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modding bugs

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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 8:10:50 AM
davea wrote:
I found another way to do it. I created an empire improvement which gives -35% on the tonnage of civilian modules. This allows 3-4 pop on a standard transport, and 12 pop on a high tech DN. 12 is not recommended, because when you colonize a new system, you only get one planet. So if the planet has a pop cap of 8, the other 4 pop are apparently launched into deep space and killed.

Sacrifices for a better Future ! smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 6:20:15 AM
davea wrote:
So if the planet has a pop cap of 8, the other 4 pop are apparently launched into deep space and killed.
Oh dear, that escalated quickly.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 6:05:04 AM
davea wrote:
I created a mod which gives a new race-specific seed pod module to horatio, but ships with this module cannot colonize.

I found another way to do it. I created an empire improvement which gives -35% on the tonnage of civilian modules. This allows 3-4 pop on a standard transport, and 12 pop on a high tech DN. 12 is not recommended, because when you colonize a new system, you only get one planet. So if the planet has a pop cap of 8, the other 4 pop are apparently launched into deep space and killed.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 3:18:39 AM
I don't want anything else, I am only pointing out that your single post in this thread is not understandable, without reading the original thread I linked.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 3:04:29 AM
Not sure what you want me to put in there, I put the code I used, explained what the results logically should be and explained that's not what happened. What else do you want?
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 2:47:40 AM
Nycidian wrote:
Figured out another way it should work using mathematical properties.



How it should work

F || I

3 || 2

F+I || I

5 || 2

F+I || I -(F+I)

5 || -3

(F+I)+[I-(F+I)] || I -(F+I)

2 || -3

(F+I)+[I-(F+I)] || {I -(F+I)}*-1

2 || 3

But again it doesn't work. It seems that the game will only work on either Food or Industry, with the above code on a planet with 8 food and 8 industry it did not effect food what so ever and gave Industry no bonus but a -16.

*you can simplify the above to make it easier to understand

F || I

F+I || I

F+I || I -(F+I) → F+I || -F

(F+I)+(-)F || -F → I || -F

I || -F*-1

I || F

Pretty sure this is a bug though I have no idea why it will only let me manipulate one FIDS at a time.
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12 years ago
Aug 18, 2012, 2:24:08 AM
I created a mod which gives a new race-specific seed pod module to horatio, but ships with this module cannot colonize. Carefully unzip the attachment into (my documents)\Endless Space; it contains both a save game, and a set of modding files for a mod called "Transport Bug". I have added a ModuleColonizationHoratio1 into CivilianModules.xml and added the unlock for this module into the Efficient Shielding tech.

In the save game, I have designed a colonizer with four of these modules, built it, and moved it to an empty system, Hidel which is just north of home planet Takim. Building it correctly reduces the system population by 4. When I arrive at Hidel, the colonize tooltip is greyed out, "your fleet has no colonization ship". I suppose there is a hard-coding somewhere for enabling this button, which only enables it when the specific module "ModuleColonization" is present. I can scrap the ship at an occupied system to get the population back, but I cannot start a new system with this ship.

I tried a workaround, where instead of 4 horatio modules, I have 2 horatio modules and one normal seed module. When I build this ship, it only decreases the population of the planet by 1 instead of 3 (wrong). When I move this ship to Hidel, the colonize button is activated (right) but colonizing only puts one population on the planet (wrong).

Please fix this so that race-specific colonization modules work properly.
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12 years ago
Aug 12, 2012, 5:51:04 PM
If a file in a mod directory is readonly, the game will fail to read it:

Datatable of type ShipDesignTemplate cannot open the file with path : C:\Users\dave\Documents/Endless Space/Modding/hero-assign/AI/ShipDesignTemplate.xml Exception : System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "C:\Users\dave\Documents\Endless Space\Modding\hero-assign\AI\ShipDesignTemplate.xml" is denied.

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) [0x00000] in :0

You are only reading the file anyway, why do you fail without write permission?

Protip: *always* *always* look in output_log.txt and search for the string "Modding" when testing a new mod. In this case, the game starts fine, but the associated file defines all the templates for ships larger than corvette. So an error in reading this file means that the AI's will never build any ships larger than corvettes. I was testing a mod which puts the proper ship names like HAWK instead of MEDIUM1HISSHOTEMPLATES, and I was very annoyed that after 80 turns, none of the AI's had built any larger ships. Come to find later that the game failed to read my mod file, and in fact failed to read the normal game file after that too.
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12 years ago
Aug 12, 2012, 4:46:17 PM
All of the medium/large AI ships have names like MEDIUM1TERRANTEMPLATES12, or similar. This comes from file AI/ShipDesignTemplate.xml:



I tried changing this to use localization strings:



But then what shows up as the ship name is %SHIPCLASSTERRANMEDIUM1TITLE12, or similar. This is no better. I am locally hacking to use the names from the english localization file. For non-english games, this is still probably an improvement, but please fix the game to use the localization strings, and then use the attached xml file, so that we don't see these non-flavorful names.
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