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Can't move ships on a Mac (on Steam)

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9 years ago
Jul 24, 2016, 11:49:34 PM

I'm on a mac so left-click doesn't mean anything here. I've just downloaded Endless Space which looks awesome, but I literally cannot manually move ships at all. I can hit the button to have a ship automatically explore space, but I can't get my ships to move manually. From what I can tell, I first need to highlight the fleet. This is not a problem. But then no matter what modifier key I hit when trying to select a destination, nothing happens. Shift keys, control, option, command - none of them help. Please don't give advice for doing this on a Windows machine. I have played many 4x games so I"m not new to this type of game, but ES does not seem to work. Real advice much appreciated!

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9 years ago
Jul 25, 2016, 8:19:53 AM

Ships can only move along starlanes in Endless Space. Once you have selected a ship/fleet, you need to click on a neighboring star to set a path. Have you tried that?

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