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Endless Space Tournament

Custom Factions
Core Factions only
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 7:38:24 PM
In many respects a 'league' as opposed to a 'tournament' would be much better. More free form, less designated match ups, weekly map changes. Many tabletop wargames games run leagues very successfully.

Something like:

  • 3 months, you may not play against any given player more than once per month(2 weeks?)
  • Monthly map settings, number of players, win conditions, special objectives if any(specific tech, monopolies, etc...) by organizer
  • Each game players score league points: winning: +10pts
  • Each score type(score, FIDS, tech, MP, not CP): 1st +10, 2nd +9, 3rd +8, etc... (or some other 'distance to winning measure', capitals controlled, science to victory, % economic progress) such that every player gets some points every game)

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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 8:55:29 AM
Well the way I see it, the devs had feasibly no way of even remotely balancing and foreseeing the combinations of custom faction traits as it is now. One initial but not definitive rule could be to include a minimum number/amount of negative traits in custom faction setups to simulate what most of the core factions have (maybe at least one negative).
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:42:54 PM
It would have to be core factions.

It is currently way too easy to make an OP custom faction.
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13 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 5:24:57 PM
ok well looks like there is enough interest for it I am thinking spiral 4 with a fair seed if anyone can suggest and we can do 4 person tourny to start with the winner moving up loosers moving down to a seperate braket. I will work on putting something visual together and set up a website estourny.com (registered the domain just need to build the site) that people can sign up at. allot will be honor system on it but the tourny is just for fun anyway right.

let me know of any ideas or thoughts you would like to through in or if someone wants to help me organize this thing you are more then welcome to pm me

on a side note is there any fansite kits or anything out there devs?
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13 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 2:17:36 PM
I agree as well, it must be limited to the core factions as custom factions introduce too many variables and possible dissatisfaction.
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13 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 1:30:26 PM
Zach_Attack wrote:
How can you view an opponents custom faction? I never figured it out.

In-game->Diplomacy->Deals with selected species

There you will find a list of traits.
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13 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 12:20:20 PM
ArrowLance wrote:
You can in fact view faction traits in the game. And assuming there isn't some sort of race pick order and races must be submitted blindly before the game begins there is no surprise over what your opponents can do.

How can you view an opponents custom faction? I never figured it out.

rickynumber24 wrote:
I voted for core factions because, to use the inevitable car analogy, it's the difference between NASCAR (stock car racing) and Formula 1. The former is entirely about driving skill, whereas the latter is at least as much about car engineering. Engineering effective custom races is interesting, but I'm not interested in trying to figure out what the most incredibly twinked-out race I can come up with is, right now.

Yep. I agree with this completely. The core factions seem well balanced enough, especially for 1v1 play.
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13 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 4:51:44 PM
I voted for core factions because, to use the inevitable car analogy, it's the difference between NASCAR (stock car racing) and Formula 1. The former is entirely about driving skill, whereas the latter is at least as much about car engineering. Engineering effective custom races is interesting, but I'm not interested in trying to figure out what the most incredibly twinked-out race I can come up with is, right now.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 8:25:53 PM
ulgrath wrote:
I see a couple of problems with the large games 8 vs each other running blood bowl torny in the past (yes I know completely different type of game) it was hard getting one player to line up with a time you both can do it getting 8 may be impossible esp with a game that can take 4+ hours.

the reason I put custom races vs core races in there is how would you stop a custom race from changing its setup throughout the tournament? hell other players cant even see your design pics in the game
You can in fact view faction traits in the game. And assuming there isn't some sort of race pick order and races must be submitted blindly before the game begins there is no surprise over what your opponents can do.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 8:22:54 PM
Milaha wrote:
While normally I would agree with you wholeheartedly Arrow, the state of the feature as it stands now is more than a little broken imho, so keeping it out of a competitive scene temporarily seems reasonable.
Accept nothing you said is true. It isn't broken. Everyone has access to the same traits.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 6:11:48 AM
original post is below but I would point people to this thread here

I propose an endless space tournament

Something of a bracket style depending on the number of entries. race submissions would have to be entered before the start of the tournament and could not be changed through out the tournament. If it is decided that custom races would be used then the traits would have to be listed and sent in as a submission.

contestants would have a week to play the game and submit screen shots of the setup (if custom races) and final outcome. the new bracket would be posted by 5pm Monday and the next line would continue. in case of a no contact on second attempt cc me and give a third attempt at contact 2 days later if still no response then I will submit you as a win that week.

