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First exploitation, food or industry? Which is preferred now?

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11 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 11:35:28 PM
Used to be food all the time, but that new food bonus the admin heroes can get is really gross and might override the need for planetary food bonuses (I find the new food bonus from heroes to be worse than the old industry one)
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11 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 9:49:53 AM
I still go food until I've built up the population. The hero helps to accelerate the population growth, if you go for the smiley: food bonuses (of which there are too many anyway). However, there is no substitute for population, more population gives more fids, so go food until you max the population, then change it.

I also think that the Admin hero will be severely nerfed soon.
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11 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 4:20:22 PM
Def food. All the exploitations are based on population, and you don't have population without food.
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11 years ago
Mar 29, 2013, 10:59:46 PM
Now with the new Admin hero changes I tend to get his +15Industry and then go for food, or is there a better route on hiM?
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