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IDEA: Multiple Galaxies

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12 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 2:47:07 PM
I agree, I love that idea, because although I can set the galaxy to contain a hundred systems or so, it nevertheless always feels kind of small to me, don't know why that is....
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12 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 5:35:09 PM
Something I would like to see as well. +1
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12 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 12:17:32 PM
I love to see that too

But i know, the real challenge is the AI Moves and Micromanagement in the other "Layers" of the Galaxy. Example, you went to Layer 2 Galaxie, the CPU still render/calculate the Layer 1 and depper AI Moves. The Galaxie Layers dont freeze, while your in a different one. i think here the AI moves + CPU (still Dualcore+) is the Limit, and of course your RAM (Galaxy Map Data+). But take into account, with Time you have to Wait 30sec+ to end a Turn...
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12 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 12:24:49 PM
Imagine! A game map where each player has their own small private galaxy and they all travel to a central, bigger one to do battle and the only way to invade it is through a wormhole. It will be about who has the power to breakthrough and invade the other sanctuaries.
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 9:12:50 PM
Sounds like a good idea to the dev's for an expansion. play through one galaxy, more/less conquer or unite the galaxy via diplomacy, research until you discover another galaxy and they introduce a whole different set of races and planets that you have to tangle with,
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12 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 9:05:15 AM
I hate to be person who asks sanity from others... mostly because I'm last one to whom except that,


computers have their limits, games have their limits, players have their limits.

Sadly althought this would be marvelous idea it's not even hard to do, it's bordering in the line of impossible.

Still if someone wants to try I cheer and wait anxiously what he can do.

Though guys, before we try to get moon from the sky should we try to learn to build mudhut? We don't have single working mod in these forums yet and I see wild ideas running around.
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12 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 5:16:54 PM
Hupailija wrote:
I hate to be person who asks sanity from others... mostly because I'm last one to whom except that,


computers have their limits, games have their limits, players have their limits.

Sadly althought this would be marvelous idea it's not even hard to do, it's bordering in the line of impossible.

Still if someone wants to try I cheer and wait anxiously what he can do.

Though guys, before we try to get moon from the sky should we try to learn to build mudhut? We don't have single working mod in these forums yet and I see wild ideas running around.

Gotta start somewhere, I doubt this could get modded in to be honest. You could kinda do it in the form of scenarios on custom maps if we could ever add other races. The functionality in-game from a memory perspective would need to dump the memory and load the next galaxy separately I think for it to be possible, but if you have a fast PC the loading times are pretty quick. I don't think the system would handle well 16 races in the late game over two galaxies, definitely agreed, but maybe as a goal once a player has united the galaxy or something or other expansion you could do it. Say the pilgrims goal is to find Tor and it turns out to be somewhere else entirely who knows? Cool idea for down the line, agreed not possible now.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 3:36:08 AM
I have no idea why this game doesn't already have multiple galaxies. It seems like a rather trivial thing to do, though I can see it becoming pretty tedious. Maybe make it so when you "win" you unlock another galaxy, and you can start sending some fleets there to conquer whoever is hanging out there?
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 8:32:24 PM
Simply put, it's impossible to add this to the game. It would require rewrite a large part of the AI so they can move from galaxy to galaxy and act like nothing happened, and there's the memory issue. Larger map equals more processing power, and computers have their limits. The max we can do is suggest to the dev team to create an expansion (AKA a whole new game with the same face as ES), but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't do that. Programming a game to use multi-core has to be tricky and time consuming, specially when you have a great game recently released. But give the game some time, maybe in a few months we'll see DLC (as they are the new identity of "expansions").
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 3:27:03 PM
I've been brainstorming about this idea, and come up with these stuff so far:


-A custom galaxy background (multiple galaxies in fact, a very large one)

-A custom & bigger galaxy density map

-Bigger galaxy size

-Ability to zoom out even further

OR, instead of above 3;

-Keeping the galaxy size and zoom etc... the same, but lowering ship/fleet speeds, reducing influence areas, sensor ranges, and distance between clusters & stars to make room for & imitate multiple galaxies

-A custom galaxy density map, however since the size is the same and you just imitate multiple galaxies, this may require a modification to galaxy generation

In both cases, galaxy density should match the "custom background", no matter what. If you want to take it further, somehow making the game pick 2-8 galaxy backgrounds & density maps, and combining them into a grand one (don't think this is possible / or it'll take a huge work).

