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handy guide to race-specific techs

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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 6:41:06 PM
Here is my summary of the race-specific techs as of 0.30.5, with my opinions added. I "want" each race to play differently, but so far there is little variation introduced by the techs.

The coordinates like "E5" mean the tech tree direction (north, south, east, west) and the tier number.


Wave Function Control (E5, improved)

Research buff building (stronger)

Adoptive Society (E6, unique)

Research buff building

Dark Matter Shielding (E4, moved 2 tiers sooner, was inorganic biology)

Ship repair module, 33% cheaper

Self-organizing Data (W4, unique)

Defense buff on allied territories

Sensor radius, region radius buff building

Imaginary Game Theory (W8, was Futuristic Game Theory)

Sensor radius, region radius buff building (original is only region)

My opinion: more research buff buildings; sensor range increase. Neither of these add anything interesting to gameplay. Needs something different. Perhaps telepathy, which would increase the rate at which conquered populations lose their unhappiness?


Accelerated Yields (W4, was Planetary Landscaping)

Food exploitation (same)

Food on explored moon (same) -50% locust points (unique)

Quantum Swarming (W5, was quantum communications)

+2 CP cap if all classes unlocked (stronger)

Distributed Hives (W7, unique)

Building, buyout bonus 30%, +2 dust/pop

C5 systems, +4 CP cap

Evolved Construction (N8, improved)

Better missiles (+20% evasion, 28 cost instead of 36)

Neutrino Lensing (N9, unique)

+12% damage on fleet weapons (Does it stack for +260% on a 22 destroyer fleet?)

My opinion: CP cap and locust points play into their differentiator. A little nervous about neutrino lensing but overall OK.

United Empire

Exploitive Algorithms (E7, unique)

building, buff strategic resource effects

Consumption Psychology (W5, moved 4 tiers sooner, was Advanced Biologics)

Same building food buff on everything and -40% distance cost on trade routes

Active Defenses (N5, was Radiation Proofing)

Armor: +2%

Nuclear Materials (N9, unique)

+300 HP on ship

Quantum Stable Materials (N11, was Applied Quantum Stability)

+500 invasion MP on ship, normal is +60+20%

My opinion: moderately interesting, do not add anything to gameplay. Maybe "more" in the way of unique invasion modules, or ground defense modules.


LMI systems (N4, unique)

Building, +1 XP per turn

Space Ablatives (N7, improved)

Improved kinetics, 24 per salvo instead of 20

Entangled Systems (N8, improved)

+133 invasion power (but no 10%)

Dark Energy Shields (N9, unique)

Missile, 300-1000 damage (2.5x damage of next tier up)

Ultradense Extrusion (N9, unique)

+10% damage on fleet weapons, -20% HP

Intermediate level deflector, 115

My opinion: even though they are all on the combat tree, the effects don't fit together. A kinetic, a missile, invasion power (why?). Although LMI sounds neat, Hissho ships never sit still. Maybe they should have fewer techs and more ship advantages, such as evasion due to their avian nature.


Futuristic Game Theory (W4, moved 4 tiers sooner)

+academy, +region radius (same)

Advanced Biologics (W5, moved 3 tiers sooner)

Same building food buff on everything and -40% distance cost on trade routes

Artificial Atmosphere (E4, unique)

Food buff building

Shared Fields (S9, was Personal Fields)

Better pop cap buff

Perpetual Development (W9, was Perpetual Advantage)

Increases clone cap

My opinion: moderate effects, following specialization of cloning. Does not really affect gameplay.
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 11:49:03 AM
Nice to actually see this upfront, I think it needs explained better in game however. * * * * *
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 12:34:21 PM
very nice analysis as usual davea (^^,)

When I look at the chosen techs and boni I have to say they should be reworked.. but I don't have suggestions yet.. Will have to think about this
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 4:00:48 PM
Very nice. It's nice to see what bonuses the other races are getting, considering I only play at the United Empire.
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12 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 9:58:32 PM

Galactic Brotherhood (W6, unique)

Building (+10% happiness, =10% trade income) per cooperation agreement

Advanced Scholastics (W7, improved)

Building gives additional +1dust/pop on ocean, jungle, terran

Perfect Negotiations (W8, unique)

Description says nothing about what it does

Neural Net Society (W8, improved)

+20% trade route bonuses per ally, on empire

Automated Wealth (W8, unique)

Building: blockade bypass, +35% trade routes

+200% FIDS bonus on luxuries on empire

My opinion: low, all wealth and diplomacy related; very deep in tech tree


Planetary Landscaping (W4, improved)

Building: +3 ind/pop per moon with temple

Concurrent Logistics (W5, improved)

Building: +25% ind/pop (original is +10%)

Persistent Bodies (E4, improved)

Building: +1 to +3 ind/pop

Exotic Thermodynamics (S6, moved)

Tundra colonization

All 8 colonization techs have changed text

My opinion: medium; persistent bodies plays well to industry description; tundra colonization not very useful without admantian.


Consensus Systems (W3, improved)

+30% XP on hero actions, heroes arrive 10 turns earlier

Maximized Exploitation (W4, unique)

+50% XP on hero actions, heroes arrive 5 turns earlier

Inter-species HR (W6, improved)

Description says nothing about what it does

Atmospheric Filtration (S4, moved)

Factory Missions (S6, unique)

Building, +30 ind, hides from opponent inspection

My opinion: medium; more hero XP and earlier access to warp drive match description
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12 years ago
Oct 4, 2012, 4:44:15 AM
Can someone update this for the new race? Also, I'm curious how the game works after different races have conquered the same planet and put their specialist race building on the planet -- who actually gets what benefit, and what overrides what, and what should you scrap?
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12 years ago
Oct 5, 2012, 10:38:27 PM
Exotic Thermodynamics (S6, moved)

Tundra colonization

Tundra terraforming, not colonization!

It would be great if this list was a bit more descriptive - pictures would be great!
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 12:29:09 AM
BlueTemplar wrote:
Tundra terraforming, not colonization!

It would be great if this list was a bit more descriptive - pictures would be great!

All this info is available on the wiki also, with pictures.
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 3:14:03 PM
The info on all the techs, including the pictures, is available on the wiki.
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