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UPDATE: Impossible to play MP

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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 9:17:27 AM
The refining of the galaxy balancing is an ongoing process (there is a difference between "absolute symmetric balancing" going down all the way to having the same planets within a system..or even moons, and "constellation balancing").

For the Rise of the Automatons addon, we've implemented Galaxy balancing in the sense that starting constellations will have the same number of systems, + or - 1. No more "I have 3 systems, my friend has 20"...although you can still choose random if that is your cup of tea.

However, that does NOT mean that we're done with balancing, further changes might be added depending on community feedback.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 12:13:04 PM
Kyu wrote:
On forums, and in game, your entire argument logic is just hurl insults, and make wild claims with no support. I always play even if im on the short end of the stick. I accept the randomness both ways. What i don't do, is blame it for every possible thing I fail in. I mitigate its effects by playing well. You could do the same, but your lack of vision and willpower is just that, lacking.

Ryousei, in the game we all just played, was very plainly explaining to you other reasons, as was I, that your points are 1/4 our points on turn 22. Yet all you can do is put 100% blame on the map and call us f**s. Perhaps this is why you are alone, and awful.

I even joined YOUR game, YOU WERE HOST, to give it another chance. While this time you quit for more practical reasons of being stomped, I thought it was hilarious that after Ryousei quit because you were intolerably spamming nonsense during your tantrum, you were suddenly ready to continue on with the game, had not every other player quit after that.

In conclusion, it is indeed you sir, who wishes to take an unfair advantage against everyone else. I suggest you evolve, in the game and in life. Until then I do enjoy you in those Geico commercials, especially the chess one, you played "cat" and i lol'd.

I didn't even quit you dishonorable liar.. I literally took a vote and everyone wanted a rehost (except you), even the #1 player, and like 5 people quit because 2 players (you included) were at 500+ score (so OF COURSE *you* wanted to continue) and EVERYONE ELSE (except 1st place) was at 130-150. I only rehosted AFTER taking a vote and AFTER they all quit. Seriously man, now you're resorting to outright lies, it's pathetic.

And a tirade? We were discussing optimal strategy for area/race combos, it was a discussion. We were BOTH discussing whether a system could have been taken or not given what my race was versus what my starting systems were.. Seriously man, shut up and move on. You're pathetic.

I mean I'm not even kidding dude, I'm almost ready to report you for blatent trolling and making stuff up to attack me as a person and COMPLETELY lie about a situation to back yourself up.

You need to step down.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 12:14:34 PM
DeamonStorm wrote:
And there is your typical response. To belittle and try and marginalize anyone who disagrees with you. For your information, as you have had your buried firmly up your posterior since the game was released, this game is voted on by the community. Dont like that, leave. Everything that is in this game as been voted on and agreed upon by both players and devs, for the most part. Again, dont like it...you can leave, like you have said you were going to umpteen times already, but still we must suffer through more of your QQ'ing. And then, when people disagree with you, you call them fanbois. Why, because its the only cogent argument that you can muster up.

And dont call me kiddo. Its insulting and disrespectful when I am in fact 35. Grow up and act your age...kiddo.

Well like I said, the devs HAVE listened to me and others on game compromising issues (Hissho anyone? I was a first poster on that, too - and we're getting a rebalace) and were they ever put to a vote? No.

Gah you fanbois are PATHETIC.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 3:42:14 PM
You seriously have some issues. I made one statement, that was entirely true, that you would quit and rehost, which you had stated you already would, and that sparks you to throw insults directly at me, dbag and fag if i recall correctly. Actually, i get it now, you are my fanboi!!!!! awwwww so cute!! ^-^ I bet you want my head as a trophy... so nice to be admired. I can give you some chances my sweet fanboi, wait for my days off, ok? kisses :*:*:*:* poobear

Ps-I didnt care if it continued or not, i just pointed out another game with same people will have the same result. Which is enough to cause you to make the new game 6players, oh i didn't get in... you must have been sad huh... its ok, more chances in future! ok luv u buhbye I appreciate you cooking the map for rushers btw, 8p medium, close distance, young and Fast is soooooo nice.

pss- lol at corp heroes being the best hero late game, they are never good ever compared to other heroes! because you will never see late game against strong players smiley: smile turn 20 quit go!
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 4:03:29 PM
Seriously guys?

