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[VIDEO TUTORIAL] Approval and you - the basics of the approval system explained

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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 1:29:03 PM
peddroelm wrote:
So with empire approval "ecstatic" and local system approval "fervent" you get 30% bonus to food/industry & Science Generation ... Too bad you can't set individual tax level for each solar system
Would be a nice add-on for the game, the ability to choose taxes for individual planets.
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12 years ago
Aug 9, 2012, 11:05:01 PM

I really hope developers consider adding system specific tax settings and not force us to use only 1 tax rate for whole empire.
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 4:08:11 PM
You forgot to mention the bonuses/penalties you get for each approval level ...

[CODE]Approval {empire level} Ecstatic (10%) content(0%) rebellion (-50%)

bonus to Food, Production& Science %

Approval {system level} Fervent(20%) happy(10%) content (0%) unhappy(-20%) strike(-50%)

bonus to Food, Production& Science % [/CODE]

So with empire approval "ecstatic" and local system approval "fervent" you get 30% bonus to food/industry & Science Generation ... Too bad you can set individual tax level for each solar system
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 11:15:03 PM
Define professional. smiley: wink I have some experience writing and with training videos. I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I have also been critiqued by my peers, which does help.

@ Fredlicious, Thanx
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 11:05:30 PM
RasterOps wrote:
Simple question. Does Approval affect FIDS?

This was a very hard video for me to watch. I hope you will benefit from my observations... and make a new video.

Be Prepared:

Have the game ready. Your viewers should not have to wait while you load and search a wiki page.


You should practice your presentation first, before recording. Also, mmm, the presentation is uh, replete with um, disfluencies. I recommend reading this short article. While repetition does aid the learning process it can also be a disfluency. Be aware.


Stay on topic. There are clearly times when you diverge from the topic. You focus too much on barely related minutia in custom races, individual planetary detail, technologies and heroes.

You need only indicate there are resources that increase approval but require technology to take advantage of the resource. It is not necessary to show all the various approval hits on all the planets in the galaxy. Briefly describe each type of resource and its required tech. It is not necessary find and show each resource on the galactic map. It is good that you show where the technologies can be found but again, too barely related minutia is a distraction.

Do NOT apologize for your presentation within the presentation. "Is there anything else?", "I'm still learning", comments such as these indicate a state of unpreparedness and do not belong in a training video.

Thank you for the tips will be sure to use them and hopefully improve and yes this one done on the spot. So far you are the only one to notice, are you a professional trainer by any chance?
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 10:05:10 PM
RasterOps wrote:
Simple question. Does Approval affect FIDS?

Yes, except for Dust. Each system gets a bonus/malus depending on which approval "tier" it is at (strike/unhappy/content/happy/ecstatic), and the whole empire gets a bonus/malus based on its tier (rebellion/content/fervent). The exact numbers can be found here: http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Approval.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 8:57:08 PM
Simple question. Does Approval affect FIDS?

This was a very hard video for me to watch. I hope you will benefit from my observations... and make a new video.

Be Prepared:

Have the game ready. Your viewers should not have to wait while you load and search a wiki page.


You should practice your presentation first, before recording. Also, mmm, the presentation is uh, replete with um, disfluencies. I recommend reading this short article. While repetition does aid the learning process it can also be a disfluency. Be aware.


Stay on topic. There are clearly times when you diverge from the topic. You focus too much on barely related minutia in custom races, individual planetary detail, technologies and heroes.

You need only indicate there are resources that increase approval but require technology to take advantage of the resource. It is not necessary to show all the various approval hits on all the planets in the galaxy. Briefly describe each type of resource and its required tech. It is not necessary find and show each resource on the galactic map. It is good that you show where the technologies can be found but again, too barely related minutia is a distraction.

Do NOT apologize for your presentation within the presentation. "Is there anything else?", "I'm still learning", comments such as these indicate a state of unpreparedness and do not belong in a training video.
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12 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 4:01:02 PM
Raptor wrote:
Thank you for doing this guide. Moving the thread to Strategy Guides.

Thanks for moving I was not entirely sure where to start the thread.
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12 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 2:24:08 PM
Hello all,

I would like to share my video tutorial about the approval system in Endless Space. It my first tutorial so any advice appreciated I already had some nice input that will help me improve my future tutorials.

If you prefer to watch it directly on Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH03MiJSRMU

Important points to remember, these complement the video, do not hesitate to ask if you have questions.

  • Pink triangle marks approval (happiness) improvements that can be built in the system; look for those in the Diplomacy and Trade (left) tree. Certain races like Amoeba have more of them.
  • Green star marks empire wide improvements they do not require to be built you obtain them as soon as you discover the technology; look for them in the Exploration (bottom) tree
  • Every tree has 1 technology that is necessary to unlock the special luxury resources, they have icons of the resources displayed, those are:

    • Xenology in the diplomacy (left) tree, tier 1 tech
    • Nonbaryonic Particles in the science (right) tree, tier 4 tech
    • Containment Fields in the exploration (bottom) tree, tier 4 tech
    • Presonal Shielding in the warfare (top) tree, tier 7 tech

  • [/LIST]

    I will try to add some screen shots at a later time with the technologies marked, but I would like to keep it as simple as possible to avoid going into math and trying to extract the exact formulas, as this would probably scare off some people smiley: smile

    Hope this helps and you can leave comments here or on Youtube what kind of tutorial would you like to see next.

    PS. topic has been added to the sticky in the Strategy Guides section; @adder thank you
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    12 years ago
    Jul 9, 2012, 1:39:34 AM
    DDark_Angel wrote:
    Nice work! Usefull guide, no doubts!

    Offtop: Does this forum have a rate system?

    Am glad it helps, there is a "Rate This Thread" above the first post on the right.
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