There is high volume on the forum, which is great. But it means that many questions are repeated. If we can keep this thread active and up to date, it may cut down on the noise in the forum.

(EDIT: Please see Raptor's Endless Space FAQ instead)


Q. Each time I start the game it re-installs something.

A. This is a steam problem. In your install directory, there is a leftover file with a name like 2048.vdk. It starts with a number and ends with the vdk extension. Remove this file.


Q. Enemy AI ships move past my defensive fleets and I cannot stop them.

A. This is an acknowledged bug in the alpha, which will hopefully be fixed in the next release. Sometimes enemy ships move on your turn; but even when they move on their own turn they should not bypass your fleets.

Q. I cannot move my ship through the enemy region of influence (colored disk)

A. You must be at peace, or war, or have open borders with the enemy AI. Normally you will have status "cold war" which prevents movement. Even if a tiny part of the colored disk covers a string, you cannot use the string.

Q. When I set a ship to move a long distance, it doesn't move right away

A. You never have to manually move your ships. They will move as the last order in the turn, after you push the end turn button. The only problem is, if you have given a destination which is less than a full move away, the extra move points are wasted.

Q. What are the thick strings separating constellations, and how do I use them?

A. These are wormholes. Research Applied Casimir Effect (bottom tech tree, tier 2) and you can use them.

Q. How do I travel outside the strings and wormholes?

A. Use the Warp Drive tech. This will let you travel anywhere, although pathfinding may take you along strings anyway if it is faster.


Q. What makes my region of influence expand?

A. For 30 turns after colonization, your new planet is an outpost and has no region of influence. After that it grows a small one. Sophons have an option to grow the region much faster. The Camouflage Projector under Particle Scanning in the west tech tree tier 2 can help.

Q. The enemy AI economy/tech grows much faster than mine on normal difficulty. What's wrong?

A. Building happiness and population early is very important. See these posts:


Q. How do I start and win ground combat?

A. First, you have to click the button with the two fists to start the siege. Second, you should see a "progress bar" with your ownership and the enemy's remaining ownership. There is probably a bug; there always "should be" a progress bar on the siege but sometimes it does not appear. Third, wait. If you have cruisers with S2G Kinetics (under HE Batteries in the north tech tree) it may go faster.


Q. I have a suggestion for the GUI.

A. Great! Please read these threads first to see if your idea is already mentioned: