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I need the most basic of help

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13 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 7:29:21 AM
As in the title, I am failing to make even one ship in my game move.

I select a fleet, the scout ship, and I right click on a path to take. I go ahead and end the turn after that because I have done everything I wanted to do, and the ship stays put.

I end the turn a few more times, and the ship doesn't move.

I try selecting and right clicking a few more times, I get the dotted line that seems to indicate a course for the ship to travel, but the ship still doesn't move.

The Scout's move distance is 7, and there are more than 7 dots. Does this mean the Scout cannot reach the next system? Or can it only move 7 Dots a turn? What am I doing wrong?

And also, even though I learned from another thread that I cannot cancel a flight path for a fleet, is there any way to cancel research should I happen to accidentally click on an objective I do not want?

Please advise, because I cannot even play the game at this rate.
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13 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 7:37:35 AM
This is a common bug right now. I've heard you can solve it by hitting shift before placing your movement order. If you see the dots your ship should be moving, but obviously it isn't.
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13 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 8:41:25 AM
Thank you for the help. I shall try this out tomorrow, as I am getting ready to sleep now.
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