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Solar System Level FIDS Guide

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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 6:41:06 AM

Approval Levels and Solar system Bonuses/Penalties

Empire Approval state you can at Empire Management Screen ...

[CODE]Empire Approval State System Food % Modifier System Industry % Modifier System Science % Modifier

Rebellion -50 -50 -50

Content 0 0 0

Fervent 10 10 10 [/CODE]

Solar System Approval state you can also check on empire management screen or System View Screen ...

[CODE]Solar System Approval State System Food % Modifier System Industry % Modifier System Science % Modifier Solar System % Dust Mpdofier

Strike -50 -50 -50 0

Unhappy -20 -20 -20 0

Content 0 0 0 0

Happy 10 10 10 0

Ecstatic 20+10* 20+10* 20+10* 10*[/CODE]

* When the system has the Colonial Rights Improvemens that adds an extra 10% to all compoents of solar System

At a quick Glance

- a Rebellion&Strike state can hit solar system FIS with a -100 % modifier (it will not necesarilly void all FIS output as there can be other % bonuses in play and Science from trade routes is added separately )but it is of course crippling ...

- having a system at Fervent&Ecstatic state provides a solid 40 % bonus to FIS and 10% to D (aldought the 10% dust bonus is subject to the TAX_RATE_DUST_% modifier check system dust section bellow to see what this is about) ...
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 6:41:43 AM
System Food Excess (SFE)


System Food Excess when positive accumulates in the "growth bucket" if the solar system population is below maximum... When the bucket is filled a new population unit is added randomly on one colonized planet in the system ...

The size of the "growth bucket" increases (mild exponential) with the amount of current population in the solar system - the food cost formula is listed on Endless Space Wiki ...

System Food Excess when negative subtracts from the "growth bucket" ...If the food stored in the "growth bucket" goes negative and you have at least 2 population units in system you lose one population unit (starvation) ...

The food bucket population growth mechanic is very similar to the one implemented in Civilization V ...

SFE = [((Sum(planetary_F)+Sum(flat_+food_bonuses))*LuxFIDSBonus*LuxHydromiel)*(1+Sum(percent_%food_bonuses))*SowerAffinityFoodMalus+SowerAffinityIndustryFood%-FoodConsumption]*(1+ExcessFoodBonus)

Sum(planetary_F) - you can check my Planetary-Level-FIDS-Output-Guide to see how planetary level F is calculated /#/endless-space/forum/33-strategy-guides/thread/14011-planetary-level-fids-output-guide ..


- colonial base (default improvement) +2 food

- administrator hero can get +20 and +30 food promotions (Crop Geneticist I&II )

- planetary institute improvement +6 food

- greenhouse shields (horatio) + 30 food

-.. ?


- proto-orchid luxury food bonuses are applied at system level 0.01 per unit up to 0.04 and extra 0.1 for monopoly


- hydromiel luxury food bonuses are applied at system level 0.02 per unit up to 0.08 and extra 0.2 for monopoly


- empire & systems approval combinations can range from -1 to 0.3 (-100% ..30%)

- improvements (0.3 Compact Refrigeration(30%), 0.1 Colonial Rights(10% when fervent approval))

- hero 2% * Labor Stat

- administrative hero 20% Motiational Speaker promotion

- blocade -0.25 (-25%) when blocaded

- .. ?

SowerAffinityFoodMalus *0.5 when playing the sowers 1 otherwise (this is pretty bad and typically forces sower players to focus more on industry output for growth)

SowerAffinityIndustryFood% = Sowers get SystemIndustry(SI)*0.4 as extra bonus food... Yes this can be doubled by permanent perennials

See post below for SI formulas ..

