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What is the best fleet design strategy?

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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 6:25:08 AM
I've been working on some of the numbers for weapons and it seems special resources have a point. A very cost effective point. Just some Preliminary numbers mind you. All of this I pulled from the Wiki while double checking the in game text. I have done very little testing to confirm what I have at the moment. I did most of this by hand, but haven't seen anything posted like it yet. Some peer review would be welcomed. I'll finish the list if there people are interested. I really wish I knew how to code I would write a program to do this for me!

Fires: The number of time a weapon will fire in one combat round. Remember 4 phases per round.

Cost: The industry cost of a weapon

Weight: The amount of weight added to the ship

DMG: The base damage spread of the weapon

DPR: (min dmg + max dmg)/2 * Fires * accuracy = Damage per Round 1-3

I adjusted the DPR to include critical chance and damage where applicable.

These were useful for having an "at a glance" for cost and space effectiveness.

DPR+3RND: The amount of averaged damage a weapon will do over three full combat rounds.

INDsmiley: biggrinMG : How much damage 1 point of industry will buy you. (DPR+3RND / Cost)

Wsmiley: biggrinMG : How much damage 1 point of space will get you. (DPR+3RND / Space)

Keep an eye out for these weapons. It makes them EXTREMELY cost effective. Its 60% off a weapon's Industry cost!

## IND-Monosmiley: biggrinMG : How much damage 1 point of industry will buy you if you have a monopoly on the resource this item requires.

