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Planetary Level FIDS Output Guide

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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 7:50:38 AM
This will be a short guide about how the game calculates planetary output (Planet View) for FIDS ... Those planetary output values are then summed and used as base values for Solar System FIDS calculations which is a slightly more complex topic to be examined in detail on another guide (that is the point where most of your planet based dust income can vanish in the wind depending on your empire tax settings ...)

Planetary_Food_Output (F) = current_population_units * Sum(planetary_food_sources)

Planetary_Industry_Output (I) = current_population_units * Sum(planetary_industry_sources)

Planetary_Dust_Output (D) = current_population_units * Sum(planetary_dust_sources)

Planetary_Science_Output (S) = current_population_units * Sum(planetary_science_sources)

planetary_food_sources : Planet Type, Anomaly, Luxury(potentially tripled), Improvements(too numerous to list all),Explored moon with improvement(Intensive Cultivation Logistics), Food Exploitation Setting

planetary_industry_sources : Planet Type, Anomaly, Strategic Resource, Luxury(potentially tripled), Improvements(too numerous to list all ), Industry Exploitation Setting

planetary_dust_sources : Planet Type, Anomaly, Luxury(potentially tripled), Improvements(too numerous to list all ),Explored moon with improvement(Careful Sweeping), Dust Exploitation Setting

planetary_science_sources : Planet Type, Anomaly, Strategic Resource, Luxury(potentially tripled), Improvements(too numerous to list all ), Science Exploitation Setting

Here are some concrete examples : {most of the numbers used on those simple calculations the game displays by hovering the various relevant sections on the Planet View Screen ... However breaking down the bonuses from the installed improvements can only be observed on the System View Screen (there are many improvements that provide bonuses only at planetary level - but they are built at system level and affect all the planets in that solar system) ..


Hamal I

Planet type Arid (2 2 5 1)

Anomaly -

Luxury Redsang (1 0 2 0) With Xenomineralogy tech (100% planet level lux fids bonus) (2 0 4 0) ....Playing the Amoeba with Automated Wealth tech (200% planet level lux fids bonus) (3 0 6 0)

Strategic Resource -

Explored Moon Yes

Exploitation Dust (Finnance Commision) on arid planets (0 0 6 0)

Current Population 7

F = 7 * (2+3+3+3) = 77 (11 food per population unit)


2 from planet type arid

3 from explored moon with Intensive Cultivation Logistics improvement

3 from luxury (Redsang) (amoeba can get triple fids bonuses from luxuries)

3 from improvements (Sustainable farm 1 on arid planets, Epigenetic Crop Seeding 1 on arid planets, HydroSequencing 1 on all planets)

I = 7 * (2+4) = 42 (6 industry per population unit)


2 from planet type arid

4 from improvements (Heavy Isotope Rafineries 1 on arid planets, HydroSequencing 1 on all planets, Predictive Logistics 2 on all planets)

D = 7 * (5+2+6+4+6) = 161 (23 dust per population unit)


5 from planet type arid

2 from explored moon with Carefull Sweeping improvement

6 from luxury (2*3 300% bonus from Automated Wealth Amoeba tech)

4 from improvements (Xenoturism Agencies 1 on arid planets, Advanced Scholastics (amoeba tech) 2 on all planets ,HydroSequencing 1 on all planets )

6 from infrastructure Finnance Commision (Dust) 6 on arid planets

S = 7 * (1+3) = 28 (4 science per population unit)


1 from planet type arid

3 from improvements (Public Private Partenerships 1 on planets, Optic Research Labs 1 on arid planets, HydroSequencing 1 on all planets)


Hamal II

Planet Type Desert (1 5 0 1)

Anomaly Mutated Flora (1 1 0 1)

Luxury -

Strategic Resource Adamantian(0 2 0 1)

Explored Moon -

Exploitation Industry (3D Replication Plants) on desert (0 3 0 0)

Current Population 5

F = 5 * (1 + 1 + 3) = 25 (5 food per population unit)


1 from planet type desert

1 from anomaly Mutated Flora

3 from improvements ( Epigenetic Crop Seeding 1 on desert planets, Sustainable Farms 1 on desert planets, HydroSequencing 1 on all planets )

