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tactics: earn more exp

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12 years ago
Oct 1, 2012, 10:18:11 AM
when playing,i find after defeat ai main fleet and invade all ai system,ai will not counter back even he still have some ships in hangar(u can see them if u quit game and check stats of ai),and only foolishly wait dead.this is because game rule,unless ai fleet in hangar stronger than ur invasion fleet,he will not counter even he will dead next turn,and these ships will end in hangar which can turn into our exp with some tactics.

build a ship with only level1 deflect armor,cost 27 ind point,and let it join invasion but single fleet,after u hit end turn,quick move invasion fleet except the 27point ship to nearest system, if u quick enough,ai still have time to decide ur invasion fleet is only one ship,so he will counter use its hanger ships(if u slow,and past ai thinking time this trick will fail),then u can use ur invade fleet to defeat enemy counter fleet and earn exp,the good point is:ur invasion progress not lost,only lost one ship cost 27 ind point.somebody will say why so complicated,just send single battleship to invade,but u forget one ship not strong enough to take 25% invasion max speed,and if ur fleet strong enough,ai ship not counter back.
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 4:50:44 AM
Man, try to do some grammar correction on this. it kinda hard to figure out what you´re talking about. D:

Gavinfoxx wrote:
Can someone parse what this man is saying so it is legible? Thanks.

Our best Sophon linguists are working on this full-shift, it seems an ancient unknown language that even amoebas can´t remember...
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 7:53:21 AM
Madrox wrote:
Our best Sophon linguists are working on this full-shift, it seems an ancient unknown language that even amoebas can´t remember...

HAHAHA I'm dying from laughter lol

I'll try to sum it up (I think i understood it smiley: confused ): He describes a way to outplay the AI, due to it own restrictions: The AI will not counter your Invasion-Fleet, when it own ships in the hangar are to weak.

Now send the Invasion-Fleet away (short distance; e.g.: next system) AND send a single ship to the system where your Invasion-Fleet used to be -> The AI will make a fleet from the ships in the hangar to attack your single ship -> Now you send your Invasion-Fleet back and crush the new fleet the AI made -> You gain EXP.
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12 years ago
Oct 4, 2012, 2:18:06 AM
seems redundant. Easier difficulties..... are easy. Harder difficulties get to the point you spend 10 minutes pressing autoresolve so EXP is not a problem lol.
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