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Waiting period for a change of diplomatic status

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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 1:41:54 PM
This was added in one of the latest patches, is there any way to disable it when hosting a game, as it does really change the nature of multiplayer?

Especially if you are playing 1v1 and you and your opponent have to sit around for 10 turns looking at each other after you meet.

Game speed: Normal

- Cold War: you will have to wait 10 turns to change this diplomatic status

- War: 15 turns

- Peace: 10 turns

- Alliance: 15 turns

Thanks a lot
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 12:03:02 AM
Thankfully it's been removed as of 1.0.38 per the release notes.

Was a bad idea (beyond maybe 2 or 3 turns) from the start, glad it's gone.
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