The initial succession game is winding down now as we're into the late game stages. I want to put thoughts for the next one here.

This time around I want to make it more interesting for the very experienced players among us. Not only will it keep them in the game, it'll also reveal some of their playstyle secrets, which I for one would enjoy benefiting from. So here's what I have in mind.

1. We add a well-designed custom race to our roster.

2. We add another stock race, for a total of two races in the scenario.

3. Players play 15 turns, like last time

4. But this time they cycle through the races -

Player1 would play RaceX, then:

Player2 RaceY, then:

Player3 RaceX, then:

Player1 RaceY, etc.

5. The player that meets the victory conditions, no matter which race they're currently on, wins the scenario. smiley: wink

Theoretically this will incentivise players to play well no matter which race they currently control. It also opens up some potential for sabotage and intrigue as a meta-game.

If you guys like this idea, lets hear your thoughts on victory conditions and good potential races to use.