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The really best industry planet

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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 9:38:44 AM
A few weeks ago I saw here in forum a thread where someone came to the conclusion that terran should be the best industry planets.

(I didn´t find the thread via forum search if I had i would link it so you can see it.)

But I say that´s wrong jungle is the best industry planet.

I did some mathe and noticed that if you put food exploit on them their better as terran with food exploit:

As you see jungle planets get moreindutry output then terran.
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 9:44:14 AM
How much are Oceans away from it? Could you run a test on the same system?
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 9:54:09 AM
sadly the savegame is deleted since the update but i will soon make a test on a new system
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12 years ago
Oct 4, 2012, 2:27:49 AM
Pretty certain you are right in this regard. terrans get 2 base food, 2 base prod and +6 from t3 farms. Jungles get 2 base food, 4 base prod and +5 from t3 farms. Everything else (techwise, system improvement wise, etc) is equal for them so can be disregarded when calculating which one is better. With food>ind conversion, this means terran has 10 total whereas jungle has 11. Ocean would only have 9 (2/2 base, +5 t3 farms).

Jungle will produce 1 more production per pop than terran. I always terraform to jungle when I can because I tend to get that tech earlier than food>ind by quiet abit, as well as being able to use 3D rep plant on jungles. However, teraform to terran comes earlier, so I'd have already terraformed many planets to terran by the time jungle option becomes available, and I won't bother to terraform those ones to jungle (also need the higher food after terraforming to t1 planets).


I found the (a?) thread that analysis this: They agree with us.

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12 years ago
Oct 5, 2012, 10:26:53 PM
Of course Jungles are the best for Industry, since it's the Class 1 "hot" planet!

(Though under some conditions Methane might be better, and due to improvements tundra is pretty good too, despite not being a hot planet.)

Unless you had some industry-giving improvement that would affect terran but not jungle, I fail to see how that could not be the case...
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 2:33:31 AM
the food-> industry improvement + % bonuses makes original food worth slightly more than original industry. Terran planets can get 1 more food from their exploitation. But it doesn't make up for the 2 more base industry from the jungle planet.

Previous thoughts on terran being better was because jungle was using industry exploitation.
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 3:42:10 AM
Yeah, but this is a very late game tech... by that point the game is usually won or lost anyway...
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 11:48:40 AM
I know, I was just explaining why people sometimes say terran is best for production. I always think jungle is better, but jungle terraform is also a whole tier higher than terran, which makes a big difference at that point.
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12 years ago
Oct 8, 2012, 6:16:35 AM

terran >> jungle at endgame industry production (unless you play sowers)... Unintuitive but true ...

Also pictures in OP - Science output from each planet is same (as it should be) (terran and jungle planets have same science output) - BUT the system science output is different [shouldbethesameinacorrectcomparison] which means there are differences between the two states that invalidate//falsify the results ...
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