I will work on getting a quick site put together and once I find a domain name and hosting service I could post the information there and perhaps after action reports or if the mods would be so inclined we might get our own section in the forums to post the information. maybe closer to the finals stream the game for any interested in watching.

no real prizes other then the glory of being named first since we have forum badges if a mod is also so inclined maybe a patch for the forums saying you are the winner.

we will take a look at the map type and size and seed and all that fun stuff once I see what the interest is like for the tournament
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 6:35:53 PM
I see a couple of problems with the large games 8 vs each other running blood bowl torny in the past (yes I know completely different type of game) it was hard getting one player to line up with a time you both can do it getting 8 may be impossible esp with a game that can take 4+ hours.

the reason I put custom races vs core races in there is how would you stop a custom race from changing its setup throughout the tournament? hell other players cant even see your design pics in the game
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 5:19:37 PM

Ideally some kind of large scale competitive bracket would be desirable to encourage future tournaments.

If a decent amount of people get involved in the first tournament and a champion/champions are declared, then this could encourage future challenges and possibly undefeated streaks?
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 5:08:01 PM
I do like the idea of having separate tourneys for customer and core because if you allow custom races then I think you might be at a slight disadvantage by picking a core. It seems to me that I can create much better custom races but I don't always want to feel obligated to do so. Then again there's a big chance I won't compete in any tourney until I get better at MP.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 1:25:24 PM
I think before we can easily do tournaments the game either needs to have a rating system(see my suggestion) or we ourselves have to come up with a way to pre rate players so that we can have competitive brackets.

One possible way for us as players to this might be to take a page from the 30 turn challenges. Have a preset galaxy seed and set up and have people submit 30 or even 50 turn saves have these saves rated by some method that is consistent. Population seems a bit too simple perhaps something like

[/I] [opulation:+(/50)+Knowledge/10]

Then brackets could be filled up by largest rating to smallest rating and you would likely have competitive brackets from the start.


Another option would be to again use static seed galaxies as elimination rounds having each round have the same seed.

I would suggest a double elimination tournament to help reduce sheer bad luck.

  • First round, randomly place entrants into groups of 8, the top 4 go to the next round, the bottom 4 go into the losers tournament.
  • Next round you take the winners and again group them by 8's and repeat top 4 continue bottom 4 go into the losers tournament. For the losers it works just like the winners tournament except upon being in the bottom 4 they leave the tournament.
  • This continues until you have around 8 people 4 from the winners and 4 from the losers.
  • Now for each game every person who does not have 3 strikes enters into the next game. Winners start with 0 strikes, losers start with one strike.
  • Upon a game ending the bottom 4 players earn a strike (The first place person never receives a strike).
  • When a player is eliminated by getting 3 strikes the next game is reduced by the amount of players eliminated.

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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 12:48:01 PM
Also that tournament organization is sure to fail. First I think we should have dedicated tournaments for core factions and custom factions. Also if we wan't to get a tournament running in this game it needs to be flexible. Just going with the everyday bracket tournament isn't exactly effective.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 10:15:14 AM
The game doesn't support true PvP MP unless all players can agree to not do certain things at certain times, i.e., agree to initiate battles after everyone is done with empire upkeep in a round-robin fashion. In competitive play the game is far too exploitable to get a stable, un-contentious game out of it. Unless everyone partaking really can agree to be gentlemanly about it (which I doubt – humans are humans after all) I predict a riot. smiley: smile

I’d wait until the game mechanics work in PvP MP before embarking upon such an endeavour. I’m not trying to be a damp squib but if this one goes belly up you might not be as enthusiastic to try again later when the gaming environment is better suited for it.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 7:33:03 AM
Hey wanted to pledge my support and any help you might need, just message me here through the forums. Do it!

How are you gonna handle random map placement problems? Or is it gonna be 1v1s... still an issue though
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 6:55:22 AM
Oh, I could see whether I could colonize all planets before turn 10 with my core factions (I even promise that I don't add or remove any new traits... in game).

Then again I think that poster is boring and denis modded factions from participating ^^
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 6:38:14 AM
ArrowLance wrote:
Now that custom factions are out, I would not compete in any tournament that was limited to stock factions. Why not start limiting what improvements we can build also? It is a wonderful game function that comprises a large amount of the strategy theory crafting space. It should not be barred from any competitive setting.

While normally I would agree with you wholeheartedly Arrow, the state of the feature as it stands now is more than a little broken imho, so keeping it out of a competitive scene temporarily seems reasonable.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 6:26:22 AM
Now that custom factions are out, I would not compete in any tournament that was limited to stock factions. Why not start limiting what improvements we can build also? It is a wonderful game function that comprises a large amount of the strategy theory crafting space. It should not be barred from any competitive setting.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 6:20:00 AM
Interest in tournaments has died out pretty quickly in the past. Be prepared for a lot of agit prop if you really want one to get setup.
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