FoodConsumption = CurrentPopulation*2

ExcessFoodBonus 1 (permanent perennials 100% extra excess food)

Numerical Example

Current Population 26

SFE = (181 +2 + 20 + 30 + 6) * (1 + 0.4 + 0.38 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.1) - (26 * 2) = 492.92

Sum(planets food) = 181


- colonial base (default improvement) +2 food

- administrator hero +20 and +30 food promotions (Crop Geneticist I&II )

- planetary institute improvement +6 food


- improvements (0.3 Compact Refrigeration(30%), 0.1 Colonial Rights(10% when fervent approval))

- hero 2% * 19 (Labor Stat)

- administrative hero 20% Motiational Speaker promotion

- empire & systems approval 0.2 +0.1

FoodConsumption = 26*2 = 52

Example of system SFE calculation with proto-orchid monopoly (14% food empire fids) and 2 units of hydromiel 4% empire food

((472 + 50 + 6 + 2) * 1.14 * 1.04 * (1 + 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.34 + 0.4)) - 84 =1323.54

((472.49 + 50 + 6 + 2) * 1.14 * 1.04 * (1 + 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.34 + 0.4)) - 84 = 1324.85 {472.49 is probably closer to the actual value coming from the planets}

Sum(planets food) = 472 (actual value a bit higher (craver) )


- colonial base (default improvement) +2 food

- planetary institute improvement +6 food

- administrator hero +20 and +30 food promotions (Crop Geneticist I&II )


- *1.14 (14% from 4 proto-orchid units & monopoly)


- *1.04 (4% from 2 hydromiel units)


- empire & systems approval 0.1 +0.2

- administrative hero 20% Motiational Speaker promotion

- hero 2% * 17 (Labor Stat)

- improvements (0.3 Compact Refrigeration(30%), 0.1 Colonial Rights(10% when fervent approval))

FoodConsumption = 42*2 = 84
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 6:43:01 AM
System Industry (SI)


SI = ((Sum(planetary_I)+Sum(flat_+industry_bonuses)) * LuxFIDSBonus * LuxVABonus) * (1+ Sum(percent_%industry_bonuses)) + SFE

Sum(planetary_I) - you can check my Planetary-Level-FIDS-Output-Guide to see how planetary level FIDS is calculated /#/endless-space/forum/33-strategy-guides/thread/14011-planetary-level-fids-output-guide ..


- colonial base (default improvement) +2 industry

- planetary institute improvement +6 industry

- heavy isotopes refineries improvement +10 industry

- administrator hero can get +25 industry promotion (civil engineering)

- pilgrims unique building - factory of the faithful +30 industry

- ..?


- proto-orchid luxury industry bonuses are applied at system level 0.01 per unit up to 0.04 and extra 0.1 for monopoly


-virtual artifacts luxury industry bonuses are applied at system level 0.02 per unit up to 0.08 and extra 0.2 for monopoly


- empire & systems approval combinations can range from -1 to 0.3 (-100% ..30%)

- improvements (Interplanetary transport network 0.2 , 0.1 Colonial Rights(10% when fervent approval))

- hero 2% * Labor Stat

- administrative hero 20% Efficient Schooling Promotion

- UE empire TAX_Industry_Bonus (+4% form each 5% empire tax level from 30% to 100% (from 4% to 60%))

- moon temple % industry bonus

- random events % positive/negative industry bonus

- ...?


TAX_RATE(%) 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

UE affinity Industry(%) bonus 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60


SFE - system excess food can be converted to industry with endgame tech Adaptive Idustrial Systems

Numerical Example

(264 + 2 + 10 + 6 + 25) * (1 + 0.2 + 0.1 + 0.38 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.1 + 0.16) = 718.38

Sum(planetary_I) = 264 industry


- colonial base (default improvement) +2 industry

- planetary institute improvement +6 industry

- heavy isotopes refineries improvement +10 industry

- administrator hero +25 industry promotion (civil engineering)


- improvements (Interplanetary transport network 0.2 , 0.1 Colonial Rights(10% when fervent approval))

- hero 2% * 19

- administrative hero 20% Efficient Schooling Promotion

- empire & systems approval 0.2+0.1

- UE empire TAX_Industry_Bonus 0.16 (16% from 45% empire tax)

Example of industry calculation with proto-orchid monopoly (14% industry empire fids) and 2 units of virtual artefacts 4% empire industry