Requirements (cont'd)

-New technologies, ship modules, racial traits, maybe

-Modifications on existing stuff to match the slower game-play (as the scale goes up, but the progression stays the same, game plays slower by itself - at least it should be in my opinion)


-Even more technologies and stuff to enrich the experience

-New rules, bonuses for controlling a galaxy, maybe

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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 2:16:35 AM
That is actually a really good idea. I think it would extend the game time and longevity of the entire game. It would also finally give us that satisfying battle when massive fleets collide. For the most part i have been kind of disappointed with the combat system. It just doesn't have those "wow" moments and i think if your idea comes into the game we could finally get those moments.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 5:35:37 AM
Actually the current galaxy even if set to Huge and with maximum density in the number of planets still feels a bit to small.

In my opinion it would be awesome to unlock technologies that will allow our faction to explore those galaxy sized clouds that always seem to exist in the galaxy background smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 5:10:58 PM
This idea is amazing. It would truly break the ground for a genre shattering game. +1
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12 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 1:47:45 PM
They could even add a 'Grand Campaign' for it, kind of like the Total War series (Medieval and Empire)

It would be nice for a bit lager maximum fleet sizes to go with it, and a more RTS version of the fighting if possible (also much like Total War), just for the fun of it smiley: biggrin

+1 to this!
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 11:02:06 PM
Basically as research expands the idea is you would be able to acquire technology to travel between galaxies using wormholes. Probably useful as part of some sort of extension: maybe after this happens you move to a universe map and begin taking over entire galaxies with armadas (fleets x fleets used for combat on a massive universal scale). Maybe some different rules and increased massiveness (streamlining: galaxies are the new systems, constellations are the new planets, assign acquisition of ships from galaxies, etc.). Galaxies could be invaded, downsizing to galaxy view and sending your fleets into the galaxy to capture. Maybe a good mod idea or something?
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12 years ago
Jun 17, 2012, 8:14:56 PM
It might be possible to expand on this for early to mid game as well. Hidden systems off the wormhole charts that require you to send your scout ships off the normal paths to have a chance to find. Possibly even endless derelicts or abandoned stations. This would give a reason for your scouts ships to continue running around even after you have finished mapping the easily accessible parts.
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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 3:04:54 PM
Total agreement, including the post above me.

This should probably be moved over to the suggestions board, it's more of a game feature than a mod idea. The post above me outlines a very easy-to-make change that would be very cool, even if the overall complex galactic-scale idea is passed on..

It would also be very cool with how my proposal (see sig) would intertwine with this, requiring huge carriers or massive fuel stores, huge more-than-a-galaxy covering communication systems, etc..
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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 3:20:32 PM
Hidden systems off the wormhole charts that require you to send your scout ships off the normal paths to have a chance to find.

This would be fun, cause you can only 1/2 accomplish it today (systems off the beaten paths) but there are limitations in doing so atm.
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12 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 12:41:56 AM
Think this is a great idea, i would love to take it universe wide, maybe even add some more races into it, Maybe even add new weapon and armor types to the game once you reach a new galaxy to mix it up a bit
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12 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 3:15:24 PM
Slash_Enris wrote:
It might be possible to expand on this for early to mid game as well. Hidden systems off the wormhole charts that require you to send your scout ships off the normal paths to have a chance to find. Possibly even endless derelicts or abandoned stations. This would give a reason for your scouts ships to continue running around even after you have finished mapping the easily accessible parts.

Aside from providing actual intel on enemy fleet positions you mean? smiley: small
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