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-50% movement random event.

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13 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 1:25:20 PM
Well, it's what happens when the people you pay to build your ships cut corners. This is why going with the lowest-bidder is such a bad idea. :P

Joking aside, it happens. There are a few random events that pop up and, well, screw you over. I don't believe it is permanent, though, although I don't know how long it does last. When it happens to me I switch research to get the movement bonuses as quick as possible, and switch to a more defensive play style for a while until I get used to the new limitations.
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13 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 1:29:46 PM
It's not permanent.... but can change the gameplay for quite a bit. That Event with a huge empire is just evil, enemies at all fronts and your fleets trying to chase them down.
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13 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 1:30:42 PM
If they at least had some interesting events, but "-50% movement" or "50% damage to all your ships" or "-80% detectionr radius" are NOT interesting and fun.

For example Civ IV had great random events -there was quite a few of them and most of them had some preconditions (like civil policiy which enabled the event or so, tech which had to be researched) and they either had rather minor global effect or more only local effect. Many of these also involved player choice of some sort (eg "get relations bonus with natio X" OR "get some culture points" OR "pay some gold and get major culture bonus").
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13 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 1:34:08 PM
Yeah in my last game I was trying to build an economic powerhouse Horatio empire and I got a negative 10% to all FIDS and -20% approval event, I thought it was for one turn then I saw it in my empire traits a bit later, and I'm wondering how long has it been there crippling me.
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13 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 1:41:27 PM
CommanderZ wrote:
If they at least had some interesting events, but "-50% movement" or "50% damage to all your ships" or "-80% detectionr radius" are NOT interesting and fun.

For example Civ IV had great random events -there was quite a few of them and most of them had some preconditions (like civil policiy which enabled the event or so, tech which had to be researched) and they either had rather minor global effect or more only local effect. Many of these also involved player choice of some sort (eg "get relations bonus with natio X" OR "get some culture points" OR "pay some gold and get major culture bonus").

Oh, there are more good ones than negative ones, if that helps.

Hopefully in the future the devs will add some goals for plays to work towards for certain bonuses. I've never played Civ, though, so I don't know if that's something you mean, but Total War had similar events. I can only remember it for Rome: TW, when playing as a Roman faction the Senate would give you missions, for example.
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13 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 1:52:57 PM
CommanderZ wrote:
Many of these also involved player choice of some sort (eg "get relations bonus with natio X" OR "get some culture points" OR "pay some gold and get major culture bonus").

I agree, strategic choices would make events more fun. This is the perfect example where ES should give more power to the player (besides combat).
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13 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 2:31:41 PM
Playing one game as the Sowers I found that movement event completely crippling. In the early game with little warning, suddenly all my ships had a movement of 2. smiley: neutral

I'm sure the random events are on the list to improve and balance though.
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13 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 2:42:50 PM
It would be fun and consistent with other games if it were temporary and affected in most cases a single system or fleet; I don't know the logistical challenges of launching a simultaneous terrorist attack on dozens of ships across the entire universe, but they must be massive and you'd think they'd make sure to actually destroy one or two of them. When I got the movement one, I finally just quit and started over.

Another thing - is it possible to see where the event occurred?
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13 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 2:44:55 PM
Yeah I lost 50% of my population to a disease and I lost research on my Hissho - who are already weak boffins. Would be nice to know how long for, or maybe it diminishes, so it goes down a fixed % each turn. Maybe randomise the % and duration so a high % for a short time or a low % for longer.

This is my first post - be gentle....smiley: twisted
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13 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 2:47:04 PM
Ishman wrote:
What the hell is this insanity?

It's a negative event called "Engine control tech fault discovered". Question answered, thread closed.
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