I am fine with you all discussing games, and the reasons why MP is "impossible to play". However, I am not fine with the flaming / insults and overall argument. We have recently implemented a Galaxy Balancing system so you can all start with decent positions and number of planets at your disposal (pretty much the same number of systems in a constellation).

I am really hoping this will help you all play some nice and fun MP games, with no pressure nor insults. So please, until then, try to be nice to each other.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 7:30:03 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
Seriously guys?

I am fine with you all discussing games, and the reasons why MP is "impossible to play". However, I am not fine with the flaming / insults and overall argument. We have recently implemented a Galaxy Balancing system so you can all start with decent positions and number of planets at your disposal (pretty much the same number of systems in a constellation).

I am really hoping this will help you all play some nice and fun MP games, with no pressure nor insults. So please, until then, try to be nice to each other.

Amen on that!
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 8:29:02 PM
Kyu wrote:
You seriously have some issues. I made one statement, that was entirely true, that you would quit and rehost, which you had stated you already would, and that sparks you to throw insults directly at me, dbag and fag if i recall correctly. Actually, i get it now, you are my fanboi!!!!! awwwww so cute!! ^-^ I bet you want my head as a trophy... so nice to be admired. I can give you some chances my sweet fanboi, wait for my days off, ok? kisses :*:*:*:* poobear

Ps-I didnt care if it continued or not, i just pointed out another game with same people will have the same result. Which is enough to cause you to make the new game 6players, oh i didn't get in... you must have been sad huh... its ok, more chances in future! ok luv u buhbye I appreciate you cooking the map for rushers btw, 8p medium, close distance, young and Fast is soooooo nice.

pss- lol at corp heroes being the best hero late game, they are never good ever compared to other heroes! because you will never see late game against strong players smiley: smile turn 20 quit go!

Um, no. You're not getting off easy with a little handwaving like that.

You're an outright pathetic _liar_ and you should be ashamed.

Please refrain from

1. Joining my games ever again

2. Making asinine attacks on me based on lies and your pathetic opinions, as per moderator request.

K thx.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 10:19:21 PM
Synaptic_AI wrote:
You're an outright pathetic _liar_ and you should be ashamed. Please refrain from ...2. Making asinine attacks on me based on lies and your pathetic opinions, as per moderator request.

Moderator request: Please refrain from making asinine attacks on anybody, yourself.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 10:41:27 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
Seriously guys?

I am fine with you all discussing games, and the reasons why MP is "impossible to play". However, I am not fine with the flaming / insults and overall argument. We have recently implemented a Galaxy Balancing system so you can all start with decent positions and number of planets at your disposal (pretty much the same number of systems in a constellation).

I am really hoping this will help you all play some nice and fun MP games, with no pressure nor insults. So please, until then, try to be nice to each other.


Thanks for your reply. Is there a thread detailing in more depth the changes to map balance? On the surface it sounds like the only change that's being made is merely the number of systems in the starting constellation, without any consideration to the *quality* of the systems, which is of course the entire crux of the issue.

Can you comment on this point?
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 11:50:43 AM
Synaptic_AI wrote:
Wow, the fanbois really get worked up when you hit a nerve.

In fact, all of my criticisms are mirrored by numerous people on every area of this forum. I'm just the most vocal in THIS sub-forum. Why? Because MP is the only thing I play.

I was one of THE FIRST to become vocal about the map balancing issues. One of, if not THE FIRST to become vocal about the pathetic matchmaking lobby. And now? Yes that's right, we have news of at least a basic map balance option being introduced. Haven't heard anything about the lobby yet, but hopefully they'll get the message soon.

You fanbois really need hop down off of your flagpoles, because open criticism is what brings attention to these issues.

I gave Amplitude money in exchange for a product I should be able to enjoy. In fact, I basically gave them a donation by buying the Emperor edition, as well. So I feel that after having purchased this product that I'm entitled to have it fixed when there are developers ready and waiting to continue developing the game.

But, let me guess, you're one of the fools that likes to wait for the votes and votes for things like "Special rare planet type" or something asinine like that.

Sorry buddy, I like to focus on the most important of aspects keeping this game from reaching a wider audience AND increasing enjoyment for those who already play it.

Cry harder. Not everyone is going to vomit rainbows for you, kiddo.

