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How do I get my score up in normal mode?

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4 years ago
Feb 16, 2021, 3:02:42 AM

I'm playing as United Empire on normal on turn 50 in last place. This is the 2nd time I've played on normal and the score gap has been pretty big between me and 3rd. (I'm playing with 4 civs on the map) I think it might come down to how slow I am to colonize systems but I don't know how fast I should colonize stuff and I don't know what the score breakdown is. I've won a game as the Sophons on very easy mode so I'm so new that I don't know what the mechanics are but any tips on how to function in this game like a normal player would be appreciated.

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4 years ago
Feb 16, 2021, 6:48:59 AM

It's been a while since I've played ES1, but AFAIR you should colonize everything you are able to defend, starting with wormhole choke points. That and your ability to colonize planets are two limiting factors on how much you should colonize. After choke points you should prioritize systems that have strategic and luxury resources, and then large systems of 4-6 planets.

As in ES1 you should actually move your existing pop to colonize new system, create colonizers on systems with high food and industry to replenish available stock ASAP.

Score can be seen in tooltip above first top left button when you hover cursor over it. AI in ES1 is rather simplistic and basically it seeks reason to wage war whole game. As such, it is also very spammy on fleets. It is also makes score not a very good indicator of your relative power, as fleet CP are accounted for score. It is better to nave 3-4 super quality mobile fleets that can maw through any foe, then massive fleets of cannon fodder. It is good though to estimate how strong AI is compared to each other to determine who is you main threat.

Just pursue the victory type your faction is best at for now.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Feb 16, 2021, 7:57:35 PM

This tread really put me back a few years ^^

Don't forget to scout a maximum of system first if you activate the anomalies.

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