[CODE]Crits for x2

First x4 per round

Hard Kinetics

Fires: x4 x4

Cost: 3i

weight: 7w

DMG 2-3

8 DPR1

16 DPR2

36 DPR3


20 Indsmiley: biggrinMG

8.5 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

High Isotope Slugs

fires: x4 x6

Cost: 6i

weight: 8w

Crit chance: 10%

DMG: 2-3

14.4 DPR1

28.8 DPR2

64.8 DPR3

108 DMG+3RND

18 Indsmiley: biggrinMG

13.5 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Ultra Dense Slugs

Fires: x4 x9

Cost 10i

Weight: 9w

DMG: 2-4

21.6 DPR1

43.2 DPR2

97.2 DPR3

162 DMG+3RND

16.2 Indsmiley: biggrinMG

18.0 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Perfected Slugs

Fires: x4 x12

Cost: 15i

weight: 10w

DMG: 2-4

28.8 DPR1

57.6 DPR2

129.6 DPR3

216 DMG+3RND

14.4 Indsmiley: biggrinMG

21.6 Wsmiley: biggrinMG


Fires: x4 x15

Cost: 21i

weight: 11w

DMG: 3-4

42 DPR1

84 DPR2

189 DPR3

315 DMG+3RND

15 Indsmiley: biggrinMG

28 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Plasma Slugs

Fires: x4 x20

Cost: 28i

Weight: 12w

DMG: 3-5

64 DPR1

128 DPR2

228 DPR3

480 DMG+3RND

17 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

40 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Unstable Slugs

Fires: x4 x26

Cost: 36i

Weight: 14w

Crit Chance: 5%

DMG: 4-6

114 DPR1

229 DPR2

515 DPR3

858 DMG+3RND

24 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

61 IND-monosmiley: biggrinMG

61 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Dark Matter Kinetics

Fires: x4 x30

Cost: 46i

Weight: 16

Crit Chance: 5%

DMG: 5-7

158 DPR1

317 DPR2

713 DPR3

1188 DMG+3RND

26 Indsmiley: biggrinMG

74 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Strange Warheads

Fires: x4 x35

Cost: 58i

Weight: 18W

DMG: 6-8

196 DPR1

392 DPR2

882 DPR3

1470 DMG+3RND

25 Indsmiley: biggrinMG

82 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

AGN Slugs

Fires x4 x42

Cost: 75i

Weight: 20w

DMG: 6-8

235 DPR1

740 DPR2

1058 DPR3

2033 DMG+3RND

27 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

102 Wsmiley: biggrinMG



Fires x4 per RND

Crits for x3


Cost: 10i

Weight: 9w

DMG: 16-24

40 DPR1

72 DPR2

56 DPR3

168 DMG+3RND

16.8 Indsmiley: biggrinMG

52.5 IND-Monosmiley: biggrinMG

18.7 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Synchrontron Laser

Cost: 15i

Weight: 10w

DMG: 28-32

60 DPR1

108 DPR2

84 PDR3

252 DMG+3RND

16.8 Indsmiley: biggrinMG

25.2 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Pinch Guns

Cost: 21i

Weight: 11w

DMG: 40-50

90 DPR1

162 DPR2

126 DPR3

378 DMG+3RND

18 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

34 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Phased PLasmic

Cost: 28i

Weight: 12w

DMG: 60-75

135 DPR1

243 DPR2

189 DPR3

567 DMG+3RND

20.25 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

47.25 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Collapsor Beam

Cost: 36i

Weight: 14w

DMG: 76-100

176 DPR1

316 DPR2

246 DPR3

738 DMG+3RND

20 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

52 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Dark Energy Beam

Cost: 46i

Weight: 16w

DMG: 120-132

252 DPR1

454 DPR2

353 DPR3

1059 DMG+3RND

23 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

66 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Distruptor Beam

Cost: 58i

Weight: 18w

DMG: 125-200

325 DPR1

585 DPR2

455 DPR3

1365 DMG+3RND

24 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

76 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Gluon Disruptor

Cost: 75i

Weight: 20w

DMG: 200-220

420 DPR1

756 DPR2

588 DPR3

1764 DMG+3RND

24 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

88 Wsmiley: biggrinMG[/CODE]

[CODE]Fires x1 RND

Crits for x3

Ion Torpedoes

Cost: 5.4i

Weight: 8w

crit Chance: 10%

DMG: 35-50

50 DPR1

39 DPR2

22 DPR3

111 DMG+3RND

21 Indsmiley: biggrinMG

46 IND-Monosmiley: biggrinMG

14 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Unstable Torpedoes

Cost: 10i

Weight: 9w

Crit chance: 20%

DMG: 50-65

84 DPR1

65 DPR2

37 DPR3

186 DMG+3RND

19 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

21 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Fusion Torpedoes

Cost: 15i

Weight: 10w

Crit Chance: 25%

DMG: 60-100

126 DPR1

98 DPR2

56 DPR3

280 DMG+3RND

19 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

28 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Plasma Torpedoes

Cost: 21i

Weight: 11w

Crit Chance: 10%

DMG: 120-180

176 DPR1

136 DPR2

78 DPR3

390 DMG+3RND

19 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

35 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Positron Torpedoes

Cost: 28i

Weight: 12i

Crit Chance: 20%

DMG: 160-240

288 DPR1

224 DPR2

128 DPR3

640 DMG+3RND

23 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

53 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Decay Shells

Cost: 36i

Weight: 14w

Crit Chance: 20%

DMG: 200-300

360 DPR1

280 DPR2

160 DPR3

800 DMG+3RND

22 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

57 Wsmiley: biggrinMG

Wimpy Torpedoes

Cost: 46i

Weight: 16w

Crit Chance: 20%

DMG: 300-420

518 DPR1

403 DPR2

230 DPR3

1151 DMG+3RND

25 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

71 INDsmiley: biggrinMG


Cost: 52.2i

Weight: 18w

DMG: 300-1000

585 DPR1

455 DPR2

260 DPR3

1300 DMG+3RND

25 INDsmiley: biggrinMG

56 IND-Monosmiley: biggrinMG

72 W
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12 years ago
Jul 29, 2012, 4:57:32 AM
Hey guys,

I don't play online, but in SP, on endless dif setting, what is the best early fleet composition? I've recently started to play with pirates on so i'm looking for a good turn 1-30 fleet strategy.
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 9:30:38 PM
Ketobor wrote:
I personally am a fan of just stacking defenses against what the AI is using. Even on the hardest difficulties, more casual conflicts with the AI can be won casualty-free in this manner. Destroyer spam is all well and fine, but mount some defenses to lower attrition rate.

The AI doesn't really get how to play the game, so you can easily counter their designs more specifically. This tactic wouldn't beat destroyer spam, but it does beat the generalized constructs that the AI produces.