I = 5 * (5+1+2+5+3) = 80 (16 industry per population unit)


5 from planet type desert

1 from anomaly Mutated Flora

2 from strategic resource Adamantian

5 from improvements (Heavy Isotope Rafineries 1 on desert planets, Interplanetary Transport Network 1 on desert planets , HydroSequencing 1 on all planets, Predictive Logistics 2 on all planets )

3 from infrastructure 3D Replication plants on desert

D = 5 * (3) = 15 (3 dust per population unit)


3 from improvements (Advanced Scholastics (amoeba tech) 2 on all planets ,HydroSequencing 1 on all planets )

S = 5 * (1+1+1+3) = 30 (6 science per population unit)


1 from planet type desert

1 from anomaly Mutaded Flora

1 from strategic resource Adamantian

3 from improvements (Public Private Partenerships 1 on planets, Optic Research Labs 1 on desert planets, HydroSequencing 1 on all planets)


Hamal III

Planet Type Jungle (3 4 2 2)

Anomaly -

Strategic Resource -

Luxury Concrete Artifacts ( 0 0 1 2) With Amoeba tech bonus ( 0 0 3 6)

Explored Moon -

Exploitation Industry (3D Replication Plants) on Jungle (0 5 0 0)

Current Population 11

F = 11 * (3+3) = 66 (6 food per population unit)


3 from planet type jungle

3 from improvements (Epigenetic Crop Seeding 2 on jungle planets, HydroSequencing 1 on all planets )

I = 11 * (4+3+5) = 132 (12 industry per populaton unit)


4 from planet type

3 from improvements (HydroSequencing 1 on all planets, Predictive Logistics 2 on all planets )

5 from infrastructure 3D Replication plants on jungle

D = 11 * (2 + 3 + 5) = 110 (10 dust per population unit)


2 from planet type jungle

3 from luxury resource Concrete Artifacts (tripled bonus)

5 from improvements (Xenoturism Agencies 1 on jungle planets, Advanced Scholastics (amoeba tech) 3 on jungle planets, HydroSequencing 1)

S = 11 * (2 + 6 + 2) (10 science per population unit)


2 from planet type jungle

6 from luxury Concrete Artifacts (tripled bonus)

2 from improvements (Public Private Partenerships 1 on planets, HydroSequencing 1 on all planets)


Iaz I

Planet Type Asteroid Belt (0 4 4 4)

Anomaly Mineral Rich (0 3 0 0)

Strategic Resource Quadrinix (0 2 0 2)

Explored Moon -

Exploitation Industry (3D Replication Plants) on Asteroid (0 3 0 0)

Current Population 5

F = 5 * (3) = 15 (3 food per population unit)


3 from improvements (Wasteless Supply Chain 2 on asteroids ,HydroSequencing 1 on all planets )

I = 5 * (4 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 3) = 80 (16 industry per population unit)


4 from planet type asteroid belt

3 from anomaly Mineral Rich

2 from strategic Resource Quadrinix

4 from improvements (Interplanetary Transport Network 1 on asteroid planets ,HydroSequencing 1 on all planets, Predictive Logistics 2 on all planets)

3 from infrastructure 3D Replication plants on asteroid belt

D = 5 * ( 4 + 3) = 35 (7 dust per population unit)


4 from planet type asteroid belt

3 from improvemnts (Advanced Scholastics (amoeba tech) 2 on all planets, HydroSequencing 1 on all planets)

S = 5 * (4 + 2 + 2) = 40 (8 science per population unit)


4 from planet type asteroid belt

2 from strategic resource Quadrinix

2 from improvements (Public Private Partenerships 1 on planets, HydroSequencing 1 on all planets)



Planet Type Gas Methane (0 10 1 1)

Anomaly -

Strategic Resource Adamantian (0 2 0 1)

Explored Moon -

Exploitation Industry (3D Replication Plants) on Gas Methane (0 4 0 0)

Current Population 5

F = 5 * (3) = 15 (3 food per population unit)


3 from improvements (Wasteless Supply Chain 2 on Gas Methane ,HydroSequencing 1 on all planets)

