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[ANSWERED]Noob questions

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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 9:37:38 PM
Improvements, I understand researching them and dust costs but what does "Improvements (7 turns)" mean? I click it, it boxes out as in use, next turn is still displays the (7 turns) and I click again. whats it do? is it an effect that lasts 7 turns? where is the indication its active?

Planets. what's a planet? (silly I know) but I have unhappiness caused by planets!?!?! plus I get + if arid/tundra/desert but +planet?

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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 11:34:49 PM
Improvement is how long it takes to build. Some times the timer is off by a turn or so. It happens.

Planet is what you look at inside the star system. The unhappiness is cause because of the hostile enviroment of the planet. Such as barren as an example. Each hostile type of hostile world has a different value.
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 12:39:48 PM
You can easily reduce unhappiness by reducing your taxes in the empire management screen. As for research, when you do any research it stays with you for the entire game and will allow you to improve your ships, planets, and systems. For some of the system / planet improvements you must build them in the system to get their benefits (i.e. Just because you know how to make a farm does not mean you get one). I hope this helped out a bit. Let me know if I can help out more!
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 1:54:47 PM
moved to the correct section.

You can reduce unhappiness of your planets also with the correct hero, like an administrator. In my game in a system I had happiness 22. After adding an hero ( a level 10 administrator/adventurer ) in 10 turns the happiness has risen up to 55.
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