And there is your typical response. To belittle and try and marginalize anyone who disagrees with you. For your information, as you have had your buried firmly up your posterior since the game was released, this game is voted on by the community. Dont like that, leave. Everything that is in this game as been voted on and agreed upon by both players and devs, for the most part. Again, dont like it...you can leave, like you have said you were going to umpteen times already, but still we must suffer through more of your QQ'ing. And then, when people disagree with you, you call them fanbois. Why, because its the only cogent argument that you can muster up.

And dont call me kiddo. Its insulting and disrespectful when I am in fact 35. Grow up and act your age...kiddo.
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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 11:35:38 AM
Hi there, first of all...GREAT GAME!! And love how you went with talking to the community about it.

Now, in the topic of balancing the game, it seems that the homeworld type a race is from, has no effect on the happiness. For instance, I might be from a desert world, you would think that being from a desert world, that is where a race would be at least neutral in happiness, but instead, I get -10 happiness on desert worlds, even though I am from one of them. I would have thought that perhaps they would have had a -10 on an ocean world or something like that. Is there any idea if you will be implementing that type of thing. Worlds that are either the same or similar in type to a races homeworld no bonus of negative?
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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 12:51:22 PM
Right now, planets have particular bonus/malus, FIDS stats that are specific to their type. Factions don't have any effect on the planets themselves (except for Cravers, damn them destroying our endless space).

Balancing has been done with that rationale in mind. Changing a particular happiness malus from -10 to neutral, for example for a Snowman on an arctic planet, would require to review ALL other factions and all other bonuses/maluses. In addition, Galaxy generation would then have to be completely reviewed also (as some factions would be heavily advantaged if for example they are Happy+10 on desert/arid, considering how often these planets appear in the galaxy).

In short, doing this would require a heavy rebalancing of the whole game. We thought about it but it's not in our priorities.
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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 3:25:58 PM
Synaptic_AI wrote:
On the surface it sounds like the only change that's being made is merely the number of systems in the starting constellation, without any consideration to the *quality* of the systems, which is of course the entire crux of the issue.

There have been a number of different threads of people complaining about unbalanced starts. In general, the thing that seems to get people the *most* aggravated is a start with only 1-2 systems in your constellation. The *second* most aggravating thing is when you have a decent number of planets in your constellation, but they all suck, and your opponent has a bunch of jungles and terrans. I think they should be both fixed, but even if they only solve the first, it will be a big step forward.
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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 7:49:12 PM
Honestly, I like rough starts, it test my ability, even though I mostly fail in those situations. I play the hand I am dealt and just get on with the game. Whats the point in whining?
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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 9:00:08 PM
DeamonStorm wrote:
Whats the point in whining?
Not everybody enjoys a MP game where they have a terrible start position (say, 1 system alone in its constellation) while the opponents have nice start positions. This leads to a high incidence of people dropping from a game early. If people have the option of requesting more balanced starts in an MP game, we will have fewer people dropping early. If you want to play regardless of how poor your start position is, you don't need to request a more balanced start.
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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 5:59:13 PM
I'm sorry, but the original point that was made from synaptic_AI is true for me and my friends who purchased the game at release. We were motivated to play, we really liked it, but the constantly occuring errors, desyncs and multiplayer-issues were discouraging us.

Now we only wait for a patch to really fix the game, because at the moment, it is completely pointless to play. We start our game, get desyncs, %updating errors and are not able to play more than 100 turns. Frustrating. And a pity, since the game looked so nice.

I just hope Amplitude are working on a big patch, otherwise we're all getting really pissed off now...
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12 years ago
Sep 28, 2012, 4:34:02 AM
I agree with the points synaptic raises, but he also needs to calm down abit about it. This is especially true in regards to Kyu and even me, we agree with his points but tbh, they weren't the reasons why there was a huge score disparity that game. The reason is because we expanded alot faster than him and others did, because of our faction and playstyle. I mean he had good planets in his constellation, I just got to his planets (and every other free planet i found) before he did.

Now that is actually a point that needs to be balanced, at the moment there are pretty much no benefits for being a "non-expansionist" (see civ 5, small empires = more policies, more national wonders, tall cities{various bonuses in itself}) and the non-military bonuses are too small compared to the military ones (master of destruction + militarist = ships at like 40% cost). No matter what other bonuses you have, you need to grow fast and build ships fast against good players or you will die.

