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Index to the Guides.

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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 3:34:46 AM
This is an attempt to make the Strategy Guide section of our Endless Space forums easier to use. I will try to maintain a list of all guides as well as the state of them. The guides will be organized in apparent types General/Specific to make it easier to find what guide you want. Notation will be provided to indicate if the guide is up to date or maintained with the following key:

++: Community favoured, any guide with a 5 star rating and over 1000 views and is up to date or currently being monitored by the creator or associates who intend to keep it up to date.

M: Monitored by creator or associates who intend to keep it up to date.

+: Up to date, has no noticeable issues with the current version.

-: Not up to date, is still applicable to the current version as it has few or no real conflicts with the current version.

--: Not up to date. Conflicts with current version.

X: Not monitored, extremely out of date.

In addition to this system of notation it will be weighted in the order of the key with the addition of all video guides that do not qualify for the ‘–‘ or ‘X’ notation will be at the top of their section.

Please realize this is a very large project that will be in a perpetual state of ‘work in progress.’ If you are a guide creator/maintainer and you monitor your guide or have any concerns, issues, or notifications about a guide you created/maintain please pm me so I can update your guide status or otherwise accommodate you. If you are any other user who wishes to contribute in keeping this guide tidy also feel free to pm me with any changes you think are necessary. I especially need help finding guides that have conflicts with the current versions!


M++: Tutorial for Beginners

+: Diplomatic Victory - My Experience as a How to

X: Old Tutorial for Beginners


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