Amplitude, I know the different server regions is a steam based problem and not one designed by you guys, but not all steam games suffer this problem.

I'm uncertain how they achieve this but there are games on steam that allows a global multiplayer lobby (such as the paradox 4x games) and/or in game region selection (valve's own games such as dota 2, although this is dedicated server so maybe too expensive/not an option for you).

However, for a game where there's not too many players, you need to work out some way for us to be all in the same lobbies.

Also added frustration is that during some hours, the servers are merged... however when it unmerges, we get disconnected from the game, and sent to our own individual lobbies with no way to continue the game. This happens around 3am Sydney Time.

Another way to bypass this is to at least enable direct IP game joining, and then providing us with a basic "global" chat (one text only dedicated server should be cheap) in the multiplayer lobby to advertise games.