Possible solutions to make non-military approaches more viable would be to put structures that give a bonus to the fleet defence (since invasion defence only buys you time but doesn't save you). For example the planet/system improvement fires at invaders every round of combat or gives the defending fleet a massive defensive bonus.

In terms of bad players... I think in general this will automatically fix itself once MP becomes more popular and balanced, people will be more inclined to stay and learn. I always try to teach the newer players what to do and if the maptype allows it (I can reach the good players without killing them), I don't bully or attack them unless they do so to me.
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12 years ago
Sep 22, 2012, 7:43:49 PM
It's gotten so bad that even if you feel like playing in MP, it's really not even possible.

1. There are so few players now that over the 3 days since I reinstalled and tried to play MP, it takes normally upwards of 2 hours to even get 4 players. This is with no other open games in the lobby. This is at peak times. This is in what was the "largest" US Steam region.

2. Since all the veteran players seem to have quit with very few exceptions, of the 3 games I was even able to get going, 2 of them fell victim to brand new players who quit because they had no idea how to play. These are players who said they had been playing single player for weeks already. I had forgotten how insignificant and convoluted the training/tutorial in SP actually is, that it produces such incompetent players.

3. Of the 3 games I was able to get going in 3 days of frequent idling in the lobby, 2 of them fell victim to match ending desync. I mean seriously, W T F. Eat a bunch of cheese or something Amplitude, cause you need to get your sh!t together in a big way.


EDIT: Oh, and not to mention not even being able to refresh the lobby for long period of time, and getting straight dropped from games, but I suspect that's more a Steam issue right now. However, it's still a major factor towards MP being broken.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 11:43:13 AM
On forums, and in game, your entire argument logic is just hurl insults, and make wild claims with no support. I always play even if im on the short end of the stick. I accept the randomness both ways. What i don't do, is blame it for every possible thing I fail in. I mitigate its effects by playing well. You could do the same, but your lack of vision and willpower is just that, lacking.

Ryousei, in the game we all just played, was very plainly explaining to you other reasons, as was I, that your points are 1/4 our points on turn 22. Yet all you can do is put 100% blame on the map and call us f**s. Perhaps this is why you are alone, and awful.

I even joined YOUR game, YOU WERE HOST, to give it another chance. While this time you quit for more practical reasons of being stomped, I thought it was hilarious that after Ryousei quit because you were intolerably spamming nonsense during your tantrum, you were suddenly ready to continue on with the game, had not every other player quit after that.

In conclusion, it is indeed you sir, who wishes to take an unfair advantage against everyone else. I suggest you evolve, in the game and in life. Until then I do enjoy you in those Geico commercials, especially the chess one, you played "cat" and i lol'd.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 8:50:30 AM
Kyu wrote:
I will play with synaptic, and stomp him out. But I will not play with him if he is host, because 98% chance he will quit any game, and being the host ends it. As I'm gonna stomp him out, his quitting is guaranteed. I'm sure the people would like more than 20 turns each game.

Actually, like I said earlier, check my games played list. the people who play with me know I'm a fair and balanced host who refuses to play a game where someone isn't going to have fun.

I know you're a simpleton and don't understand this. I know you're a raging fanboi who doesn't like to admit the map engine is screwed up when you're trying to make a point about who I am as a person.

And frankly, what it comes down to is that you don't like that I refuse to give you an unfair advantage in maps. That's all. You just like to cheat the other players in my games from having a fair shot.

Well good for you. I'm glad you like being such a self-centered child about remakes that you ruin the experience for anyone who got the short end of the stick.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 8:42:56 AM
DeamonStorm wrote:
You know, Ive been chatting on and off on this forum since I got into the Alpha with a pre-order and up to this point, everyone has been really positive. All I have seen from you in the past week is alot of whining and crying over something that isnt broken. At first you said that MP was unbalanced, broken and that you didnt want to play it anymore because of the balance issues. Now you are saying you cant get a MP game in an expedient manner. So what happened to you 'expunging' your HD of the game until MP was fixed?

I have come to the conclusion you are nothing but a troll baiter. You sit on these forums posting endless(lol) and utter non-sense that no one but a handful of others agrees with. Bearing in mind that this is a community with 20k+ members participating in it, you arent even a fraction of the player base. And I have to agree with Sti. After the childish and complete non-sense that you keep posting here, berating the game...its no wonder that no one wants to play with you. The fact that YOU cant get a game doesnt mean that MP is broken. I can get a game pretty much whenever I log on if I so wanted.

