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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 7:23:12 PM
Hi Guys,

Been only playing single-player but since the recent dlc release I came across this interesting mid-game strategy, which is pretty powerful, or could in some ways be seen as game-breaking?

I love the new way you can setup the formations and weapons for each phase. I noticed that for instance you can put missiles on as effective at melee range. This provides you with a whopping 10 projectiles per round at 0.9 accuracy, which is pretty impressive. Obviously this is balanced in that these projectiles only provide a meagre amount of damage because you have so many (e.g. Plasma at 15 damage rather than 600 at long range). The most interesting thing is that once equipped, these missiles fire continuously throughout all the battle phases and only take one tick to reach the opponent. Looks like a massive fireworks display.

Anyway, to get to my point; AFAIK missiles can only be blocked by a finite number of flack, which means a ship's defences can be overwhelmed by this new increased volume? This is unlike kinetics or beam weapons where defences continuously block a set amount of damage. A hero ability such as Lethal Modder, offering +100 Max, +100 Min on fleet weapons suddenly makes all these projectiles hit at 115 damage rather than 15. One of my ship 'Cruiser' classes has 32 of these missile modules, so the missiles now hit for a total of 32x10x115x0.9 = 33,120 damage per tick, rather than 32x10x15x0.9 = 4,320 damage without the hero ability. So the ability is offering a 767% buff to fleet weapons. Taking 3 or 4 of these ships into battle and you can easily deal over 100k of damage per tick, usually twice before the enemy fleet has even had time to retreat smiley: wink

Please rip this apart with counter-strategies or corrections, I've only used this a few times but it instantly seemed overpowered.

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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2013, 10:10:35 PM
Defenses changed, they all just reduce a % of incoming damage based on its defense rating, the formula is aroundt here somewhere but its something like dmg*(1-defense/(defense+hull weakness)). Base hull weakness is 100

Melee weapon damage is reduced to 25% on long phase and 75% on medium phase. Its generally thought that its more tonnage effective to just go for kinetic if your gonna use a melee weapon. Could change if your faction has a special weapon of a specific type.
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