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How does Spendthrifts works with Sophon's low taxes?

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11 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 11:50:39 PM
Hi, I’m currently working in and extremely fast expansion sophon race. The money comes from trade and enterepreneurs. So, how does Spendthrifts would affect this two sources of income, and, btw, does taxes affect trade?
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11 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 12:56:25 AM
Spendthrifts depending on level (should say like 2/3)

1/3 -10% dust on system

2/3 -20% dust on system

3/3 -30% dust on system

So for every 100 dust you will only be receiving (90/80/70) So basically less overall money made.
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11 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 1:18:56 AM
OK. so the multiplier comes at the end of the balance, including then, trade. ok
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11 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 3:12:29 AM
But to mention your science bonuses dont affect the Trade. Iam almost sure the Dust Bonus also do NOT. White Weasesl answer was not false but i think a littlle inaccurate maybe cause the game often use *System* in the description but actually means Planets...
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11 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 11:48:02 PM
entrepeneurs wont help you a lot with sophon taxes

spendthrifts wont hurt you more than sophon taxes will

getting more planets/population quickly may help you offset some costs, but of course slowly with sophon taxes

getting trade routes will help, assuming you can get them smiley: biggrin

trading techs for dust will help, but this is usually hard on multiplayer

getting anarchists as high as possible will help a lot by reducing the cost of each of your ships

getting legendary heroes will help in the sense that you can have heroes and not pay for them

getting extra starting dust can give you a buffer before you go bankrupt

get few improvements

you can even get pessimistic if you are good the taxes will offset it and you can get extra stuff :P

you can get extra influence so you can get lucky and hit an arid planet (most dust) next to your main (inside influence) and help offset some costs early, your low taxes will offset the approval hit from having two or more planets "inside" the expansionist empire and not enough administrators for everyone of them

abuse ind to dust when possible, if only to create a dust buffer

when I mean sophon taxes i usually imagine you will drop the slider to 5% or even 0%, if you stay at 25-30 then whatever, entrepeneurs works there
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11 years ago
Mar 2, 2013, 3:47:14 PM
1.Why should Anarchist reducing the cost of each ship? doesnt it simple reduce the maximum of ships in a fleet?

2.Why Entrepeneurs works wirh 25-30 Taxes but not with 0% or 5%? (i heared that often but i was to lazy to analyse the exact game mechanics of entrepeneurs yet)

And is it the same scenario with the businessman trait?
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11 years ago
Mar 2, 2013, 7:49:19 PM
enterepreneurs +1 dust per population, the tax rate multiplier come in to play later, so if you have 10 pop that's mean 10 dust at 50% tax rate

but with 40% tax rate you will get 8 instead.
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11 years ago
Mar 3, 2013, 8:27:29 PM
Ah okay and the businessman trait is completely independent from the tax rate or? (i always thought that)
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11 years ago
Mar 4, 2013, 8:57:26 AM
I believe taxes are applied at the same time as business men. e.g. on a system with 100 dust, 40% tax rate gives you -10 dust, but 1 level in businessmen gives +10 dust, so that would break even (i think).

The only way to completely get around tax rate is smiley: industry --> smiley: dust conversion, which is a really good way to keep a low tax rate as sophons, and still break even on dust....and you can take spendthrifts without any repercussions.
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