Further, at the moment the MP is split up into regions, this is annoying and limits the games in a given area, but, its just a matter of changing the download location on Steam to find games. Its not a big deal. My advice to you...just...stop posting on the forums before the mods wise up to your trolling and baiting.

Wow, the fanbois really get worked up when you hit a nerve.

In fact, all of my criticisms are mirrored by numerous people on every area of this forum. I'm just the most vocal in THIS sub-forum. Why? Because MP is the only thing I play.

I was one of THE FIRST to become vocal about the map balancing issues. One of, if not THE FIRST to become vocal about the pathetic matchmaking lobby. And now? Yes that's right, we have news of at least a basic map balance option being introduced. Haven't heard anything about the lobby yet, but hopefully they'll get the message soon.

You fanbois really need hop down off of your flagpoles, because open criticism is what brings attention to these issues.

I gave Amplitude money in exchange for a product I should be able to enjoy. In fact, I basically gave them a donation by buying the Emperor edition, as well. So I feel that after having purchased this product that I'm entitled to have it fixed when there are developers ready and waiting to continue developing the game.

But, let me guess, you're one of the fools that likes to wait for the votes and votes for things like "Special rare planet type" or something asinine like that.

Sorry buddy, I like to focus on the most important of aspects keeping this game from reaching a wider audience AND increasing enjoyment for those who already play it.

Cry harder. Not everyone is going to vomit rainbows for you, kiddo.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 8:35:24 AM
I will play with synaptic, and stomp him out. But I will not play with him if he is host, because 98% chance he will quit any game, and being the host ends it. As I'm gonna stomp him out, his quitting is guaranteed. I'm sure the people would like more than 20 turns each game.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 6:24:08 AM
Synaptic_AI wrote:
It's gotten so bad that even if you feel like playing in MP, it's really not even possible.

1. There are so few players now that over the 3 days since I reinstalled and tried to play MP, it takes normally upwards of 2 hours to even get 4 players. This is with no other open games in the lobby. This is at peak times. This is in what was the "largest" US Steam region.

2. Since all the veteran players seem to have quit with very few exceptions, of the 3 games I was even able to get going, 2 of them fell victim to brand new players who quit because they had no idea how to play. These are players who said they had been playing single player for weeks already. I had forgotten how insignificant and convoluted the training/tutorial in SP actually is, that it produces such incompetent players.

3. Of the 3 games I was able to get going in 3 days of frequent idling in the lobby, 2 of them fell victim to match ending desync. I mean seriously, W T F. Eat a bunch of cheese or something Amplitude, cause you need to get your sh!t together in a big way.


EDIT: Oh, and not to mention not even being able to refresh the lobby for long period of time, and getting straight dropped from games, but I suspect that's more a Steam issue right now. However, it's still a major factor towards MP being broken.

You know, Ive been chatting on and off on this forum since I got into the Alpha with a pre-order and up to this point, everyone has been really positive. All I have seen from you in the past week is alot of whining and crying over something that isnt broken. At first you said that MP was unbalanced, broken and that you didnt want to play it anymore because of the balance issues. Now you are saying you cant get a MP game in an expedient manner. So what happened to you 'expunging' your HD of the game until MP was fixed?

I have come to the conclusion you are nothing but a troll baiter. You sit on these forums posting endless(lol) and utter non-sense that no one but a handful of others agrees with. Bearing in mind that this is a community with 20k+ members participating in it, you arent even a fraction of the player base. And I have to agree with Sti. After the childish and complete non-sense that you keep posting here, berating the game...its no wonder that no one wants to play with you. The fact that YOU cant get a game doesnt mean that MP is broken. I can get a game pretty much whenever I log on if I so wanted.

Further, at the moment the MP is split up into regions, this is annoying and limits the games in a given area, but, its just a matter of changing the download location on Steam to find games. Its not a big deal. My advice to you...just...stop posting on the forums before the mods wise up to your trolling and baiting.
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12 years ago
Sep 23, 2012, 9:23:59 AM
I dont like custom races. It smel like cheating to me. But anyway, its not so difficult to find a game.
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12 years ago
Sep 23, 2012, 12:45:27 AM
Hmmm, I have the exact opposite experience. I have been on FMLA from work for about 6 weeks with a horrible case of pneumonia and I can almost always get into a game. You just have to switch between Europe and USA servers at the appropriate times. I can count the times on one hand that I've wanted a game and haven't gotten one going, either by making my own or joining someone else's, in about 15 or 20 minutes.

