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Endless Space Multiplayer League/Ladder

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13 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 6:00:10 PM
Similar to the tournament discussion I feel an ongoing league or ladder would be beneficial to the multiplayer community.

In general the League would have:

  • Required map settings which would change on a regular basis, in the beginning Monthly.
  • A point scoring mechanism to give all players points for each game they played, winning would give the most points.
  • League would be Core races only(as with the results of the tournament poll)
  • Only two games would count for league score per opponent, per month. (i.e. playing 3 games with your friend only the first two would count, playing 10 games against all different people every time all games would count.)
  • More than half the players would need to submit screenshots at the end of the game for it to count.

Additionally I would like assistance setting up a website and a screenshot submission method for the league if anyone is interested in helping out with this.
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13 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 9:44:36 PM
Until they can find a way to integrate punkbuster or somehow eliminate cheating thats as simple as opening a file the game should stay pretty far away from a multiplayer ladder, single player stats tracking like galciv used to do would be fine since its honor system based.
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13 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 5:37:31 PM
jam3 wrote:
Until they can find a way to integrate punkbuster or somehow eliminate cheating thats as simple as opening a file the game should stay pretty far away from a multiplayer ladder, single player stats tracking like galciv used to do would be fine since its honor system based.

Cheating issues can be handled by the community. Really more what this is about is community matchmaking with expectations of the match type and rules, with an additional side benefit of an XP system to track your experiences.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 11:21:39 AM
jam3 wrote:
Until they can find a way to integrate punkbuster or somehow eliminate cheating thats as simple as opening a file the game should stay pretty far away from a multiplayer ladder, single player stats tracking like galciv used to do would be fine since its honor system based.

eh, It'd be much easier for ES to get a md5 hash of the save when it saves it and compare it to the save to see if it has been modified, if it has then it flags it up or something
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13 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 8:51:56 PM
Although I play games with ladders and especially those first person shooters, I am not sure this game needs or benefits from one.

It seems to me more of a ego stroke mechanism and a way to make sure that the sit in the corner science guy can make sure not to play with the expansionist or the supremist players. Just my 2 cents from the catagories presented.
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12 years ago
Aug 2, 2012, 10:23:29 PM
I agree with nosavynada. Why would you want a ladder in ES? Do you really need recognition? After all a victory in ES is not the high point of your day(or at least I hope so). The game is about outsmarting the other players. If the victory screen and the thought of having your opponents beaten isn't enough then you should find other ways of ego stroking.
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