(472 + 25 + 30 + 10 + 6 + 2) * (1.14 * 1.04) * (1 + 0.2 + 0.32 + 0.2 + 0.1 + 0.3) = 1369.84224

flat industry bonuses

472 industry = sum of industry from planets (actual value is a bit above - rounded down for display only - its a craver game so planetary outpuit is not always an integer)

25 industry hero bonus

30 industry from factories of the faithful (captured pilgrim system)

10 from HIR (heavy isotope refineries)

6 from PI (planetary institute)

2 from colonial base

* 1.14 - the proto -orchid bonus

* 1.04 - the virtual artifact bonus

% industry bonuses

0.2 & 0.32 (16 labor administrator with 20% industry perk)

0.2 & 0.1 high approval (system & empire)

0.3 from improvements (colonial rights 10% and interplanetary transport network 20%)
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 6:43:32 AM
System Dust (SD)


SD = [total_system_level_dust_income] - [total_system_level_expenses]

BEWARE - the dust output the game displays for each system is not what the game uses to calculate empire level dust per turn ...At empire level sum([total_system_level_dust_income]) gets multiplied with luxury dust bonuses (can get up to *1.4592) before subtracting sum([total_system_level_expenses]) - more details and numerical example with screenshots in the upcoming thread empire level FIDS Guide

SD = [Sum(dust_from_trade_routes)+INDUSTRY_TO_DUST_CONVERSION+(Sum(planetary_D)+Sum(flat_+dust_bonuses))*TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD*DFE_TAX_MOD*(1+Sum(percent_%dust_bonuses))] - [Hero_Upkeep+Sum(Improvements_Upkeep)]

Sum(dust_from_trade_routes) - no exact formula for trade route output but I will probably figure it out soon (independent of TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD)

INDUSTRY_TO_DUST_CONVERSION - SI*0.25 independent of TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD and DFE_TAX_MOD outpost nerf mod ...

Hero_Upkeep - 2*(HeroLevel-1)

Sum(Improvements_Upkeep) - D'oh

Sum(planetary_D) - you can check my Planetary-Level-FIDS-Output-Guide to see how planetary level FIDS is calculated /#/endless-space/forum/33-strategy-guides/thread/14011-planetary-level-fids-output-guide


- home system +2

- planetary academy +6

- ..?


1 for systems within your influence areas (this would be most of your colonies)

0.5 for systems in no_influence or allied influence areas (this would be your most of your outposts)

0.25 for systems in hostile influence areas - could be border systems near influence pushy neighbors

You cannot get decent dust from outposts - no matter what ...

Empire TAX - TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD table For UE faction


TAX_RATE(%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD(%) 0 15 30 45 60 70 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150


Empire TAX - TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD table for the other faction (they waste much more planetary dust at low TAX level - but are a bit more efficient at high tax levels)


TAX_RATE(%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD(%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 109 117 124 130 135 139 142 145 148 150


Warning at empire tax rate below 15% - TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD goes very low and it causes most of your planet dust output vanish into thin air ... Use INDUSTRY_TO_DUST_CONVERSION (dust income not affected by TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD ) on some planets if you need to drop taxes for approval and wish not to go bankrupt ..Planets will not provide significant amounts of dust until you crank up taxes ... In the case of outposts however cranking taxes up is not very effective ...


- hero 2% * Wit stat (corporate heroes best for the job as they also need high WIT for trade route bonuses)

- improvements ( 0.1 Colonial Rights(10% when fervent approval)) // just don't lower taxes to get approval for this one smiley: smile ; 15% automated investment intelligence

- UE affinity 0.1 (10% SD output)

- ..?