There are actually more players now than there were 6 weeks ago. But, I make it a point to help new players, which helps. if I see someone not playing with a custom faction, I ask if they are new to MP, then I help them make one. In-game I go out of my way to not be overly aggressive and knock them out early so they don't get discouraged and quit.

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12 years ago
Sep 22, 2012, 10:08:00 PM
FireStorm wrote:
you lie i never do.I never quit without a word.

If i crash i rejoin.

thats a fact.

As for your bulshit about settings, you left as host without a word , and didnt reload to continue, so i guess you know about your own settings right?

I wont continue this argument, what i can telll you , is when we play and talk its "ah synaptic , yeah he alwys quits" .Many people.Think about it.

Well it is a moot argument. If I'm not mistaken, you can easily check my Steam profile and see that I've competed many more games (i.e. turn 80+) than I've left or remade at the start.

You just have to look at my recently played with list and see how long I played. If I'm not mistaken anyone can view this, but it might be a private setting.

I have nothing to hide. People form idiotic opinions when they don't get their way, and frankly, most of the "veterans" that complain when I remake are the ones that love to prey on people who got the short end of the stick.

So yeah. Keep it to yourself.
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12 years ago
Sep 22, 2012, 9:58:50 PM
you lie i never do.I never quit without a word.

If i crash i rejoin.

thats a fact.

As for your bulshit about settings, you left as host without a word , and didnt reload to continue, so i guess you know about your own settings right?

I wont continue this argument, what i can telll you , is when we play and talk its "ah synaptic , yeah he alwys quits" .Many people.Think about it.
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12 years ago
Sep 22, 2012, 9:49:43 PM
FireStorm wrote:
ok thats wierd i was pretty sure they wouldnt , good for you.

I wont.

Well I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe if you had some patience when we're setting up and making sure no-one got completely screwed (yes, anyone that asks for a remake), maybe if you exercised a little understanding that this game is complete crap for enjoyable games without setting it up properly, you'd enjoy yourself along with everyone else who're starting on (somewhat) level ground.

My assumption is that doesn't really work with your playstyle though, you'd rather just dominate people who got the shortest end of the stick.

And don't bullsh!t anyone, I've personally witnessed you drop games when everyone else was just fine.
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12 years ago
Sep 22, 2012, 9:43:09 PM
FireStorm wrote:

There arent that many players, but we manage.I see often your games and never join them.Maybe there are more poeple like me.

You acted like jerk uncountable times , you reap the rewards.

I know my little circle of veteran players :Kyu, masterdave,apech,me,karnij none of us would play with you, we wasted enough time , thank you.

Um, actually I played games with masterdave, and karnij and apech since I reinstalled. lol...so. um. yeah.
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12 years ago
Sep 22, 2012, 9:39:48 PM
sti wrote:
Maybe no one wants to play you.

I'm not really a fan of MP for this game I feel it isn't very well setup for it, but you creating endless threads about this is hardly helping whatever your cause is.


There arent that many players, but we manage.I see often your games and never join them.Maybe there are more poeple like me.

You acted like jerk uncountable times , you reap the rewards.

I know my little circle of veteran players :Kyu, masterdave,apech,me,karnij none of us would play with you, we wasted enough time , thank you.
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12 years ago
Sep 22, 2012, 9:38:47 PM
sti wrote:
Maybe no one wants to play you.

I'm not really a fan of MP for this game I feel it isn't very well setup for it, but you creating endless threads about this is hardly helping whatever your cause is.

If they didn't want to play with me you'd expect they'd create their own games. But they don't. The lobbies stay completely empty except for my game, for hours and hours.

Maybe a response from the devs that MP issues are being worked on and exactly how they plan to mend the completely broken MP experience would help.
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12 years ago
Sep 22, 2012, 8:55:01 PM
Maybe no one wants to play you.

I'm not really a fan of MP for this game I feel it isn't very well setup for it, but you creating endless threads about this is hardly helping whatever your cause is.
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