Hello everybody,

I wanted to adress an issue thats bothering me for a couple months by now which is the enemy AI.

The issue at hand.....

When playing versus multiple AIs at least 1 but usually more then that are either extremely slow or outright broken not doing anything. The first indicator is them falling behind in points massively even tho they do have lots of suitable systems nearby to expand. Pirates are not a factor (as I first assumed). By the time I reach and scout them (turn 70-100) they have 1 to 2 outposts and are basically prey.

On the other side of this spectrum there is this one faction which doesnt have the problem and expands and develops as expected. This has been most noticable on hard+ difficulty but going even higher only helps to outline the problem even more.

I dont remember this being an issue a short time back. I didnt change my own playstyle or approach. I think this has been the case for the last 2 to 3 months. I dont remember any patches being downloaded in that time. I am not playing with any mods and have the latest version installed.

Is anybody else experiencing this by any chance? Is this a known issue?

I know Endless Space is a "done deal" so there is no fix to be expected but I was wondering if anybody noticed this? This old game is too much of a treasured gem to deserve to break down like this.