Numerical Example

711.3 + (566.7 * 0.25) - 16 - 152 + ((440 + 6) * 0.95 * 1 * (1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.3)) = 1320.525

Sum(dust_from_trade_routes) 711.3


Hero_Upkeep - 2* (9-1) = 16

Sum(Improvements_Upkeep) - 152

Sum(planetary_D) 440


- planetary academy +6

Empire TAX 45 % -> TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD = 95% (UE faction)

DFE_TAX_MOD 1 (no dust penalty its a colony within my area of influence)


- hero 2% * 15

- improvements ( 0.1 Colonial Rights(10% when fervent approval))

- UE affinity 0.1 (10% SD output)

The calculations bellow for the early financial improvements - although mathematically correct are flawed because the premise of the "exercise" is wrong ..You don't want to just waste production (specially early when production is scarce ) for an improvement that doesn't cost you money ..Will redo the math with more realistic goals in a post below ....


When is it worth to build Xenotourism Agencies Improvement

Xenotourism Agencies Improvement operates at planetary level (+1 dust per each population unit on planet types Arid, Tundra, Ocean, Tundra, Jungle) and has 2 dust/turn upkeep ... The upkeep costs you always pay full price but planetary dust income is subject to TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD (can be nullified by it ...) So if you are not careful you can end up paying up the cost for upkeep without benefit ..

Don't buid any dust enhancers on outposts - outposts are double-nerfed planetary dust income wise ...

Assuming N population units on relevant planets in system and UE faction (other factions have worse TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD tables so they will need more population )...

At EMPIRE TAX LEVEL 10% TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD 30% (10% percent_%dust_bonuses UE affinity )

N * 0.3 * 1.1 > 2 N should be at least 6

At EMPIRE TAX LEVEL 15% TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD 45% (10% percent_%dust_bonuses UE affinity )

N * 0.45 * 1.1 > 2 N Should be at least 4

At EMPIRE TAX LEVEL 20% TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD 60% (10% percent_%dust_bonuses UE affinity, 10% percent_%dust_bonuses Colonial Rights)

N*0.6*1.2> 2 N should be at least 3

Exercise 2:

When is it worth to build Careful Sweeping Improvement ?

Careful Sweeping improvement operates at planet level (2+ dust population unit on a planet with explored moon) and has 3 dust/turn upkeep ...

Assuming N population units on relevant planets in system and UE faction (other factions have worse TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD tables so they will need more population )...

At EMPIRE TAX LEVEL 10% TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD 30% (10% percent_%dust_bonuses UE affinity )

2* N*0.3 * 1.1 > 3 N at least 5 ...

At EMPIRE TAX LEVEL 15% TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD 45% (10% percent_%dust_bonuses UE affinity )

2 * N * 0.45 * 1.1 > 3 N Should be at least 3

At EMPIRE TAX LEVEL 20% TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD 60% (10% percent_%dust_bonuses UE affinity, 10% percent_%dust_bonuses Colonial Rights)

2* N * 0.6 *1.2 > 3 Almost worth it with only 2 population units

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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 6:44:12 AM
System Science (SS)


SS = Sum(science_from_trade_routes) + INDUSTRY_TO_SCIENCE_CONVERSION +(Sum(planetary_S)+Sum(flat_+science_bonuses))*(1+ Sum(percent_%science_bonuses))

Sum(science_from_trade_routes) - no exact formula for trade rpute output but I will probably figure it out soon


Sum(planetary_S) - you can check my Planetary-Level-FIDS-Output-Guide to see how planetary level FIDS is calculated /#/endless-space/forum/33-strategy-guides/thread/14011-planetary-level-fids-output-guide


- home system +2

- planetary academy +6

- magnetic field generators +40 (everyone's favorite)

- ..?


- hero 2% * Wit stat (corporate heroes best for the job as they also ned high With for trade route bonuses)

- hero 0.2 (20%) Industry Academic Partenerships

- improvements ( 0.1 Colonial Rights(10% when fervent approval), 0.2 Graviton Shielded Laboratories, 0.4 Anomalies Institute

- Sophon affinity (bonus science at low taxes)


TAX_RATE(%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

SOPHON AFFINITY % Science bonus 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5


- Sophon traits 0.3 (30% SS output)

- Sophon Unique Building - redundant infrastructures 20% or 5% or 0% (empire approval based)

- Sower & Hissho traits -0.2 (space cadets -20% SS)

- empire & systems approval combinations can range from -1 to 0.3 (-100% ..30%)

- global events (+ or - %) science

- ..?

