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Mulitplayer Sync Issue?

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12 years ago
Jul 10, 2013, 9:27:56 PM
My friend and I have a game running and we have what seems like a sync issue. At one point, he said he had a ship he was fighting at a system. I had a ship in that system and only saw his ship. I am the host.

We ended and when we loaded the game up to play the next time, I could then see the ship he was talking about. Then later in this game, he said he had some other strange things with a fleet battle. He said he was fighting a scout and it turned out to be a fleet. Not sure about if he was just mistaking on this but the first part I talked about, I did witness.

Just wanted to know if anyone else has seen these odd things happen.

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12 years ago
Jul 11, 2013, 6:54:02 PM
This should be very rare now, however on the odd occasion this happens or you suspect its happening, reload the game and all should be fine again.

Sometimes you might notice that something you did could cause it, but its very rare smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2013, 9:05:29 AM
Hi everyone,

I actually made an account to reply to this thread. The sync problem is very real for me and a friend. We can't seem to get past round 50 rehosting and starting from ~round 45 does not seem to fix the problem.

I am not talking about stuff like a ship not being on the correct planet, that seems to fix itself every now and then (at the end of a turn maybe) but i am talking about fleets that battle when there is no fleet on the host?! wich makes the client wait for the battle to end... And the host waits for the client to respond to the end of the turn. The host then completly locks up and needs to exit the game by killing the process. smiley: frown

I was wondering if there are steps that can be taken to lessen these sync problems? maybe opening ports so a direct connection can be made?
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