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New space battle/war system mode.

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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 1:51:33 PM

First i would like to say that i like Endless Space as game but the wars with AI races are too simply and there is no much room for strategic and tactic there so in the end the game itself is boring. And please understand that this is only my point of view and i didnt want to offence creators of Endless Space by that statement.

I will post here my proposition for improving war system to be more advanced from tactics and strategy point of view.

Since i want to make a list of proposed changes, i will edit this post to keep all the proposition on one page.

Please make a comment if you have some suggestions.

Ok, lets start - there will be 3 groups:

1. What is good in war system.

2. What is bad.

3. What can be change.

What is good in war system.

1. Expansion disapproval - i know that for many players it is bad idea but for me it is great coz it balance your expantion so you just cant take whatever you want.

What is bad.

1. Speed of ships does not matter at all - since you cant destroy your enemy colony (and he cant destroy yours) and even with powerfull fleet it take at least 4-5 turns to take a system there is no hurry smiley: smile. So all these tech and engines you can use is waste of space on ship.

What can be change.

1. Add option of destroying (bombardment) the colony, with consequencion of planet degradation. There could be 1 turn for 1 planet destruction - reason for that see "What is bad" pt. 1.

2. Add conquering planets by troops which are transported in defenceless transport ship or transported in marines mods on ships. It will be like colony ship mod that you can put on ship. These marines mods will cost 1 colonist and some industry and will be eg. 50 tons each. New tech gives new marrines mods that means more powerfull marines. After using marines mod ship will have empty space in place of mod so that ship could be retrofit and used again as marines carrier.

I will be adding new points at these sections over time.

Thanks for yours suggestions. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 4:28:00 AM
I like the idea of marine modules, reminds my of GalCiv 2 really. Anyway as a suggestion bigger fleet cp just coz big fleet battles would look awesome and would mean those large stacks of enemy fleets can be attacked in 1 to 5 battles rather than 30, but Im not too bothered by it smiley: biggrin .
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 8:43:54 AM
2. Add conquering planets by troops which are transported in defenceless transport ship or transported in marines mods on ships. It will be like colony ship mod that you can put on ship. These marines mods will cost 1 colonist and some industry and will be eg. 50 tons each. New tech gives new marrines mods that means more powerfull marines. After using marines mod ship will have empty space in place of mod so that ship could be retrofit and used again as marines carrier.

This should be easy,

Codewise that would mean adding modules to ships which increase invasion +x but cost +x pop +x ind. It shouldn't be hard to do.


1. Add option of destroying (bombardment) the colony, with consequencion of planet degradation. There could be 1 turn for 1 planet destruction - reason for that see "What is bad" pt. 1.

I (which doesn't mean that someone else wouldn't) don't know how one could do it.

Basically invasion modules which unterraforms planet to lower class?

mmmm, well terraforming is:



($(PlanetTypeDesert) or $(PlanetTypeArctic) or $(PlanetTypeLava) or $(PlanetTypeAsteroids) or $(PlanetTypeGasMethane) or $ (PlanetTypeGasHydrogen) or (PlanetTypeGasHelium) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)




to make that as a module... I don't know it would require loads of testing and modest amount of coding.
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12 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 10:12:40 AM
HI smiley: smile

I am VERY happy to see that there are people in the galaxy who think that there should be some changes in war system of ES smiley: biggrin

Bad thing is i have no idea about modding and it is just magic for me so i will just post my ideas about game.

So discussion started about system conquering.

My final idea about that is :

1. Fleet mele power – for now that determine how long you will be conquering system – my proposition is to increase fleet mele power x 2 and instead of conquering mele power will determine the orbital bombardment damages. So for example if we have now fleet which is conquering system populated with 10 pop in 6 turns in new system fleet will completely destroy colony in 3 turns – destroying 33% of pop and buildings each tour.

2. Now we don’t know what is defence power of enemy system – and we need to know – some information should be visible – reason – point 3.

3. In early stages of game when systems are weak 1 troop pod should be enough for conquering the system – but in time when systems are more populated and has more buildings (also defecnce power) it should take 2 troop (or maby 3 in late phase of game with hudge pop in systems) pods to conquer the system – so for that we need to know how strong defence power of system is.

4. 1x troop pod which is installed on ship is similar to colony pod = cost 1 population and some industry.

What do you think about that. ?

edit: and eventual planet degradation (like from terran to arid -desert - lava something like that) will be depend of totall damages done by bombardment.
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