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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 7:03:04 AM
Food & Industry are not global - they only make sense at solar system level ...For more details how they are calculated see Solar System Level FIDS Guide https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/33-strategy-guides/thread/14013-solar-system-level-fids-guide

Apparently you can siphon up to 80% of a (friendly?) solar systems dust & science per turn (adventurer heroes perks - inside informant I & II, insight I & II) ..Those values are added at empire level - and they are also boosted by the luxury multipliers ..


Surprisingly ED is NOT the sum of SD (solar system dust) outputs - fleet upkeep ...And as ED is the value the game will add to your dust treasury each turn - this means the SD values the game displays for each system are in fact misleading//incomplete ...

SD = [total_system_level_dust_income] - [total_system_level_expenses]
// for more details on how those two terms are calculated check Solar System Level FIDS Guide https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/33-strategy-guides/thread/14013-solar-system-level-fids-guide

ED = (Sum([total_system_level_dust_income])+Sum(AventurerHeroDustLeech)+Sum(DiploDPT))*LuxFIDSBonus*LuxRedsang - (Sum[total_system_level_expenses]+Sum(fleet upkeep))


- proto-orchid luxury dust bonuses are applied at empire level 0.01 per unit up to 0.04 and extra 0.1 for monopoly (max 14%)


- redsang luxury dust bonuses are applied at empire level 0.02 per unit up to 0.08 and extra 0.2 for monopoly (max 28%)

Dust per turn from diplomatic deals gets the luxuries modifier (up to ~46% ). This is great if you are getting dust per turn from deals and it sucks if you are paying dust per turn to another empire ...

Aquiring 4+ proto-orchids and 4+ redsang luxuries applies a whooping 1.14 * 1.28 = 1.4592 (~46% bonus) to ALL the dust generated per turn into your empire (this INCLUDES dust generated from trade routes AND by industry to dust conversions) BEFORE substracting fleet , system improvements & hero upkeep costs ...

Aquiring those two monopolies by expansion, trade and/or war is vital for an economoc victory ..

Numerical example with screen shots...(will update later)
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 7:03:44 AM

This one is simple (as expected) :

ES = (Sum(SS)+Sum(AventurerHeroScienceLeech) )* LuxFIDSBonus*LuxMundaneArtifacts

for more details on how SS(solar system science) is calculated check Solar System Level FIDS Guide /#/endless-space/forum/33-strategy-guides/thread/14013-solar-system-level-fids-guide


- proto-orchid luxury science bonuses are applied at empire level 0.01 per unit up to 0.04 and extra 0.1 for monopoly (max 14%)


- mundaneArtifacts luxury science bonuses are applied at empire level 0.02 per unit up to 0.08 and extra 0.2 for monopoly (max 28%)

Aquiring 4+ proto-orchids and 4+ mundane artifacts luxuries applies a whooping 1.14 * 1.28 = 1.4592 (~46% bonus) to ALL the science generated per turn into your empire (this INCLUDES science generated from trade routes AND by industry to science conversions)

Aquiring those two monopolies by expansion, trade and/or war is vital for a science victory ..

Numerical example with screen shots...(will update later)
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 12:11:12 AM
your min/max analysis appears to be correct, however it's not vital to have those monopolies for the respective victory conditions to fire. I often play on maps with low starting resources and can achieve both victories without the need for monopolies. I'm sure I could win against the AI even if they had those monopolies (never checked if they had).
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 3:41:47 AM
datupuki wrote:
your min/max analysis appears to be correct, however it's not vital to have those monopolies for the respective victory conditions to fire. I often play on maps with low starting resources and can achieve both victories without the need for monopolies. I'm sure I could win against the AI even if they had those monopolies (never checked if they had).

Of course you can win without those monopolies ..But it sure helps winning quite a bit faster if are able to secure them ...
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