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Mundane artifacts %Science Bonus operates at empire level...

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12 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 2:40:07 AM
Mundane artifacts (luxury enabled by personal shielding tech) %Science Bonus operates at empire level... With at least 1 you get 8% total empire science (sum(SS)*1.08) ..With at least 4 you get 28% total empire science (sum(SS)*1.28) ...Obtaining at least 4 its whooping ~30% science output of your empire - huge

All the other % science modifiers operate at system level (check System level Science(SS) output mechanics here https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/33-strategy-guides/thread/14013-solar-system-level-fids-guide)

This is the only global Science multiplier I am aware of - and that makes it very strong ...

Edit correction - you get 2% per Mundane artifacts unit.. Up to 8% when you also get the monopoly bonus for the extra 20% ..

Also proto-orchid luxury fids bonus is also applied at empire level - but is applied before the bonus from Mundane Artifacts (they multiply)

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12 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 3:17:07 AM
All the artifact bonuses are 'huge'.

The Sophons get another empire-wide science bonus too, though, through their unique building.
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12 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 4:58:39 AM
Ancient-Hunter wrote:
Does this mean it compiles even the science gotten through trade?

Yup +8% or +28% extra for all science summed from all solar systems ... That includes science from trade routes ...

Apheirox wrote:
All the artifact bonuses are 'huge'.

The Sophons get another empire-wide science bonus too, though, through their unique building.

Will check that and update
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