and managed to capture it using a video recording.

This appeared when I used the option "-popupwindow".

My system is a MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2015) with Intel HD Graphics 5300.

Any ideas what I managed to do here?

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7 years ago
Jan 3, 2018, 8:48:20 AM

After reading up a bit, I followed the disk accesses of Endless Space during startup using fs_usage.

The last file that was being accessed before the CrashReporter started running was ~/Library/Saved Application State/unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Space.savedState/restorecount.plist.

I renamed the folder and sure enough: Endless Space works again!

Seems like the crash caused a corrupt file being stored there, which in turn caused Endless Space to crash. 

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4 years ago
Feb 19, 2021, 11:36:15 PM
antisportler wrote:

After reading up a bit, I followed the disk accesses of Endless Space during startup using fs_usage.

The last file that was being accessed before the CrashReporter started running was ~/Library/Saved Application State/unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Space.savedState/restorecount.plist.

I renamed the folder and sure enough: Endless Space works again!

Seems like the crash caused a corrupt file being stored there, which in turn caused Endless Space to crash. 

thanks this helped me today, i got the same crash report with my iMac 4K Retina, OS X Mojave (10.14.6), but after deleting unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Space.savedState now the game can launch again  

Updated 4 years ago.
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