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How to deal with a fast-expander.

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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 6:21:18 PM
Just played a game recently where one player expanded like crazy. I was wondering what would be the best way to deal with this. Should I just go attack him as soon as possible, or is there another way to stop him from getting so many systems? smiley: confused
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 7:07:52 AM
Have you been focusing on colonizing chokepoint systems? If the player is a known expander (sophons are pretty nasty at splurging out colonization ships fast), then sacrifice a few turns colonizing nearby ideal systems and scout out further (ideally to wormhole border systems before you unlock wormhole travel) and colonize them early to blockade whole constellations. 2nd option would be to rush wormhole travel tech and overextend early on (risky, but pays off midgame once they become colonies). smiley: approval
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12 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 6:50:58 AM
Best thing to do is attack them. Hopefully you have some kind of fleet ready. Most of their new expansions will be building fusion plants. You want to hit them while he doesn't have his production ready.
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12 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 7:03:55 AM
best way - invade him if possible and asap (if you have admin hero - build fleets (like any but with flak and deflectors and even repair (you need your fleet to survive while capturing)(if you are hisso - just weapons and repair will work :3) and a lot of them...if you have pilot/commander - try to get melee asap while building fleet and you get extra invading force :3

remember - if you are not that good in teching/expending - you still can be better in invading :3
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12 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 7:34:40 AM
I decent pilot/commander hero-led fleet with the +50% XP gain traits, a decent fleet and a good amount of defense/offense points can hold down a chokepoint lane with ease in most situations smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 4:23:02 PM
Fast expansion is a very good tactic but it can be risky due to the threat of invasion, but before you consider invasion try improving your scouting (i.e. prioritizing it as part of your strategy). Lone colony ships typically are not outfitted with weapon modules, and cannot break blockades so use your scouts to protect systems you intend to exploit. If you protect systems you need to get your empire set up, you don't have to worry as much about the fast expansion of others. Scouting generally reduces the threat of pirates as well, so even if you dont stop the encroachment of another player, it will help to reduce the threat of pirates showing up in systems you want to colonize.

I think choosing to invade involves a much higher level of military commitment because the resources you've invested in those fleets, their upkeep, etc could have been used to expand, or further develop your research. If you plan on invading, you also need to consider the expansion dissapproval and the military response.
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