Numerical Example

1094.3 + (566.7 * 0.25) + ((394 + 40 + 6) * (1 + 0.1 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.1)) = 1983.975

Sum(science_from_trade_routes) 1094.3


Sum(planetary_S) 394


- planetary academy +6

- magnetic field generators +40


- improvements ( 0.1 Colonial Rights(10% when fervent approval)

- hero 2% * Wit stat

- empire & systems approval 0.2 & 0.1



Mundane artifacts (luxury enabled by personal shielding tech) %Science Bonus operates at empire level... With at least 1 you get 8% total empire science (sum(SS)*1.08) ..With at least 4 you get 28% total empire science (sum(SS)*1.28) ...Obtaining at least 4 its whooping ~30% science output of your empire - huge

All the other % science modifiers operate at system level

This is the only global Science multiplier I am aware of - and that makes it very strong ...

Edit correction - you get 2% per Mundane artifacts unit.. Up to 8% when you also get the monopoly bonus for the extra 20% ..

Also proto-orchid luxury fids bonus is also applied at empire level - but is applied before the bonus from Mundane Artifacts (they multiply)

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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 6:38:27 AM
You don't want to just waste production (specially early when production is scarce ) for an improvement that doesn't cost you money .. (was testing to see at which point they stop wasting money - but they are not free buildings, they do cost industry to build so them to worth the time to build they must also provide some bonus ...

So for the purpose of this exercise will consider Xenotourism Agencies worth building if it brings in at least 3 DPT (dust per turn) on top of its maintenance cost ...And Careful Sweeping (which costs more industry to build) worth building if it brings 6 DPT on top of its maintenance cost..

We must do those calculation for a certain setting of empire TAX Level ... At the beginning (1 colony and many many outposts) you empire tax level will low... Raising taxes on outposts (double nerfed dust wise) wields marginal dust increases while heavily penalizing food, industry and science outputs ...So lets do the math for 20% empire tax level so TAX_RATE_DUST_MOD% will be ( 60 colony/30 outpost ) for UE faction and ( 40 /20) for the other factions)

For UE faction



N * 0.3 * 1.1 > 2+3

N > 15+ (the outpost will probably evolve into a colony way before that)

Careful Sweeping

2*N*0.3*1.1 > 3+6

N> 14+ (the outpost will probably evolve into a colony way before that)

No need to do math on the other faction (even worse) -> Finnancial improvements NEVER WORTH IT on outposts .. FUHGHETTABOUGHIT ...

30-40 turns latter ON (mostly colonies) - perhaps a few approval techs/improvements down the line you can crank taxes up to 35% (85% UE /70% rest of factions)

For UE


N*0.85*1.1 > 2+3 ...

N > 5.347 ...

5 will just about do it - but it MUST be a colony and EMPIRE TAX RATE at least 35%

Carefull Sweeping

2*N*0.85*1.1 > 3+6

N > 4.812

5 will just about do it - but it MUST be a colony and EMPIRE TAX RATE at least 35%

What about the other factions ?


N*0.7 > 2+3 ...

N > 7.1428 ...

7 will just about do it - but it MUST be a colony and EMPIRE TAX RATE at least 35%

Carefull Sweeping

2*N*0.7 > 3+6

N > 6.428

7 will just about do it - but it MUST be a colony and EMPIRE TAX RATE at least 35%
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 3:53:47 AM
Just FYI, Careful Sweeping is 2 dust per population on a planet with an explored moon. NOT 2 dust per moon.

Same with the farms-per-moon improvement.
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 5:21:23 AM
Draco18s wrote:
Just FYI, Careful Sweeping is 2 dust per population on a planet with an explored moon. NOT 2 dust per moon.

Same with the farms-per-moon improvement.

Yup - that is exactly how I'm treating them in my calculations - and why they are not directly relevant in the system level food//dust output formulas ... They operate at planetary level ...
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