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[Released] Galaxy Tweaks

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12 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 4:10:28 PM
Galaxy Tweaks


- Most galaxy generation settings have been tweaked for more plausibility, balance, and randomness

-- Please keep in mind that the rather terrible distribution system can still cause some significant imbalances

- Factions always start in systems with the same proper star type according lore, vids, and/or own judgement:

-- Blue: Sophons

-- White: Carvers and Hissho

-- Yellow: United Empire, Horatio, Sowers, Amoeba, Pilgrims, and Sheredyn

- Home systems have always 6 planets but don't have additional class 1-3 planets

- Average number of planets per system increased with minimum of 2/2/3 and maximum of 5/6/6 planets (few/normal/many)

- Changed star type probabilities per galaxy age closer to Milky Way statistics:

-- Young: Red Dwarf > Yellow, Binary > Protostar > White, White Dwarf > Blue, Red Giant

-- Normal: Red Dwarf > Yellow, Binary, White Dwarf > White > Protostar, Red Giant > Blue

-- Old: Red Dwarf, White Dwarf > Yellow, Binary > White > Red Giant > Blue, Protostar

- Changed planet type probabilities per star type with following class 1-5 ratios:

-- Blue: 6/15/19/20/40 (was 9/26/19/16/10)

-- White: 9/18/18/20/35 (was 14/32/16/10/6)

-- Yellow: 14/20/16/15/35 (was 9/28/24/10/6)

-- Red Dwarf: 3/14/18/20/45 (was 3/10/12/26/30)

-- Binary: 9/18/18/20/35 (was 3/14/18/26/13)

-- Protostar: 0/0/0/25/75 (was 6/14/16/22/23)

-- Red Giant: 4/20/16/20/40 (was 3/20/12/33/12)

-- White Dwarf: 3/11/11/15/60 (was 3/11/14/32/18)

- Average size of rocky planets slightly decreased

- Huge size removed from rocky planets to reserve it for asteroid belts and gas giants

- Average size of gas giants increased

- Medium size removed from Methane Gas Giant

- Moon probability for gas giants increased from 50 to 100%

- Changed chances for anomalies per planet type

- Changed chances for temples per star type according to likelihood of early habitation

- Changed chances for strategic and luxury resources per planet type

PimpMyGalaxy Mod supported. You need to restore the original PimpMyGalaxy "GalaxySettings.xml" file if you like to uninstall PimpMyGalaxy with its uninstaller!

Backup files for Vanilla and PimpMyGalaxy Mod included.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?44h4diyfeyo71d4
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12 years ago
Jul 29, 2012, 4:22:09 AM
No worries, I’m used to a 5-people fanbase of my mods since years.

If someone is not sure what to think about all these changes, then just start a couple of games with Amoeba and take a look at the planet compositions in each system.

The anomalies and resources should sit on proper planets now, but if you disagree with something then give a damn. I’m only a wikipedist and no scientist.

I know it looks shabby with the removed class 2-3 planets or have always 6 planets in the home system, but it’s the only safe method to balance home systems with each other. There is still a good point: you don’t need to restart several times a session anymore until you get a couple of additional class 2 planets.

If the distribution system is ever going to be improved by devs or other coder then I will gladly try something better.
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12 years ago
Jul 29, 2012, 5:47:35 AM
Jarus wrote:
- Home systems have always 6 planets but don't have additional class 1-3 planets

Do I understand correctly that home systems will only have barren, lava, asteroid and gas? That seems a very strong limitation. What is the reason for this choice?

I am not able to download the file from mediafire; it says "your download is starting" and then "there is a problem with your download". I use mediafire to distribute my own mods so I can use it for other files.

Is this an xml-only mod, or have you worked your way into the galaxy generator C# code?
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12 years ago
Jul 29, 2012, 9:01:37 AM
Download works fine for me. No idea why not. I set the file to public and shared the link here. It seems to work for others too.

It's only a modified GalaxySettings.xml file. Backup file of vanilla and PimpMyGalaxy mod included in the 7-zip archive.

Home systems look similar like our boring but realistic Sol system now with a single class 1 (or 2 as Carvers) home planet and the rest barren, lava, asteroid belt and gas giants. No player gets any advantage for starting with few additional class 2-3 which can be colonized early while other players possibly don't have such luck starting with only additional class 4-5. This starter luck was simply eliminated by the class 2-3 removal. It will take many turns until class 4-5 can be colonized, then the home system shouldn't make such a huge difference anymore. Yes, home systems can hardly be the powerhouses anymore, but the game is about colonization of other systems, isn't it? It's a fair start nonetheless.

There is nothing that can be done by only modifying GalaxySettings.xml to balance the other systems around home ones, that's why I hope the distribution system will be improved one day.
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