I = 5 * (10 + 2 + 3 + 4) = 95 (19 industry per population unit)


10 from planet type Methane Gas

2 from Strategic Resource Adamantian

3 from improvements (HydroSequencing 1 on all planets, Predictive Logistics 2 on all planets)

4 from from infrastructure 3D Replication plants on Methane Gas

D = 5 * ( 1 + 3 ) = 20 (4 dust per population unit)


1 from planet type Methane Gas

3 from improvements (Advanced Scholastics (amoeba tech) 2 on all planets, HydroSequencing 1 on all planets )

S = 5 * (1 + 1 + 3) = 25 (5 science per population unit)


1 from planet type Methane Gas

1 from strategic resource Adamatian

3 from improvements (Public Private Partenerships 1 on planets, Optics Research Labs 1 on Methane Gas HydroSequencing 1 on all planets)


Iaz V

Planet Type Arid (2 2 5 1)

Anomaly Dust Lode (0 0 3 0)

Strategic Resource -

Luxury -

Exploitation Dust (Finnance Commision) on arid planets (0 0 6 0)

Current Population 6

F= 6 * (2 + 4) = 36 (6 food per population unit)


2 from planet type Arid

4 from improvements (Sustainable Farms 1 on arid planets, Epigenetic Crop Seeding 1 on arid planets, Wasteless Supply Chain 1 on all planets ,HydroSequencing 1 on all planets)

I= 6 * (2 + 4) = 36 (6 prodution per population unit)


2 from planet type arid

4 from improvements (Heavy Isotope Rafineries 1 on arid planets, HydroSequencing 1 on all planets, Predictive Logistics 2 on all planets)

D= 6 * (5 + 3 + 3 + 6) = 102 (17 dust per population unit)


5 from planet type arid

3 from anomaly Dust Lode

3 from improvements (Advanced Scholastics (amoeba tech) 2 on all planets, HydroSequencing 1 on all planets)

6 from infrastructure Finnance Commision (Dust) 6 on arid planets

S= 6 * (1 + 3) = 24 (4 science per population type)


1 from planet type arid

3 from improvements ((Public Private Partenerships 1 on planets, Optics Research Labs 1 on arid planets HydroSequencing 1 on all planets)
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12 years ago
Jul 20, 2012, 9:57:18 AM
Moving this guide to Strategy Guides. It would be a good idea you to reserve a second post in case you want to add some info to your guide and go over the 10000 characters per post limit.
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12 years ago
Jul 20, 2012, 10:58:52 AM
Raptor wrote:
Moving this guide to Strategy Guides. It would be a good idea you to reserve a second post in case you want to add some info to your guide and go over the 10000 characters per post limit.

United Empire - trait - Entrepreneurs + 1 Dust per population is applied at planetary level (can be ruined by tax settings - becomes more significant med-late game when approval techs/improvements allow to ramp up taxes) and also they get a unique tech that doubles the bonuses from strategic resources at planetary level (can be quite significant as most systems tend to have at least a planet with a strategical resource )



Sower - trait - tolerant that allows to settle un-researched worlds with (FIDS malus) is also applied to planet level ... Its a straight *0.75 multiplier to each component of planetary FIDS ...


Sower settling Large Methane Gas (Metallic Ground) with first transport ship

2 population

Planetary Industry output = 2 * (10 + 2 +2) * 0.75 = 21

10 from planet type

2 from anomaly (metallic ground)

2 from exploitation (industry) Geo-Industrial Plan on Methane Gas planets

And they can grow just fine on that since they don't produce any food on that planet (food malus nullified) and the 40% from production bypasses the food malus as well... More details hopefully in the System Level FIDS guide (formulas) ...
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12 years ago
Jul 20, 2012, 12:00:47 PM
peddroelm wrote:
United Empire - trait - Entrepreneurs + 1 Dust per population is applied at planetary level (can be ruined by tax settings - becomes more significant med-late game when approval techs/improvements allow to ramp up taxes) and also they get a unique tech that doubles the bonuses from strategic resources at planetary level (can be quite significant as most systems tend to have at least a planet with a strategical resource )

I am curious how high of a tax rate UE players have managed and still be fervent.
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