I have been using that strategy and it is working pretty well.
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12 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 4:00:01 PM
In my opinion, use BS fleets with 3 designs (showing offensive capabilities only):

K) BS w/ only kinetic weapons

L) BS w/ only laser weapons

M) BS w/ only missiles weapons and maybe 1 weapon of another type.

Mix your fleet fairly evenly but give priority to design K and L. eg, 22CP => 11BS = 4K + 4L + 3M

This way, you force your enemy to defend against all three defense types or have their fleet melt away before the long range phase ends.

The enemy will most likely counter by forcing you to defend against all three weapon types. Thus defense modules will be an even spread of all three types. Armor modules will be sparce, if any, in all designs.

Use +8% all defenses to fleet, or the +15%(?) all defenses to ship if you do not have the former.

With these types of designs, Craver gains huge advantages because they will have 30% more tonnage compared to all other factions at the same tech level. Also, racial +%offense/defense also becomes a big deciding factor for victory.

All this means that Horatio, Sophon, and UE are all screwed if they do properly contain the enemy, because by late game with all offensive tech is researched, Craver and Hissho become super-uber.

******For below, the 1 defense blocks 1 offense is just for sake of argument; actual numbers may vary.

*** The reason you do not want to have more than 1 weapon type per design is as follows:

-You don't want to have your ship pounding on more than one defense type.

-Eg1, for one design you have 2k mp-laser vs 2k defense per type => maybe do damage

-Eg2, your design have 1k mp-laser and 1k mp-kinetic vs 2k defense per type => probably do zero damage.

Remember you only have cumulative effects on weapons, when you start out numbering the enemy.

*** The reason why you want the enemy to defend against all 3 weapon types ***

-for 2k x 3 defenses is 6k mp total.

-If you only use missiles, and get say 2k mp per ship, and I put on only 4k mp missile defense per ship, then as long as you do not out number me more than 2-to-1, I will take no damage.

-> the 2k mp worth of tonnage I can now put into weapons or more HP or faster movement or invasion power. OR I can put 6k mp missile defense and you'd have to out number me 3-to-1 to do damage.
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12 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 2:34:28 PM
davea wrote:
I am no expert in combat calculus. But these two threads both recommend destroyer missile spam:



So, I will continue with my "silly" build unless you can explain why both those guys are wrong.

Its simple really, a ship can only target one other ship at the time. Missiles fires all in one salvo per phase while the other weapons fires 4 times per phase. This means that if the ship that the missiles targets is destroyed the surplus damage from the leftover missiles are lost since they do not re-target. I.e. you get overkill. The other weapons spread their damage over 4 attacks and thus any "overkill" from destroyed ships are much smaller.

Missiles have a short of beyond the grave ability since they take a few turns to reach the target, that do give them an egde as a one salvo kamikaze ships but they wont work very well against any fleets with a lot of small ships with laser or kinetic attack not only due to the one ship overkill problem but also because while you fire one full salvo they can get of 3 rounds of salvos before their numbers are reduced. The next time you have the opportunity to fire you fleet will be decimated.

A missile zerg rush with destroyers only work well against fleets with few ships in them. Like a lone Dreadnought or two. Against other zerg destroyer fleets your best bet is lasers or missiles.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 2:45:19 PM
Draco18s wrote:
Answered your own question? It's hard for you to comment on the AI countering a refit if you never refit.
What I am saying is I have never desired to refit my ships. My omni-fit battleships are good forever always.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 2:36:19 PM
ArrowLance wrote:
I have never refitted my ships.

Answered your own question? It's hard for you to comment on the AI countering a refit if you never refit.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 12:36:08 PM
Draco18s wrote:
That was actually a comment from a friend. He'd refitted to counter the craver empire he was fighting and he said that every single one of their fleet refitted to counter his refit almost immediately.
I have never experienced this, and I have never refitted my ships.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 7:01:41 AM
Draco18s wrote:
That was actually a comment from a friend. He'd refitted to counter the craver empire he was fighting and he said that every single one of their fleet refitted to counter his refit almost immediately.

