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Playing Endless Space (Beginners Video)

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11 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 12:01:14 PM

I've been playing Endless Space for a while now and i've made a YouTube series detailing my play style and the game in general.

I've finished an entire playthrough as the Sheredyn, from humble beginnings right to the very end. Through war, economic strife and disapproval, I managed it all.

Here's a 10 minute video detailing my playstyle in battle (it's mid to late game):

The very first part, and the entire playthrough, can be seen here:

Endless Space - Clash of Empires

The first part is quite basic, we take a look at many of the different features of the game and begin founding an empire. It becomes much, much more advanced


Galaxy is spiral 4 with 3 AI, playing as Sheredyn.

Let me know what you think.
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11 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 10:35:50 PM
I know I'm gonna love it already. Think of me what you will, but I listened for 10 seconds and I really like your voice. Preparing to watch all of them in a marathon session.
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11 years ago
Apr 12, 2013, 9:30:51 AM
j-frost wrote:
I know I'm gonna love it already. Think of me what you will, but I listened for 10 seconds and I really like your voice. Preparing to watch all of them in a marathon session.

Haha thanks smiley: biggrin

I have been very thorough with the descriptions of each part detailing exactly what happens and the strategy therein. Some people like to cherry pick episodes based on those descriptions and still get a pretty full experience.

Thanks again for commenting!

If you like Endless Space and want to see the strategy I apply, check out my YouTube. I'll always update it with Endless space content (even though I'm doing other content as well).

I remember buying Master of Orion when it came out such a long time ago. Ahhh, we've come a long way! smiley: biggrin
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