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Bug: Birthrate 0% while nothing in queue

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3 years ago
Dec 2, 2021, 12:17:17 PM

The bug is persistent with any kind of reboot or reinstall, it's a problem on that savegame.

My system had 4 planets and 1pop, and the birthrate was always stuck at zero.

Thinking it was a food problem, i built every kind of food improvement, but the birthrate was always at zero, with the message "Your current construction is freezing...", the typical message that appears when you have a "colonize" in queue.
I removed everything from the queue, and the message was still present, even with queue empty!

Finally i brought a colony built on another system, forced the population to 2, started a "colonize" in queue and CANCELLED it. Apparently this forced the system to read again the food amount, and now the birthrate is up from 0% to +169% lol.

Backtracking what happened i think the bug triggered like this: having 3 population, adding a colonize in queue, having one or two events in game that killed 2 population and sent the colonize in queue to 999turns, removing the 999 turn colonize.
I cannot exclude having saved and reloaded randomly during these steps.

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3 years ago
Dec 2, 2021, 12:34:59 PM

It's unfortunate this happened to you, but this is unlikely to be fixed. Here's why in order of importance:

1. Game is way wast its life time, and does not receive updates for 6 years or so.
2. Bug isn't severe, hard to reproduce or encounter, and you've found a way around it.
3. You didn't provide save files and steps of reproduction.

Thanks for your time to write this up, if someone encounters such issue too, they might search for your workaround at least.
Updated 3 years ago.
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