I dunno if this is a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, it'll mean that its easier for us to counter AI, since we know what refits the AI will use next battle... On other hand, its gonna be a huge hassle having to refit a fraction of your fleet every single time after a battle, as well as keeping tabs on AI's next refit rotation... I think its an annoying AI pattern programming lol... I'd rather have random AI decisions lol...
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 4:24:05 AM
werewolf_nr wrote:
Are you sure? I've seen the AI doing some strange things (Like throwing a v2 early game design at my late game fleet). I would be interested to know how omniscient the AI is.

That was actually a comment from a friend. He'd refitted to counter the craver empire he was fighting and he said that every single one of their fleet refitted to counter his refit almost immediately.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 3:41:02 AM
Ketobor wrote:
I personally am a fan of just stacking defenses against what the AI is using. Even on the hardest difficulties, more casual conflicts with the AI can be won casualty-free in this manner. Destroyer spam is all well and fine, but mount some defenses to lower attrition rate.

The AI doesn't really get how to play the game, so you can easily counter their designs more specifically. This tactic wouldn't beat destroyer spam, but it does beat the generalized constructs that the AI produces.

Does AI actually use a standardize outfitting for its weapons/defenses based on race, like they wont frequently change their equipments? I just stack equal def(all 3 types) and equal offense(all 3 types) in my ships so i can handle all races w/o having to frequently retrofit. And also i always swarm enemy hahaha...
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 10:51:04 PM
Draco18s wrote:
Keeping in mind that when you retrofit to counter the AI's design they'll counter-retrofit as soon as you hit "end turn."

Are you sure? I've seen the AI doing some strange things (Like throwing a v2 early game design at my late game fleet). I would be interested to know how omniscient the AI is.
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 6:46:13 PM
Ketobor wrote:
The AI doesn't really get how to play the game, so you can easily counter their designs more specifically. This tactic wouldn't beat destroyer spam, but it does beat the generalized constructs that the AI produces.

Keeping in mind that when you retrofit to counter the AI's design they'll counter-retrofit as soon as you hit "end turn."
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12 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 4:10:52 PM
Once multiplayer goes live, I am sure we will have a better answer for this. But, why does your balanced BS fleet beat an equal cost fleet of beam-only destroyers? That is what most other players seem to recommend. I rarely/never see beam defense on AI ships (possibly a bug, or at any rate something which could be addressed with tuning). And I can't imagine why kinetics on a BS would be better than the same amount of beam anyway.
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 10:26:17 AM
I personally am a fan of just stacking defenses against what the AI is using. Even on the hardest difficulties, more casual conflicts with the AI can be won casualty-free in this manner. Destroyer spam is all well and fine, but mount some defenses to lower attrition rate.

The AI doesn't really get how to play the game, so you can easily counter their designs more specifically. This tactic wouldn't beat destroyer spam, but it does beat the generalized constructs that the AI produces.
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 7:12:56 AM
It depends on your enemies. Just have some weapons where your enemies don't have defence. Add some HP. Create a design especially for the +movement bonuses to the fleet (which stacks, so 2 ships like that gets you twice the bonus), and one for invasion. At the moment there's not enough variety in the available designs.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 8:45:07 PM
Thanks for the answers currently I am using a hybrid system One or two larger ships built to survive suronded by destroyers built with 20% kinetics 45% beam and 45% missile and it seems to work well.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 2:43:42 PM
The other threads pretty much disagree with you, but once multiplayer comes out we can test more easily.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 7:50:23 AM
davea wrote:
I am no expert in combat calculus. But these two threads both recommend destroyer missile spam:



So, I will continue with my "silly" build unless you can explain why both those guys are wrong.
It's really just about whether you want to trade 1/2/3 for one or if you want to have a fleet that doesn't disintegrate, can handle any resist fit fleet, and to require less micro. A decent dreadnaught, or even more so a battleship fleet. Will take out missile fit destroyers of equal CP before they can fire round 2 and come away with less than 100% losses.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 4:28:19 AM
Other than some tweaks to the AI that make missiles a little less effective, spamming either missiles or energy seems to be the way to go.
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